In the past, Administrators (Admins) have chosen new Discussions Moderators (Mods) based on their activity-level and recommendations from current users and Mods. However, there have been suggestions on other ways Mods could be chosen that would allow more people to participate in the process. This proposal is to consider those other possibilities.
This vote will remain open for 7 days and will close by the end of the day, Friday March 15th 2019 (GMT -11). Only votes from users with more than 20 Discussions posts will be counted per the Voting Policy.
For this proposal, a user is anyone with a registered account, and a qualified voter is any user with more than 20 posts here on the Harry Potter Discussions Board, as specified in the Voting Policy.
Please vote for ONE of the following options and include any comments with your vote:
OPTION A - Any user can nominate a user (including themself) to become a Mod; All qualified voters can participate in a vote held by Administrators regarding the nominee.
OPTION B - Only current Mods and Admins can nominate a user to become a Mod; All qualified voters can participate in a vote held by Administrators regarding the nominee.
OPTION C - Any user can nominate a user (including themself) to become a Mod; Only current Mods and Admins can participate in a vote regarding the nominee.
OPTION D - Admins will continue to promote new Mods based on recommendations from current users and Mods.
Please let me know if there are any questions about this proposal. Thanks!
RESULT: Vote closed and tallied 3/15/2019 (6:30p GMT -11)
OPTION B voted in by +4 votes over all other options combined (15 for B, 3 for A, 7 for C, 1 for D)