So I'll start, only wrong answers...😉
Who is Hermione Granger? (Don't forget to add a new question so we can continue with different answers.)
Bob Odgen
Who is Harry’s first girl friend?
Luna Finnigan
Who is Seamus' current S/O? (significant other)
Random Irish witch
Who were the house founders
Voldy, dumby, hermy and grawpy
What are the 4 houses?
Voldemort,Dumbledire,Hermione and Grawp
Who is Hagrid’s half bro
Oddo the hero
Who is sybill?
Hogwarts current Headmistress
Who married Hermione Jene Granger
What is a witch
A male squib
What’s Harry’s middle name
Who is Wormtail?
What do you think?