After long consideration I do not think it is possible to do a full length prisoner of Azkaban re-write considering a lot of its plot deals with Sirius escaping from Azkaban which clearly isn't possible in a fic where Sirius never went to Azkaban. I will just skip to Goblet of fire, but before I do I have compiled important events that occur in the year in between. And if later I find further inspiration I may return to do a Prisoner of Azkaban, though I doubt it. Anyone who wants to be tagged when I start my GoF re-write let me know.
Tags: @MeowTasticCat @Bellatrisblack
-On the train to school Remus insists that Canini go sit with other first years instead of with him, but Harry, Theodore, Allison, and Tracey end up sitting with him because everywhere else is full.
-Canini is sorted into Hufflepuff
Harry’s classes year three:
-Monday: Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindor, History of Magic with Hufflepuff.
-Tuesday: Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindor, Muggle Studies with Ravenclaw. Extra curricular: art
-Wednesday: Transfiguration with Hufflepuff, Divination with Hufflepuff.
-Thursday: Double Potions with Gryffindor, Charms with Ravenclaw.
-Friday: Herbology with Ravenclaw, midnight Astrology with all third years, Extra curricular: music.
-Hufflepuffs in Canini’s year:
Sisi Makerere
Bhavana Patel
Ashish Patel
Isabella Tintwistle
Gwendoline Hedgeflower
Karl Limpley
Melvin Catterick
Graham Romsey
Brendon Halkirk
-I like the original canon where Marcus was in year six in Philosopher Stone and failed in his seventh year so had to repeat a year in Harry's third year.
-Slytherin team has the same configuration as the previous year, and since Harry still faints during one of the games they lose that match and don't win the cup that year.
-Deaths that take place that year:
Nicolas Flamel: May 1993
Perenelle Flamel: June 1993
Theodosia Tonks: August 1993 (stroke)
-Nymphadora breaks up with Ben Copper after her grandmother dies.
-Theodore in year three had a crush on Hermione.
-Hermione, becoming close friends with Alicia Spinnet and Ginny, decides to practice and tryout for Quidditch in her third year. She manages to become a reserve Chaser, but her real position was the teams secret analyst and strategists. She would spy on other teams practices, tryouts, and games that Gryffindor wasn’t playing, and would compile the data to help her team. She made many friends this way. By the end Harry’s gang figured her out and reported her, being an analyst and strategist wasn’t against the rules, but actively spying was so the team was told to stop this. She remained her position in year five but quit at the end of the year so that she could study more in year six.
-Theodore moves into Mould-on-the-Wold cottage, and although he is very grateful, he keeps to himself a lot. The love he receives from Harry’s family helps him grow into a better person and also to give him the strength to come out as bi.
-Theodore had a crush on Harry from the moment he meets him just after their sorting ceremony until end of year two where they become more like brothers. Year three he has a crush on Hermione but it is unreciprocated, he also starts hanging out more with Colin.
-Draco gradually gets reformed throughout year three and Pansy, Zabini, Crabbe, and Goyle become the main big bullies. Draco is still a jerk but no where as bad and he hangs out with Daphne and Millicent.
-Peter gets out of Azkaban. I think Ron will find Peter in rat form after Dot dies and that will be how Peter gets to hogwarts, but after that I don’t know. Peter wants to be at hogwarts to get revenge on Remus and Harry.
-No Time Turner (Hermione still gets one but she isn’t a major character and like in canon will give it back at the end of the year.)
At the beginning of book two it’s mentioned that a girl fell down the ravenclaw stairs because she’s trans, this is Luna. The same thing happens to Canini the next year and she owls Harry instead of Remus because she doesn’t want her dad involved, so Harry owls Cedric who he knew from quidditch and knew he was a Prefect to change the stair spell.
-Sirius is a stay at home dad who outside of spending time with Canini, Remus, and Andromeda likes going to pubs and taking long drives through countryside muggle style on his motorcycle.
-Remus co-owns a cafe with a muggle, in the morning (6am-11am) the muggle runs it, in the afternoon (11am-5pm) he helps run the place but at night (5pm-10pm) it closes to muggles and opens to the wizards as a secret social gathering place. Outside of the cafe Remus is always learning and practicing new defensive spells as he hopes to one day become an Auror once more, but he is also documenting all knowledge and history of werewolves he can come across as well as his own life’s journey and hopes to publish it once werewolf anti-discrimination laws are passed.
-While Remus was teaching at hogwarts, Sirius temporarily took over the muggle shop.
-Remus publishes the book at the end of year three as he realizes he’ll never be hired by wizards ever again and what could he lose. Canini is not mentioned in the book for her own safety. Wizards stop coming to the night cafe because he’s a werewolf and so he stops the night wizard hours and lets the muggle run the place and helps out when needed.
-Remus is politely dismissed by Dumbledore at the end of year three instead of Remus quitting before backlash hit.
-Canini is a registered werewolf, and so all it will take for her to be exposed at school is for someone to ask there parents to check the list.
-Canini looks up to Susan Bones but would only consider her a friendly acquaintance.
-Harry gets to know Niall Urquhart, Ella Wilkins, and Bridget Moloney.
-Harry also meets Luna Lovegood, as she is a friend of both Ginny and Hermione, but only meets, he doesn’t get to know her in book three.
-Colin sometimes sits with Harry and talk, and through this Theodore gets to know him better.
-Conflict still takes place at the shrieking shack. When whatever conflict between Harry, Allison, Tracey, Theodore, Remus, Snape and the antagonist (Peter?) looks like it is under wraps and Remus is about to take the potion when Canini arrives. Since Snape had gone after Remus, Canini had not received her potion. In an act of sacrifice Remus gives her his but then asks them all to run. They do but when Canini starts to transform she tells them she’ll hold Remus off. She and Remus fight, leaving Canini badly hurt and scarred. Peter escapes in the chaos.
-Draco never complains to his father so Buckbeak is never sentenced to death.
-For a book where in canon was mostly about Sirius black I can’t think of a reason for him to actually be in it more then a conversation or two in mine.
-Harry still faints during Quidditch and Sirius gets him a Firebolt.
-With Peter on the loose Sirius and Remus decide not to let Harry go to Hogsmeade for his own safety and he still gets the map and goes anyway.
-Remus still teaches him to defend himself against dementors.
-For the dementors to leave they must think Peter is dead, so I think he will fake his death once more but more convincingly this time.
-What Harry knows about Peter before PoA: was a friend of the family, that he was his parents secret keeper and betrayed them.
-What Harry does not know about Peter before PoA that he learns: that he was really close friends with James, that he was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, that Peter had become a death eater a full year before he told Voldemort Harry’s location and was the reason for many deaths in that time thanks to his leaked information.
-So when Harry learns these facts about Peter he will still be just as upset, but unlike in canon his anger is justified as Peter did do all those things.
-Harry learns how to cast a patronus, but he will have no reason to cast the massive one he did when he used the time turner.
-At the end of the year Terence is made Slytherin team captain.