Birth Month -
January - Harry Potter
February - Draco Malfoy
March - Ginny Weasley
April - Albus Dumbledore
May - Voldemort/Tom Riddle
June - Newt Scamander
July - Leta Lestrange
August - Hermione Granger
September - Ron Weasley
October - Luna Lovegood
November - Neville Longbottom
December - Severus Snape
Favourite Color -
Red - kissed me
Orange - stabbed me
Yellow - cruciated me
Green - betrayed me
Blue - helped me
Purple - punched me
Pink - helped me
Other - torured me
Favourite Harry Potter book -
SS - in front of Voldemort, Snape and the Carrows
CoS - in front of Narcissa, Lucius and Bellatrix
PoA - in front of Newt, Leta and Credence
GoF - in front of Gellert, Nagini and Jacob
OotP - in front of Tina, Queenie and Newt
HBP - in front of Harry, Ron and Hermione
DH - in front of Dumbeldore, McGongall and Snape
Favourite Number (One through seven) -
1 - because he/she was forced to
2 - because he/she was angry with me
3 - because he/she wanted to kill me
4 - because he/she loved me
5 - because he/she wanted to protect me
6 - because he/she wanted to teach me something
7 - because he/she wanted to protect me
Mine is -
Draco Malfoy kissed me in front of Harry, Ron and Hermione because he wanted to protect me.
IDK? Makes a little sense, because I have a crush on Draco. (1% crush on Harry)