Is it just me or do we all wish we could go to Hogwarts? When I turned 11 I didn't get my Hogwarts letter😥
P.s. What house are all of you in? I am in Ravenclaw!
Sad letterless Hufflepuff , I also thought about Ilvermony
I used to, and sometimes I still want to in an escapism kinda way, but it feels more unwelcoming and hostile there as time goes on, so it’s losing some appeal
Hello fellow raven
Me = A Gryffindor
I’m a Ravenclaw with lots of Slytherin friends.
Hellow fellow ravens
Dude, what if Hogwarts is real, and we just werent selected, and they do a good job hiding it? (This would also mean that the books are BIOGRAPHIES)
@MGMPlaysYT I believe it dude!
What do you think?