Almost ten years had passed since Lily's death and a now eleven year old Harry Potter had grown up in a loving home, albeit one without a maternal figure. His Uncle Sirius was carefree and fun-loving, his Uncle Remus was firm but fair and flexible and his dad, James was a balance between both. Various pictures of him and the Marauders from over the years hung around the walls of Potter Manor.
A tall, healthy and well-cared for Harry came down excitedly on the morning of his eleventh Birthday and entered the Potter Manor living room to be greeted by three cheerful Marauders. There was an assortment of presents in the living room from the Marauders and close family friends.
"Happy Birthday son!" James exclaimed as he embraced Harry.
"Thanks dad," said Harry, hugging his father back.
Sirius and Remus took turns hugging and wishing the birthday boy after father and son had pulled away. Harry looked at his pile of presents and one package in particular caught his eyes. He knew what was in the package. He had begged his dad for a Nimbus Two Thousand when he saw it on display at Diagon Alley. So far, he only owned a Comet Two Fifty. He opened the package from James with glee and stared slack jawed at his new broom, his eyes shining with awe as he stroked it. He remembered his manners when he noticed the amused Marauders admiring his antics.
"Thank you so much dad," said Harry as he gratefully hugged his father.
"I'm glad you like it," James grinned.
"May I please take it to Hogwarts with me?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Sorry son, but first years aren't allowed to bring brooms," said James.
"I can sneak it in," said Harry cheekily.
"Harry, breaking minor rules is one thing, but breaking a major rule stated in your acceptance letter would be pushing it a little too far," said James. "At least that's what your grandfather told me when I wanted to sneak my broom into Hogwarts during my first year," he added as an afterthought.
"I guess I can wait for my second year," said Harry thoughtfully.
"Come on Prongslet, you've got other gifts to unwrap," said Sirius.
Harry saw a cage with a snowy owl.
"Hagrid sent this," said Remus.
Harry had never met Rubeus Hagrid, but he had heard a lot about the kind and lovable half-giant who was the groundskeeper of Hogwarts from the Marauders. He read the note from Hagrid which said that he couldn't wait to meet him at Hogwarts. Harry dug into the rest of his presents, including the ones from Sirius and Remus and gratefully thanked his uncles. James reminded him that he would have to send out thank you notes to those who had sent him gifts.
In was a warm, sunny day as Harry and Marauders walked around Diagon Alley. They were there to spend Harry's birthday and get his school supplies. The Birthday boy was the most excited about getting his first wand and spell books. He was recognized and greeted by witches and wizards that he had never met. He had only been to Diagon Alley four times before as his dad usually preferred shopping at muggle stores, mostly to avoid the unwanted attention the Boy Who Lived received when they shopped in the wizarding world.
They parted ways as Sirius went off to meet his fiancée, Miranda who urgently needed his assistance to sort out a problem with their wedding planner. The couple was set to get married during the Christmas holidays. Remus who was a successful author of fiction books that were quite popular in the wizarding world had to quickly meet his publisher for something. He also occasionally wrote non-fiction books. In the meantime, James and Harry headed to Gringotts.
At Gringotts, father and son ran into large man with kind eyes and unkempt hair.
"Hagrid!" James greeted Hagrid cheerfully.
"James!" Hagrid greeted him just as cheerfully. "It's so good to see yeh,"
"It's so good to see you too Hagrid."
"And this young man must be little Harry," said Hagrid fondly. "Yeh were just a baby the last time I saw yeh."
"It's really nice to meet you Hagrid," said Harry as Hagrid beamed. "And thank you very much for the owl. She's amazing," he added gratefully.
"Oh, it's nothing," Hagrid patted him.
Harry and James were right behind Hagrid in line, so they heard him tell the goblin something about a letter from Dumbledore and a very secret Hogwarts business involving "You-Know-What" in Vault 713. Harry wondered what was in Vault 713. After getting their money from Gringotts, he saw Hagrid carry a small package which he knew was the "You-Know-What". The half-giant quickly but politely bid them goodbye and said that he was in a hurry before hurrying off. Harry thought this was odd as James held his hand and led him out of Gringotts.
"What's 'You-Know-What' in Vault 713, dad?" he asked.
"No idea," James shrugged. But Harry could tell his dad was also curious about why Hagrid was acting strangely when he had the package with him.
Harry was left at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get his uniform while James had to get something at the shop next door. Madam Malkin stood him on a stool next to a pale, blonde boy with a pointed face and began fitting him. Harry and the boy recognized each other. They had met three times before; once during Sirius' mom's funeral, once during the previous Quidditch World Cup Finals and once at a social event where the boy's father, Lucius Malfoy had invited Harry and the Marauders to one of his parties. James had declined the invitation. Despite having seen him three times, he had never spoken to the boy before. But he had overheard the Marauders say that Lucius was one Voldemort's Death Eaters who came back to the light side and claimed to have been bewitched.
"You're ... Harry Potter aren't you?" Draco eyed him with interest. Madam Malkin perked up with interest too but chose to remain quiet.
"Yes, you're ... sorry I never got your first name," said Harry.
"Draco. Draco Malfoy", said Draco pompously as he held out his hand and Harry politely shook it. "Where's your dad?"
"Next door, getting something," said Harry.
"My dad's next door at Flourish and Blotts. Mum's at Olivanders. Do you own a broom, Potter?" asked Draco.
"My dad just got me a Nimbus Two Thousand for my birthday," said Harry.
"Cool! I was planning on getting father to get me one after this. It's annoying that first years aren't allowed to bring their own broom, don't you think?" asked Draco.
"I know. It's a stupid rule," Harry agreed.
"I think I'll get father to agree to let me smuggle mine in somehow," said Draco.
"I tried to get my father to let me sneak mine in, but he says it would be pushing it too far to break such a major rule," Harry shrugged as they both sniggered.
"Fathers. They're great but it's annoying when they enforce rules," said Draco knowingly. "My father says it's a crime if I'm not chosen to play for my house."
"My dad's hoping I'll play for my house too," said Harry.
"Do you know which house you'll be in yet?" asked Draco.
"I'm hoping to be in Gryffindor like my parents and most of my father's family," said Harry.
"I guess most people prefer to be sorted into the house their family was in. I know I'll be in Slytherin. My whole family has been in Slytherin," said Draco. "You might want to consider Slytherin too though."
"Why?" asked Harry.
"That's the house that usually doesn't have any muggle-borns. You and I come from ancient wizarding families. You don't want to be mixing with that sort. They weren't brought up to know our ways. I don't think Hogwarts should let their kind in, do you?" asked Draco.
Harry felt a surge of anger but controlled it.
"My mum's muggle-born," he said indignantly.
"That's alright. At least your dad's pureblood," said Draco, clearly missing his tone and oblivious that he had touched a nerve.
Harry didn't know what to make of this boy. Talking to him about Quidditch and brooms was nice but he was also arrogant and bigoted towards muggle-borns.
"You're done Mr. Malfoy," said Madam Malkin.
James came in just as Draco hoped down from the footstool.
"Good day Mr. Potter," Draco said politely.
James looked a little taken back.
"Good day, umm ... Lucius Malfoy's son right?"
"That's right," said Draco proudly. "I'll see you at Hogwarts, Harry".
"See you at Hogwarts," Harry replied as Draco exited the shop.
James and Harry exchanged puzzled looks.
"You're done too, dear," said Madam Malkin to Harry before father or son could say anything.
"Your Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus will be meeting us at Olivander's. We'll get your books and school supplies first," said James.
They exited Madam Malkins after paying her and headed to Flourish and Blotts next door.