The Phoenix Pioneers was having tryouts for their new seeker at the Pioneer's Stadium. The team's owner James and head coach, Benjamin Wood were watching the tryouts and occasionally discussing each player who tried out. Their sons were having their own discussion a few feet away.
"Charlie Weasley would have perfect for the position," said Oliver Wood.
"Charlie Weasley?" Harry tried to search his brain as he remembered hearing that name before. "Oh right. The Gryffindor team's Seeker and Captain. You said he was good enough to play professionally."
"He graduated and I was made team Captain," said Oliver.
"Congratulations, that's great," said Harry enthusiastically, giving Oliver a fleeting hug.
Oliver clasped his hands over his head. "But without Charlie, our team's at a severe disadvantage. It's on me to find a suitable replacement and that makes me feel a little pressured."
"You'll find one," said Harry reassuringly.
"You're a great Seeker. If you're sorted into Gryffindor, perhaps you could become our Seeker," said Oliver with a sudden thought.
"But first years aren't allowed though," said Harry.
"Right ... " said Oliver, who was dull again. "Perhaps I'll get a seventh year. That way you can join the team in your second year. You're a good chaser too, better than the chasers on the team. If I find a good seeker, you could replace one of the chasers instead," Olivers offered.
"That wouldn't be fair. I don't want to take anyone's spot unless they've graduated," said Harry.
"It would be fair if you're a better player. As team captain, it's my duty to find to find the best player for each position even if it means replacing existing players." said Oliver a matter-of-factly.
"I guess. But I really hope it doesn't come to that," said Harry as Oliver grinned at what he thought of as extreme kindness. "Why didn't you ask Charlie Weasley to try out?"
"I did. He preferred accepting a job in Romania to work with dragons".
"He prefers working with dragons?" asked Harry in amused disbelief.
"I couldn't believe it either," said Oliver as they both sniggered.
Harry respected Charlie Weasley's preference and interests but couldn't help but be amused that he preferred working with dragons over being a professional Quidditch player as Harry couldn't imagine working with anything that dangerous and loved Quidditch.
"So, are you going to work the Gryffindor team as hard as your dad works the Pioneers?" Harry teased.
Benjamin Wood was a strict, no-nonsense coach who pushed the team to their full potential and would even have a maniacal glint in his eyes when it came to Qudditch. He was Captain of the Gryffindor team during James's first three years at Hogwarts. Experiencing his strong-willed determination as Quidditch captain made James think he was perfect for coaching a professional Quidditch team
"I'd probably be working the team even harder than my dad, Harry," Oliver teased back with the same maniacal glint in his eyes as his father as the boys laughed it off.
That night, the Marauders and Harry were having dinner at the Potter Manor dining room when Sirius's upcoming wedding came up.
"Wedding's been brought up to early December because The Platinum Hotel is unavailable on our original date," Sirius announced. "Harry can get the weekend off from school right?"
"Yeah, but we would need permission from his Head of House to bring him home for the weekend," said James.
"Excellent! That won't be problem then. Surely Professor McGonagall would let Harry off," said Sirius cheerfully as if the matter was solved.
"Your father was a bit of her favorite, although she was both simultaneously fond and exasperated by him in school," Remus winked.
"But what if I'm not in Gryffindor?" asked Harry apprehensively.
"Professor Flitwick from Ravenclaw and Professor Sprout from Hufflepuff are reasonable and fair. And if you're in Slytherin, Professor Snaaape..." James trailed.
James exchanged uncomfortable looks with both his bestfriends. He couldn't imagine having to ask Severus Snape's permission to bring Harry home for the weekend. He was sure it wouldn't go well. Harry had already heard a brief summary of his rivalry with Snape. The Marauders had merely told him that James and Sirius were at loggerheads with Snape from almost the moment that they met and how the house rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin was even more intense in their schooldays since Voldermort was at the peak of his power. They felt it was too soon to give Harry any more details on their relationship with Snape.
"Well, I'm sure if it comes to that, Professor Dumbledore as Headmaster would be able to overwrite Snape and allow Harry to attend the wedding," Remus reasoned.
James agreed with Remus, but he still thought it would be incredibly awkward to constantly have to deal with Severus Snape if he was Harry's Head of House. He was prepared put aside his feelings and be civil to Snape just for Harry, but he doubted the Potion's Master would return the gesture. The last time he saw Snape was shortly after Lily died. He had run into him at a store and Snape jumped at blaming him for Lily's death and saying that it should have been him instead of Lily. His reasoning for blaming James was his wrongful trust in Peter Pettigrew and that Lily would still be alive if she hadn't married him. Normally, Snape's words would probably have gotten a rise out of James, but James blamed himself for Lily's death too and Snape's words only made him feel guiltier rather than angry. He chose to just glare at Snape and walk away.
Almost a month later, it was the night of August 31st and Harry's last night home before he went off to Hogwarts the next day. James was tucking him in bed when the latter asked him an unexpected question.
"Dad, what if I'm in Slytherin?" Harry asked cautiously.
James searched his son's face and carefully pondered his answer. He knew he would still love Harry just as much if he was in Slytherin but he might be just a little disappointed if he was in Slytherin. He knew that not all Slytherins were evil, after all, he had always had an excellent relationship with Andromeda and Slughorn. He had stopped viewing things as black or white in that sense. But there were still some of that lingering house rivalry, and the fact that Severus Snape was the Head of Slytherin. Snape would have more power to make Harry miserable as his Head of House.
James chose not to let this all out to Harry. He had already worried his son enough by giving him brief information on his rivalry with Snape, but that was just to give him a forewarning to be extra careful in Snape's class. Moreover, he certainly didn't want Harry to feel bad in any way if he did by chance get sorted into Slytherin. He just hoped Snape would be objective enough to not take out his schoolboy grudge against him on his son no matter which house he got sorted into. Knowing Harry's character though, he was almost certain he would be a Gryffindor.
"Harry, I'd still love you just the same if you were in Slytherin. It doesn't matter which house you're in but what you make of yourself in that house," said James.
"It's just that Slytherin is associated with evil, Voldemort and the Dark Arts," said Harry.
"That's because by a coincidence, most but not all evil wizards happen to have been in Slytherin. But it doesn't mean that most Slytherins are evil. The Sorting Hat actually considered Slytherin for me," James confessed.
"Really?" asked Harry, astonished.
"It considered all four houses actually. It said I had Hufflepuff's loyalty and dedication. Slytherin's disregard for rules, determination and resourcefulness. Ravenclaw's intelligence, wit, creativity and originality. In the end, it decided my Gryffindor traits were more prevalent and what I truly valued."
Harry relaxed a little bit, but still looked a little unconvinced.
"Harry, it's not that the hat detects evil in a kid and puts that kid in Slytherin. You know a few good Slytherins, including your godfather's cousin, Andromeda. Even Professor Slughorn who was the Head of Slytherin while I was at Hogwarts was good, albeit a schmoozer. He was your mother's favorite professor, in fact."
"So it would really be alright if I somehow go sorted into Slytherin?"
"Certainly. You have nothing to worry about," James reassured his son.
Harry finally looked convinced as he threw his arms around his father and held tight. "I love you dad"
"I love you too, son," James hugged him back. "Now, you sleep tight and don't worry about a thing, alright?" he said as he tucked Harry in.
Harry nodded. "Goodnight"
"Goodnight" James kissed Harry's forehead before leaving his room.
Harry was unaware that after he had fallen asleep, his father had come back into his room and lovingly watched him sleep for a full hour. It was the last night he would get to see his son for the next few months. Sirius and Remus had joined him in lovingly watching him sleep at some point during the hour, but they only stayed for about fifteen minutes.