After the Malfoys had left the Death Eaters, they all went home, but Narcissa wanted to discuss important matters with Lucius about her son Draco.
"What's this about, Narcissa?" Lucius asked skeptically.
"About how I let you get away with seventeen years of making our son's life a living hell." Narcissa seethes, "I can't believe I even married you to begin with. I would've married Severus after the war's over, but he died. That doesn't mean I'm not divorcing you though."
"D-Divorce me?" Lucius asked shakily. "But I don't want you to divorce me. I love you. And I don't know what I did to Draco, but I'll try to be better. Don't divorce me, Narcissa."
"No, I'm standing by my decision, and that's final." Narcissa told him, "In fact, I don't even know why I didn't think of this the minute Draco was born. I helped you raise him to become prejudiced and evil like you, I gave you more attention than him, I made excuses for you, I stood by while you endangered our son by letting him around a ferreting serial killer and worse yet, by actually TAKING him to see that same Dark Lord, I practically gave up me and Draco's safety for you, I even helped Severus bail you out of jail. But what did you do in return for it? You continuously treat our son like a pawn, you yell at him just because that Granger girl gets better grades than him, you lie to him, you use him, you almost send him to the Durmstrang Institute, you don't even try to protect him from the Dark Lord, you unintentionally betrayed Severus to Nagini with no remorse, you force Draco to become a Death Eater, and you just don't even let me spend any time with him unless you're in Azkaban. And YOU NEVER EVEN FERRETING APOLOGIZED, SO WE'RE GETTING DIVORCED, I'M GETTING CUSTODY OF DRACO, AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE SENT SOMEWHERE ELSE THAT'S FAR WORSE THAN AZKABAN! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Narcissa screamed, Lucius just looked terrified.
"Okay, Narcissa..." Lucius shuddered, "I'll go pack my bags..."
5 days later...
Narcissa and Lucius were divorced, Narcissa had full custody of Draco, then they both watched Lucius leave, along with some of the others.
Harry simply waved.
Ron closed his eyes and looked down.
Hermione just looked relieved Lucius was leaving.
Neville prayed.
Ginny smirked.
Luna stared dreamily.
Bellatrix (she actually lives in this route, she kills Molly, but not the kids or Arthur) led Lucius to the car and drove him away to an exile, Lucius looked at Narcissa and Draco one last time before Bellatrix drove off.
Draco and Narcissa were in their new home, Daffodil Place, both of them were crying uncontrollably while hugging each other.
Note: Even though I hate Lucius with a passion, I'd be lying if I said this didn't depress me.
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