@HarumiJadeFan It's okay; I don't think you're being rude! I'll try to explain as best I can. "Hybrid houses" are a concept made up my fans, for people who identify with more than one Hogwarts House.
For example, I was "sorted" a long time ago into Hufflepuff on that website, that assigns you a house, and for years, I considered myself to be a Hufflepuff. However, more recently, I tried sorting myself again on the website, and this time, I got assigned a different House-- Ravenclaw. I decided to go with this change, especially since I do value the traits that Ravenclaw prizes (intelligence and wit, and being open-minded, and willing to think outside the box), and now I consider my House to be Ravenclaw. However, I do still relate quite a bit to Hufflepuff's values (hard work and loyalty), and so I like to think that, if Ravenclaw is my main, "primary" house, then Hufflepuff is my "secondary" House-- in other words, the House I would be in if I wasn't Ravenclaw.
The whole "hybrid house" concept, with primary and secondary houses, is all hypothetical; there is, after all, no such thing as hybrid houses in the stories, and, mainly because of this, there are a large number of fans who haven't bought into the concept; they might say they have traits of different houses, but they won't claim to have a "hybrid house." And, again, it's true that there's no such thing as a literal "hybrid house"; it's just a way, at least in my case, of conveying that there are two Houses I strongly identify with, and if there were hypothetical Houses for those "split" between two Hogwarts Houses, mine would be Ravenpuff, because even though I'm primarily a Ravenclaw, I still strongly relate to Hufflepuff.
I don't know if this made things any clearer or not LOL