Hey Potterheads!
I'm opening a community vote based on this discussion started by @Peregino regarding our OT policy. Since there were two parts of this proposal that may have different pros and cons, I've decided to divide the post into two categories that can be voted on separately.
Proposition #1:
Posts celebrating new months and nationally recognized holidays (e.g., Christmas, New Year's Day, St. Patrick’s Day, International Women’s Day) will be allowed, regardless of their relation to HP. However, more insignificant topics (e.g., “Happy Friday,” “Happy Birthday to…”) will still be subject to moderator actions.
Proposition #2:
Posts announcing personal, but important news that may affect the community, specifically farewell messages, will be allowed despite not technically being on-topic.
Should this proposition be passed, the "New First-years" category will be updated to include farewell posts as well. Moderator discretion will still be used if there are excessive low-quality posts that constitute spam, or toxic posts that disrupt the community.
Before voting, I would highly recommend reading the community's inputs on the original discussion post.
Users are requested to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the propositions above. Please make it clear which proposition(s) you are voting for or against.
As per the Voting Policy, I will be the Organizing Admin of this vote. Please let met know on the Ministry of Moderation if there are any questions!
Please note:
For Discussions-only-related topics, only autoconfirmed registered users with more than 20 Discussions posts may participate in voting.
A comment may be included with the vote if the user wishes.
This vote will remain open for 7 days.
Vote opened: 03:57, 7 January 2025 (UTC)