Not which class you would WANT to take or your favorite, but which do you think you would excel at? Bonus points for throwing in the class you would most likely fail miserably at.
41 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
Not which class you would WANT to take or your favorite, but which do you think you would excel at? Bonus points for throwing in the class you would most likely fail miserably at.
76 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
If you were to attend hogwarts, what classes do you think would be your favourite?
Mine would be charms, transfiguration and astronomy
I'd probably like care of magical creatures aswell ✨️
Parents: Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black
Favorite class: Charms
Teacher who likes me: Remus Lupin
Pet: Black cat
Trio: Tom Riddle, Luna Lovegood, Me
Best Friend: Ferret Boy (Draco)
Who I study with: Hermione Granger
Who is jealous of me: Hermione Granger
First Kiss: Parvati Patil
Who saves me in BOH: George Weasley
Who I eventually marry: Blaise Zabini
#SlytherinLife lol
Hey! I'm starting a trivia game with questions every day now that you can answer. Here are the rules below and how to play
1: You must state your house when telling the answer.
2: Please refrain from looking the answer up on any search engines.
3: Only answer one question for each trivia, please!
How To Play
1: Read the questions from the post.
2: Think about your answer, and then state your house and answer in a reply.
3: Whoever gets the question right first gets 5-10 points to their house.
(Questions can only be answered once before they are off-limits to other people)
Please note that I am offline a lot in Fandom and it takes some time for me to mark questions as answered.
Here are the questions! (The category is Charms)
1: What is the name of the Colour Change Charm? (answered)
2: Who is the Charms professor in Hogwarts Legacy? (answered)
3: What house is Professor Flitwick in? (answered)
Make sure to read the rules and how to play before answering! :) Good luck.
Gryffindor: 0
Slytherin: 0
Hufflepuff: 0
Ravenclaw: 15
Hey! I'm writing a fan fiction on the Marauder's Era, and was wondering what Professors were around then. I think I have most of them figured out, but still am not sure on the Charms Professor, who I need in order to complete my next chapter. If anybody knew then please, please, please reply! Oh, and if anybody wants to comment all the Professors that great to so that I can double check, thanks!
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56 Votes in Poll
68 Votes in Poll
Today's Character: Filius Flitwick
Here's Mine: I think he is a good teacher. He isn’t my favourite teacher, but he is one of the best.
Fun Fact: Flitwick's favourite drink is cherry syrup and soda with ice and an umbrella.
69 Votes in Poll
Next up, it's about time we compare the subjects of Hogwarts, and the respected Quanticom Academy.
First, we have the iconic class of charms, taught by Ravenclaw head of house, Filius Flitwick. Here, we have the class of codes, taught by Davera Clan Leader, Prof. Bastian Zhen. Both of these classes teach a subject that adds properties to an object or individual.
Next up, is the class of potions, taught by Slytherin head of house, Severus Snape. For this, we have Chemistry, taught by Prof. Apollo Helius. I think this one is pretty self-explanatory, correct?
Third, is the class of Transfiguration, taught by deputy head and Gryffindor head of house, Minerva McGonagall. For this, we have Engineering, taught by Statusia clan leader, Prof. William Daedalus. The class' topics have little similarities, though their role as a much harder class both line up.
Fourth is Herbology, taught by Hufflepuff Head of House, Pomona Sprout. Here, we actually have two classes, biology and advanced botany, both of which are taught by Prof. Bella Sorris. They are both concerned with the study of plants and their special properties, though biology also concerns itself with interesting creatures.
Fifth up, is Defence Against the Dark Arts, taught by lots of people, notably Alastor Moody/Bartemius Crouch Jr, and Werewolf Remus Lupin. Here, we have Protection Against V.R.S energy, also taught by Davera clan leader, Prof. Bastian Zhen. Both of these classes concern themselves with teaching students how to defend themselves from the foulest of practises.
Finally, for now, we have Astronomy, taught by Aurora Sinistra. Here, we have the identically named Astronomy, taught by Famed Explorer and Zoology Teacher, Capt. James Miserio.
80 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
So i was thinking about Hogwarts and the classes they have and i stated think that this seemed like a flawed system. Hogwarts primary teaches classes that have to do with magical skills (charms, transfiguration, potions, etc) which is good for learning how to be a skilled wizard, however it also means that all of these wizard essentially stop there education at 6th grade. i know that some of the stuff isn't applicable to their lives in the wizarding world, but some would be helpful. just think about, they dont have any english classes. English class help you think critically, anaylize and communicate, so if the wizarding population doesn't have that then what? Hermione once said that alot of the greats wizards dont have a ounce of logic, which i think is a reflection on how wizarding schools only teach magic. what are you guys thoughts on all this? do you think they should add classes to Hogwarts so they include some of the important muggle courses? do you think they should wait longer for kids to start attending? what are the ramifications of all this?
455 Votes in Poll
104 Votes in Poll