we'll go in order of creation since I made them one after the other, firstly we've got:
Name: Zackery Davis
Birthday: 04/04/2009
Gender: Male
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Sycamore wood with a unicorn coге 14 ½" and unyielding flexibility
Patronus: Dolphin
Boggart: Spider
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Relationship Status: Single Bisexual
Personality: a very booksmart and kind soul, he's also extremely street smart and cunning at times, favorite pass time is laughing at the absurd fraduity of gilderoy lockhart
next, we have:
Name: Harriette Eldridge
Birthday: 08/19/2009
Gender: Female
House: Gryffindor
Wand: English oak wood with a dragon core 10 ¼'' and reasonably supple flexibility
Patronus: Osprey
Boggart: Clown
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Relationship Status: Single Pansexual (although she's in love with miranda)
Personality: an extremely brave soul, willing to sacrifice herself for her friends and family, truly a gryffindor if i've ever seen one, and of course she knows how to let loose, kick back, and live a little while being a bit goofy in the process
next there's:
Name: Lamar Roberts
Birthday: 07/03/2009
Gender: Male
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ebony wood with a unicorn core 10 ¾'' and slightly yielding flexibility
Patronus: Fox
Boggart: A Dark Room
Blood Status: Muggle-Born
Relationship Status: Single Pansexual
Personality: a really kind soul, he's essentially the parent of the friend group caring for and getting to the needs of all he cares about, very carefree as well, usually never anxious, also an extremely patient sort as well, it's hard to get him to crack, but when he does....well make sure to proofread your will
and finally:
Name: Miranda Woods
Birthday: 04/15/2009
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin
Wand: Beech wood with a dragon core 13'' and a reasonably supple flexibility
Patronus: Eagle
Boggart: Inferi
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Relationship Status: Single Lesbian (although she's in love with harriette)
Personality: a somewhat cunning sort she's also extremely carefree and kind, not what's typically associated with a slytherin, but that's where she is, and she's fine with it, won't kill unless absolutely necessary, she also loves a good prank every now and then
oh yeah, they're also all in the same year and together they all make up a friend group
ok that's the end goodbye, sound off what you think in the replies i guess (if you want too that is i won't force you :])