Chapter one: the letters from no one
‘Mum, Dad I have a letter,’ shouted an overweight boy this was Dudley Dursley, ‘and Potter has one too.’ Harry Potter was Dudley’s cousin Dudley had blonde hair and was a bully to Harry who was skinny had untidy black hair and knobbly knees. He was with the Dursleys because both his parents had died, he thought in a car crash and he was left with a scar like lightning his mother’s sister his aunt Petunia and her husband uncle Vernon. Bring them in Dudders shouted aunt Petunia
Oh, Dudders it says here you have been accepted into Hogwarts. ‘Come again said Harry, Because I have too’
‘Ah well we have been keeping something secret from you all these years,’ said aunt Petunia. ‘Your parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort You and Dudders are wizards.’ ‘WHAT!’ shouted Harry ‘I’M A WIZARD!’ ‘Yes, you and Dudders are going to learn Magic.’ Harry looked at his letter again there was another piece of paper in it that said,
Dear Mr Potter I hope we find you well, we wished to tell you that you have been accepted Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry we inclose your book list and await your owl by no later than 31st of July
Hagrid the gamekeeper will come to your house to speak to your parents/guardians later
Thank you
Minerva mc gongall
So, this Hagrid could turn up any minute grunted uncle Vernon.
Then after a silent lunch aunt Petunia said Oh if my sister could see me now wondering which house my Didders will be in then uncle Vernon said imagine it Petunia
a Dursley at Hogwarts and you he said suddenly to Harry where will you get the gold from; we’re not splashing out for another 7 years. He had a point thought Harry then before he could think of a decent reply a CRACK!! Like a gunshot rang through the house ‘Hello I’m Hagrid I am here to see Harry Potter and Dudley Dursley, right can I see Harry firs.’ When Harry and Hagrid both sat down Harry burst out saying, ‘what aunt Petunia said was true me and Dudley are both wizards and were both going to Hogwarts?’
‘O course It's true Arry Potter not going to Hogwarts.’
‘But that means that my Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have known since I first came to them and Aunt Petunia also said that a dark force killed my parents.’
‘Ah I am not sure I am the right person to tell you’
‘Go on Hagrid,’ pressed Harry.
‘Oh, right the first thing you need to know is that not all wizards are good some go bad and the one we’re talking about went as bad as they go his name was,’ at this Hagrid stopped, ‘his name was again,’ Hagrid stopped.
‘Why don’t you write it down?’ suggested Harry
‘Nah can’t spell it Voldemort he went to your house killed your Mum and Dad and then he tried to kill you then he vanished some said he died Codswallop in my opinion I don’t think he had enough human left in him to die Right, we better ask your cousin to come in.’ When Hagrid had gone Mrs. Dursley said Dudders is it OK if we move from privet drive to Godrics Hollow so that your friends at Hogwarts can come over to stay and Lilly used to live in Godrics Hollow so we can visit Lilly and James's grave. ‘DUDLEY!!’ ‘What is that your drinking?’ asked Mr Dursley. Dudley had a bottle of liquid ‘the big man gave it to me.’ ‘DUDLEY you’re shrinking.’ Indeed, Dudley was shrinking until he was the same size as a normal boy. The week after went by in a flash with the Dursleys putting their house up for sale and buying a house in Godrics Hollow. So, by the time the Dursleys moved to Godrics Hollow that Summer they had a great time looking for squib jobs (as Uncle Vernon wanted to feel as though part of the Wizarding world) and got a job at Hogwarts itself as the caretaker (Mr. Filch who was the old caretaker left to spend time with his cat Mrs. Norris) and setting up a bank account for Dudley, but what the Dursleys didn’t realise is thar Hagrid gave Harry a key, a key to the Potter vault (687) and that when they left him to get Dudley a broom and cauldron and an owl and cat that Harry went and withdrew 60 galleons and 15 sickles and 12 knuts( there is 17 sickles in a galleon and 29 knuts in a sickle) so he went and got an owl ( a white snowy)
A wand 11" long, made of holly, and possessed a phoenix feather core. Some books and an ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Then when he met up with the Dursleys he was shocked to see that Dudley was carrying a owl and a cat and a rat and a spell book on cursing enemies and had his wand in his hand.
They Floo powdered home and there Dudley started picking on Harry saying, ‘how stupid will you look Potter no uniform no books not even a wand.’ ‘well’ said Harry ‘that is a risk I am going to take.’ So for Harry he was relived when September came along and they were boarding the Hogwarts Express, Dudley went with Harry as he was a bit scared because in the books he had read muggleborns like himself have had a lot of predijuice, there was only one carrige empty. They went to sit in it. They had only been there for 5 mins and then a boy with red hair and a smudge on his nose said ‘do you mind everywhere else is full.’ Harry said ‘ of course, I am Harry Potter. This is my cousin Dudley Dursley.’ The boy said ‘Harry Potter WOW, I am Ron Weasley’ ‘Hello Ron.’ Said Harry. ‘Hi’ said Dudley. They sat down just as the train started leaving. After a little while Ron started to talk about quidditch ( a magical sport with 7 players) when the trolley witch came along ‘anything from the trolly dear?’ ‘yes please.’said Harry dudley was already at the trolly getting everything he could lay his hands on, but he could not get everything he did not have enough money, Harry then got some food for him and ron to share
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