In late 1977, James met Lily's parents for the first time. Lily's father was initially wary and reluctant about meeting James because his meetings with Petunia's fiancee Vernon were not the best and he was wondering what if this one (Lily's boyfriend) is worse, but by the end of the meeting Lily's father's worries evaporated completely.
Mr and Mrs Evans found James (who had a great sense of humour) to be very charming and amusing. James and Lily's father were both passionate about sports and they spoke non-stop about Quidditch and football. James would also low-key flirt with Lily's mother by calling her madame and he and Sirius (who arrived later on during the date) were singing to her "Happy Birthday you don't look your age" (it was Lily's mother's birthday and she looked quite young for her age), something which flattered Lily's mother. Lily's father (in a joking manner) warns them off: "Boys I appreciate your sweet gesture but don't forget, that's my wife your talking to."
Both of Lily's parents (especially her father) really loved James as if he were their son. Mr and Mrs Evans preferred James a lot more than they did Vernon and they got along a lot well with James than they ever did with Vernon, something which exacerbated Petunia's resentment and jealousy of her sister Lily even more. Petunia was sick of her parents talking non-stop about Lily's boyfriend and what really broke the line for Petunia was when she overheard her mother saying this to their father: "To be honest, he (James) is a far better bloke than Petunia's boyfriend."
What are your thoughts on all of this?