but when i was like four or five i met the actors of fred and george. i don't remember it at all and my mom's boss (who she no longer talks to) has the photo but i'm pretty sure it was dope. for context, my mom used to work for this guy who hosted events and one of the events was a comic con
i also met the whole cast for the lord of the rings series but i'm not into that so i don't really care that much
62 Votes in Poll
1. Luna Lovegood
2. Dobby
3. Nymphadora Tonks
4. Fred and George Weasley (I count them as 1)
5. Sirius Black
6. Hermione Granger
7. Harry Potter
8. Albus Dumbledore
9. Remus Lupin
10. Ronald Weasley
65 Votes in Poll
I don’t like the Weasley
Bill Fred and George are cool
BUT RON AND GINNY ARE SO ANNOYING. There are literally people who edit the Harry Potter movies so we don’t have to see them.
43 Votes in Poll
So I was just randomly thinking, what if I shipped characters from different books with Harry Potter characters! This is just my opinion, if you have any other ideas/characters I love to hear in the chats! Ik some of these don’t make sense since some of these characters already have like soulmates and are like different ages but try to imagine it! Btw, if you haven’t read some of these books, they are amazing and a great reading recommendation!
Draco (HP) x Hector (Masterminds by Gordon Korman.)
Ginny (HP) x Leo (Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan.)
Harry (HP) x Pepper Potts (Marvel.)
George (HP) x Hazel (Watership Down by Richard Adams.)
Ron (HP) x Beatrix (School Of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani)
Hermione (HP) x Luke (Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan.)
Percy (HP) x Lucy Grey (Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins.)
Cedric (HP) x Aria (Game of Thrones by George Martin.)
Luna (HP) x Sam (Lord of The Rings by J.R Toilken.)
Seamus (HP) x Red (Ruby Redfort by Lauren Child.)
110 Votes in Poll
Scars is a george weasley x oc fanfiction written entirely in free-verse poetry. Each chapter is a poem written by either Clover Malfoy or Percy Weasley, and each one is original and written by me. These are all posted on Wattpad and I ask that you check it out there too! Here is the introduction poem.
Show Me Your Scars
Show me your scars and tell me your story,
what lays beyond that pink mark on your arm,
or the one on your belly?
Is there pain there? I can see in your eyes,
you don't want anyone to know what's behind your disguise.
But I know. I was there, I saw it all.
I know that one there is because you're still here,
and someone out there loved you enough to dig their nails into your shoulder
while hugging you and praising their God you were still alive.
I know that this one is because of her,
a symbol of undying love, of your care.
but now it isn't a reminder of what is,
its a reminder of what could've been, one of what was.
I know that this one here on your arm,
is because of your brother, when you saved him from harm.
If you hadn't done anything, would he be here today?
Your thoughts cloud your mind, but maybe they'll be clear again someday.
I know this one here, all along your back,
is from when she saved you from an attack.
You owe your life to her, and you'll wonder forever
if naming your daughter after her is enough of a repayment.
The story of the one on your wrist is especially strong,
one that shows how you wanted to belong.
It shows how much you loved your family,
enough to kill to keep them alive.
The brand on your neck,
it's there for a reason,
a crime you committed, which some would call treason.
but you wouldn't call it that, no not at all,
even through the pressure you still stood tall,
and did something despicable, that's the only way to describe
what happened that night when you protected his soul,
because he is your cousin, part of who makes you whole.
The ear you're missing, a battle scar,
a reminder of him, and that you are who you are.
There's a scar on your neck, left behind from the spell,
and you wonder what might've happened if it didn't miss.
There's a mark on your wrist, left behind by stitches,
which you wouldn't have gotten, had it not been for those witches,
the ones who tried to kill your best friend,
the ones who wanted to see you suffer,
but you were strong, and you could bend, so you bent to their ways,
and now your wrist will forever be a reminder
of the love you have for her, for your sister.
This one on your stomach, a scar born from love,
someone who sacrificed their body to bring another into the world.
A symbol of someone who was always willing,
a symbol of someone who would do anything.
This is a symbol of a mother's love,
the kind of love you only find once in a lifetime.
Here there's a spot, where your hair is turning grey,
and even though you're only twenty years old,
you aren't ashamed of it,
because it reminds you of how you willingly took an attack,
to save the life of someone who you thought would never love you back.
These ones on your face, you put them there for a purpose
Because you hate what you are and you want to
hurt the part of you that hurts so many others.
To no avail, because youre only destroying yourself.
This one on your lip, it's because you're so clumsy
And while biting your lip doesn't seem like that big of a deal,
you were eating food he made and you wished
he knew how much you loved him.
These scars are all symbols, of love and of purpose,
of bravery and of sacrifice.
when a brave soul put themselves in harm's way to protect those they love,
because they would rather die than see them in pain.
I am your heart, and I see all the reasons, the trauma, and PTSD you bury behind a smile and watery eyes,
but know that you matter, and know that it's true,
and all of these scars, are what make you, you.
(poem written by SevenTwentie)
This notebook belongs to: Clover L. C. Malfoy
Year: 1993-1994
Writing this as we are on the train,
my pencil shaking in my hand as it bumps and curves.
Another school year is getting started,
and Cedric, Fred, and George are nowhere to be found.
Cedric is on prefect duty and the twins
have probably gotten up to something stupid, like messing with
Draco again. I keep telling them to stop,
but I find it funny too.
Lilabet and Samantha are talking about their crushes.
I find it insufferable. There are better things to focus on,
like charms class, and how to make a good chicken,
because the house elves make really dry chicken.
Soon I'll need to get my uniform on,
dress in my Hufflepuff tie and
walk into school with my head held high even though
I don't want to go ever again.
Mum and Dad didn't deserve it.
Who even knew earthquakes could happen in Wiltshire?
The manor feels draft and dark
without them lighting the place up.
Uncle Lucius has been more upset recently,
I know he's grieving his brother,
but I pretend I don't see his dark mark,
threatening to activate any day now.
Cassia and Aster haven't been doing well.
Aster's been taking Dad's death the hardest.
Me? I miss Mum. Cassia will understand better,
one day when she looks in the mirror and sees her.
This school year will be terrifying.
Remus stopped replying to my letters.
He only wrote to me once this summer,
to tell me to keep myself safe from Sirius Black.
Sirius Black is a murderer. He sold Lily and James to
you-know-who, and I wonder what would've happened
if he hadn't. They were his friends.
I won't ever betray my friends like that.
He's broken out of Azkaban.
Some say he's coming to the school to kill Harry too.
If I know Harry, he's going to go looking for him.
I hope he never finds out that Sirius is his Godfather.
It's getting cold. I'm really cold.
If only Fred or George were here to give me their jacket
like they always do.
I can hear screaming. My mum's screaming.
Am I dying?
Is this what it feels like to die?
Cold, dreary, and alone?
No, I must not be because here's Fred and George now.
George wraps his jacket around me.
The tears don't stop falling from my eyes,
and secretly I notice them in his too.
I'm very cold.
The train is stopping. We can't be there yet.
Cedric tells us we are still hours away.
The window freezes over, and my water turns to ice.
I snuggle closer to George, and Cedric starts crying.
Fred looks like he's going to have a panic attack.
all I can hear is my mother screaming for me to run.
I start to shiver, and I hold George's jacket tighter.
A figure passes by and the screaming gets louder.
Fred screams, and the tears in George's eyes spill over.
Cedric looks like he might throw up,
I think I'm going to pass out.
Are we dying? I hear a scream.
It sounds like Hermione Granger.
I hear a squeal that sounds like a pot of tea,
about to boil over. Then the window defrosts,
and my water unfreezes. I desperately take a sip.
The lights on the train flicker back on,
and we start moving again.
"What was that thing?" Fred asks,
"I don't know, but I hope it never comes back."
Cedric dries the tears from his face,
but we don't judge him for crying. George
doesn't ask for his jacket back,
so I hold it closer, and I fall asleep.
When I wake, the door has been slammed open,
and Draco is standing there.
"what do you want Draco?" I ask my cousin.
He just wanted to let me know Harry passed out.
I don't blame Harry, I was scared too,
but Draco laughs like it's the funniest thing
he's ever seen. My blood boils,
but all I do is shoo him away.
We get to the platform, and I hear the familiar voice
of Hagrid calling out for first years.
Finally, I'm home again. But for the first time ever,
home doesn't feel like home anymore.
I'm not completely sure if I want to go inside,
even though it's Cassia's first year.
I don't want to miss seeing her get sorted,
but I want to find Percy and beg him to ruffle my hair.
Is this what it's like to not feel safe in your own home?
Why can't I feel safe here, when all this place has ever
done is keep me alive and happy?
Is it because mum's gone now?
George takes his jacket back, and we all make it to a carriage.
I gasp when I see the creature pulling it.
It looks like a horse, but one thats been tortured.
"What is that?" Is all I can ask.
"What's what? I don't see anything?" Cedric says.
Aster finds me and hugs me.
"Thestrals. I see them too. It's because of mum and dad,
but it's okay. They're friendly."
I sit back against the wall of the carriage.
We start off towards our home away from home.
I suppose this is where they say "welcome to the
school year of 1993 and 1994."
Let's play a game! Here's the rules. I'll start by asking a question like "Which twin is george" and then you will tell me which twin you think is george. Let's begin!
Round one: Which twin is George Weasley?
tell me in the replies if george is on the left or on the right. Don't go by what others say, go with your gut!
43 Votes in Poll
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