Severus Snape looked through the namelist of his first year Potion's class, calling out the names in alphabetical order.
"Draco Malfoy"
"Here", Draco held up his hand.
Snape looked at him approvingly. Draco looked so much like Lucius who was his friend and former mentor.
He finally reached Harry Potter's name. Potter's brat had arrived and he looked just like his worthless father. Bet Potter was proud of his son's fame. Both father and son received fame and popularity they didn't deserve. He mocked the kid by making a comment about his celebrity status and delighted in seeing the Slytherin students snigger in amusement. It was like seeing James Potter himself humiliated. To his surprise, rather than sniggering, Draco Malfoy shot Harry a stunned look with raised eyes. He continued his roll call and until he reached the end of the name list.
He then began his same, dramatic introduction speech that made his subject seem more intriguing than it really was. Draco's eyes perked up in interest, but Harry's eyes looked blank with disinterest just like his father's did during Potions class. Potions was the subject Lily was most passionate about and she always showed interest in it. He asked Harry a question from the Potions textbook. He ignored Hermione Granger's hand as he hated showoffs. Potter's only response was "I don't know sir". This satisfied him as it gave him an opportunity to further pick on Potter's brat. He mocked him by subtlety implying he was too stupid for his fame.
He asked him a second question and continued to ignore Hermione Granger's hand. He received the same "I don't know, sir", which only gave him more satisfaction. The kid was handing himself on a platter to be humiliated. He made a mocking comment about how he should have opened a book before coming. He enjoyed making James Potter's son look stupid. He asked him a third question and the annoying Granger girl held her hand up again a third time. That girl was beginning to look like just as big of a showoff as James Potter and even he wasn't as big of a show off till he achieved his Quidditch fame.
"I don't know sir, but Hermione seems desperate to answer a question though. Why don't you try her?" said Harry as a few Gryffindors laughed. Even Draco Malfoy looked like he was controlling a snigger.
This set him off. The brat was just like his father. Not only did he not inherit his mother's interest in Potions, he was a sarcastic, cheeky bastard like his father. Granger put her hand down after he snapped at her. Snape mockingly gave Harry the answers to the three questions. He also took this opportunity to deduct a point from Gryffindor.
Snape got the class brewing a simple potion to cure boils. He criticized quite a number of students but praised Malfoy and a few of his Slytherins. A clumsy boy, Neville Longbottom missed one of the instructions and caused an accident which had him in boils. He insulted Neville and snarled at him for missing the instruction and had Seamus Finnigan bring him to the hospital wing. Snape also decided he wanted an excuse to pick on Harry anyways, even if the boy had no part in the accident, so he accused him of trying to make himself look good by not warning Neville and deducted another point from him. He didn't care that he should objectively have punished the whole class by that logic. Snape saw the cheeky bastard open his mouth to retort but was stopped by his redhead friend.
"Potter", Draco called out as Harry and Ron were heading back to their Common Room
Harry turned around to see Draco Malfoy approaching him with his usual cronies, Crabbe and Goyle.
"Alright, Malfoy?"
Draco turned around to makesure no one else was within earshot.
"Blimey Potter. You were right about Professor Snape taking out his hatred for your father on you,"
"Yeah ... does a good job hiding his contempt, doesn't he?" said Harry.
"I like Professor Snape as my father's friend. But objectively, if I were you Potter, my father would hear about this. I bet your father could could use his influence to do something about it", said Draco.
"As intriguing as that sounds, I'm not sure if I want to go running to my dad to fix every problem I have, Malfoy. My dad usually fixed his own problems without relying much on his eldery parents", said Harry.
"I don't know about you or your dad, but I wouldn't put up with being treated that way by any professor. I'd have had any professor who treated me that way sacked", Draco shrugged. "Not that I'm asking you to get Professor Snape sacked", he quickly added.
"You think it's that easy to get a professor sacked?" asked Ron, disbelievingly.
"Of course it's impossible for you, Weasley, but for a Malfoy, anything's possible," said Draco arrogantly.
"Thanks for the advice, Malfoy. We'll see you around", said Harry quickly, walking away while ushering Ron along with him. He was afraid Draco would continue to insult Ron.
"I think one day I'm going to lose it and punch that git", said Ron. "Professor Snape is taking out his hatred for your father on you?"
"Snape used be school rivals with my dad and uncles. They hated each other", said Harry.
"He's taking out a school rivalry on you years later?" asked Ron disbelievingly.
"Yeah, it pathetic".
"Are you going to write about this to your dad?" asked Ron.
"I'm not sure. It's just our first class. I think I'll wait to see how the next few lessons go before telling my dad". said Harry reasonably.
"I suppose that's reasonable", shrugged Ron.
Later that evening, Harry and Ron visited Hagrid's hut. Hagrid had sent him an owl in the morning, inviting him over for tea and Ron had asked to accompany him. While at Hagrid's hut, Harry saw an article on the Daily Prophet about a break-in at Gringotts on his Birthday. Putting two and two together from how Hagrid had emptied Vault 713 while he and his father were there, to how Hagrid wanted to leave Gringotts as soon as possible after he had retrieved the package and to how Hagrid was dismissive when he brought up the break-in, Harry suspected the package Hagrid emptied from Vault 713 was what the thief was looking for.
Dear dad,
Classes are going on great but I'm still getting used to finding my way around the castle. Ron is a really great friend and fun to hang out with. His brothers are equally cool, but Percy's really uptight, especially about rules. Malfoy is a prick at times, but at times, he's alright. There's this annoying, bossy, know-it-all girl in class, Hermione Granger who can't keep her hand down whenever a professor asks a question in class. She's really smart though. She's muggle-born like mum, but like you, she's usually the first in Professor McGonagall's class to transfigure anything. Perhaps I should get Transfiguration tips from you when I'm home for the holidays. It's fun to imagine Hermione's reaction if I outshone her in Transfiguration.
Ron and I had tea at Hagrid's a few days ago. Did you hear about the break-in at Gringott's? Vault 713 was the vault Hagrid emptied on the very same day of the robbery. Do you think the package Hagrid emptied from the vault was the thief was looking for? Since Hagrid said it was Hogwart's business, it must have been Professor Dumbledore who asked him to empty the vault. Isn't it odd that Professor Dumbledore knew to make Hagrid empty the vault on the same day of the robbery as if he expected an attempt robbery on the vault.
I have news. During my first flying lesson, I was the first to have my broom in my hand. Unfortunately, Neville Longbottom had an accident with his broom and Madam Hooch had to take him to the hospital wing. While they were gone, Draco Malfoy thought it was funny to take Neville's Remembrall and shot up in the air with it when Parvathi Patil asked him to give it back. I immediately shot up in the air too, ignoring annoying Hermione's protest. He asked me why I bothered and when I begged, he relented by throwing it in the air towards me. I managed to catch it with a dive, but Professor McGonagall showed up just as I landed. I thought I was in trouble and feared what you'd say if I was expelled on my first week. But fortunately, she brought me to see Oliver, praised my dive and asked him to make me the Gryffindor team's seeker. I'm the youngest seeker of the century, dad. They're bending the broom rules for me and I'm allowed to have one now. I can't believe it.
Hope you're doing well.
Take care. Send my love to Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus. Can't wait to see all three of you again,
Dear Harry,
Congratulations on making the team! Youngest seeker of the century. That's great! I'm really proud of you, son. Not just for making the Quidditch team, but for standing up for Neville. Professor McGonagall has written to me and I've sent your Nimbus 2000 with this letter. I'll arrange for your Quidditch things, including your robes. Professor McGonagall wants to keep your possession of a broom private for now, so please don't open your broom in public.
I'm glad you've found a great friend in Ron. Perhaps he would end up being your Sirius. I understand your feelings about Hermione, but to be fair to her, she's new to the Wizarding World. Perhaps she just wants to prove herself as she feels lost in a new environment. She might gradually tone down her behavior once she's more adjusted to Hogwarts. I can certainly train you in Transfiguration when you're home.
I found it odd too. I agree that Dumbledore probably expected the package in Vault 713 to be robbed. Being curious myself, I understand your curiosity about what's in the package and the attempt robbery, but please don't worry about it, son. I'm certain professor Dumbledore knows what he's doing and has it covered.
Take care. Your uncles send their love. We can't wait to see you again either.