If you're interested in finding out your blood status and don't know yours, take these quizzes on Quotev to discover yours! :)
If you're interested in finding out your blood status and don't know yours, take these quizzes on Quotev to discover yours! :)
Bellatrix Lestrange : calls harry a filthy half-blood
Also Bellatrix Lestrange : serves a grey bald half-blood
Did Luna know about the Hlaf-Blood Prince a year before Harry?
Okay, you know the story. In the Hlaf-Blood-Prince Movie, Luna uses Levicorpus at a death eater. And the fact that she cast it so perfectly could only mean that she had known it for a while.
65 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
It is stated that a wizard or witch can be considered pure-blood if all four of their grandparents are magical, but how does that work? Is it only for pure-bloods and half-bloods, or does it apply to Muggle-borns too? If they had non-magical ancestors or a great-grandparent and etc., could they still be considered pure-blood?
If one parent is a squib and one is a muggleborn, would the child be a halfblood or muggleborn? Also if a muggleborn and a muggle married, would the child be a muggleborn? If a pureblood and a halfblood got together, would the child be a pureblood?
196 Votes in Poll
So you may know the girl who was sorted before Harry,
If you guessed Sally-Anne Perks, you are correct. But if you guessed the Patil Twins i dont blame you, because this character is FORGETTABLE if you dont know who im talking about we see this girl only in the 1st book, in this quote/unquote : ‘Moon’ … ‘Nott’ … ‘Parkinson’ … then a pair of twin girls, ‘Patil’ and ‘Patil’ … then ‘Perks, Sally-Anne’ … and then, at last – so thats the pnly time we get to see her. In the fifth book she was supposed to appear but she didnt. In the quote/unqoute
Ten minutes later, Professor Flitwick called, "Parkinson, Pansy - Patil, Padma - Patil, Parvati - Potter, Harry." (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 31) So we dont see her get mentioned. So to me, i think her house was Hufflepuff because i dont think Sally-Anne would be a Gryffindor because she would maybe been noticed by Harry. I dont think she would be Slytherin because ut just doesnt seem right and i think Runcorn can take that place. So what happend to Sally-Anne? Did she just left before 1996 did she get expelled? We have know idea But i will like to see your Sally-Anne Perks theroies. So the case of Sally-Anne Perks the lost Hufflepuff student sorted right after harry is UNKNOWN
If a child of two pureblood Squibs is a wizard/witch, would they be pureblood, halfblood, or muggleborn? For a fanfic I'm thinking of writing!
So, I was browsing the pages, and on both Harry Potter's page and Delphini's page, it calls them half-bloods. For each of them, both parents are magical, though one of each are muggle-born, being Lily and Voldemorr, respectively. I see why they are considered half-blood, but I don't know why they aren't considered pure blood.
And another related question. If two muggle-borns have a child, would it be considered muggle-born, or half-blood? Not pure-blood, because it's even less "pure" then the first case.
Sorry if this rant is confusing
So say my family was pure blood and my cousin decided to marry and have a baby with a half blood/muggle born/ muggle would that mean that the whole family is now half blood ??
In the first year remember what Seamus said?
I'm half-half, dad's a Muggle, maam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him to find out.
Snape and Voldemort have the same relation as well! Their father was also a "nasty shock" when they found out.
I'm currently embarking on a study of severus' personality, habits, traits, and every bit of knowledge I can grasp.
If you have any interesting bits of knowledge and/or head canons related to this matter, please write them out in the comment section.
Thank you to anyone who heeds this.
Lumos⭐, My Beloved Potterheads!
I wanted to host a Fanfic Roleplay for too long, so here it is!
A Muggle named Andrew Byers marries a Pureblood Cassandra Spellbody but doesn't know about her magical skills and abilities. But, when their son Kyle Byers is 11 and Cassandra wants him to go to Hogwarts, She is exposed to Andrew. He tries to stop her but Cassandra is too powerful for Andrew to handle. So, he threatens to expose the Wizarding World to the muggles. But Cassandra reports it to the ministry and chaos occur. Even though a dozen of muggles come to know about the Wizarding World. Later it is discovered that Andrew has some magical blood within him. He goes into hiding. Cassandra joins The Ministry as an Auror and Kyle join Hogwarts. This is where the roleplay begins!
1. OCs only! (No Original HP Characters allowed.!)
2. OCs must only be 11 years old.
3. A person cannot have more than 2 OCs.
4. Roleplay starts on 07/01/2022 at 03:00pm IST. Search in google as "3pm IST" to find out when it starts for you!
OCs Form:
Student Form
Age (11 only)/Year (1)
Gender, Pronouns:
Other OCs Form:
Gender, Pronouns:
Cassandra: @Grassyfields
Kyle: @Hawkins Wizard
Elizabeth Iris Black: @Genevieve weasly
Madlyin Zimmerman: @DorkyForLife0701
Margaret Moonstone: @Pinguisthecutest
Theodosia Collins: @Uniqorned
Ava Maxwell: @Slytherin.Goddess.Of.The.Moon
Sage Keller: @Adarkaura
Billie Lestrange: @Rayvena
Alice Harris: @Beansalad13
(For now.)
If you create OCs and wish to join they will be added to the list.
Enjoy this!
If someone were the child of a magical creature/being and a wizard, what would their Blood Status be? Would they share the same blood status as their wizard parent?
According to HP Wiki: “Pure-blood individuals were people who had no Muggles or Muggle-borns as parents or grandparents.” A magical being is not a Muggle. If the wizard parent was a Pure-blood, would the child also be considered a Pure-blood?
Considering that many people are prejudiced against Half-breeds so it would make sense that people would not be so quick to announce their non-human relative. It makes sense that a part-human would want to have an actual blood status
70 Votes in Poll
Just imagine a muggle-born gets a howler that says
Then all muggle borns and half-bloods in the great hall
And a then the pure-bloods"Wtf is happening"