Look what I got at a book fair!
Look what I got at a book fair!
just made this lil cursed child coaster, it's a new resin pour i did!
here's a shot from above with a dark background so you can see well
here's a side shot
and then i have an entire shelf for harry potter stuff in my room, here's what it looks like there!
so yeah :>
Ping list:
School started for me today again, so because of this I won't be posting any Cursed Child chapters for a long time. I just won't have the time to write these weekly so most definitely it will be a really long time between chapter posts.
Have a good evening.
39 Votes in Poll
Pings for this and future chapters (let me know if you want to be added to this list!):
Chapter Five
School Classes
For Albus Potter, the previous night and following day was a true surreal blur. He felt unable to grasp at how he could possibly have been sorted into Slytherin, sorted into the one house he had been dreading to be put in for a long time now. He would have been completely lost had he not had Scorpius as a friend.
Last night while Albus slowly filled up his plate with food that smelled and looked delicious just to barely eat any of it, he had eyed the Gryffindor table all the while. Even then, halfway through dinner, many pairs of eyes were looking right at him. Two of those staring students he recognized immediately however, and they were his brother James and his cousin Rose.
“Albus…Albus?” Scorpius was saying meanwhile.
Albus barely heard him though, he could only focus on James and Rose. James looked both shocked and entertained, and Albus could only think that he may never hear the end of this from him. Rose meanwhile only looked shocked, and even a little bit…betrayed?
“It’s not my fault…” he whispered.
“What isn’t?” Scorpius continued, “Albus?”.
“It’ll be fine, right?” Albus asked nervously, turning towards his friend, “Being in Slytherin? I’ll be okay…”.
“Yeah, you will,” Scorpius nodded with a prominent encouraging smile.
That next morning wasn’t much different than last night, with many in the Great Hall staring at Albus (there were a few staring at James and Rose as well, but not in nearly as much interest as with him). Albus had slowly been working on a pile of pancakes. Scorpius was sitting right next to him again, but he wasn’t talking unlike last night.
Looking down the long table, Albus saw class schedules being handed to each and every student. Soon he and Scorpius had been given theirs, and they saw with delight and curiosity what classes they would have. Unfortunately, as the two boys had later learned, navigating Hogwarts was very hard to do.
Last night they had had a prefect to show them the way down to their dungeon dormitories, but now Albus, Scorpius, and every other first year in the school would need to learn how to find their way around all on their own. Now Albus and Scorpius were in Charms class a little late due to a poltergeist named Peeves, who resided at Hogwarts.
He had been throwing many balls of crumpled paper at the two boys as they hurried past, but a professor luckily was passing by, so Peeves had flown off down the corridor while cackling.
“Today I will have you all practice the basic wand movement for the levitation charm” the Charms professor, Flitwick, explained to all the students.
Albus and Scorpius had this class with their fellow first year Slytherins and the first years from Gryffindor as well. Albus saw Rose across the classroom, sitting next to and talking with a girl Albus did not recognize. He looked back at Flitwick however, since the small professor was explaining what to do with their wands.
“Swish and flick, and next class I will teach you the incantation” Flitwick was saying.
Albus focused only on practicing the wand movement, and he talked to no one except for Scorpius.
“This class is pretty decent,” Scorpius said.
“Yeah” Albus agreed, “But I was…was supposed to be on the other side of the room”.
“But you're over here, you're in Slytherin”.
“I know I am…”.
After Charms class was over, Rose had come over to Albus with the same girl she had been talking to earlier.
“Albus, hey!” she said, trying to get his attention.
“Yeah?” he asked almost sullenly, turning towards her.
“Can’t believe you're not in Gryffindor” Rose said, “Oh, this is a new friend of mine, Polly Chapman”.
She was gesturing towards the girl, and Polly nodded at Albus in a nearly-cold greeting. Albus could feel the awkwardness between him and the two girls, and given his house's long history with theirs, he wasn’t surprised. Then after a few moments of silence, Rose and Polly left.
“Come on, lets go” Scorpius beckoned, standing nearby from when he had waited for Albus and Rose to finish talking.
“Yeah, okay” Albus nodded, going to walk with Scorpius down the corridor.
But then he, and Scorpius this time as well, were stopped by another fellow first year.
“Hello, your Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy right?” the boy asked, “I’m Craig, Craig Bowker Jr.”.
“Hi Craig,” Scorpius said politely, “Oh, and we are”.
“It’s great to meet you” Craig continued, “I think it is quite cool to have both of you in Slytherin, of course with you Scorpius it makes sense, but a Potter? Oh wow”.
“Heh heh, great” Albus laughed a little impatiently, “Come on Scorpius, let's go. Bye Craig”.
Then he kept walking with Scorpius as Craig watched them turn the corner into a new corridor.
Pings for this and future chapters (let me know if you want to be added to this list!):
Chapter Six
A Whirlwind of Time
The school year went by quicker than Scorpius Malfoy could have previously thought. Still not fast enough though, since many classmates bothered him and Albus on the regular. Rose’s friend, Polly Chapman, would poke fun at Albus being the only Potter in Slytherin. She would bother Scorpius as well.
“Death Eater…Death Eater!” Polly would whisper in Scorpius’ ear as she passed by.
Scorpius rarely escaped these instances, and a couple months into the year he and Albus had met two other fellow students that would bother them too. Yann Fredericks, a Gryffindor in their year, was one. Scorpius had noticed throughout the year that Rose Granger-Weasley would spend time with Yann. The second person that Scorpius had become acquaintances with (alongside Albus) was Karl Jenkins.
He had very rudely dubbed Albus with the nickname ‘Slytherin Squib’ when Albus had had trouble with a new spell that was taught that day, and Scorpius had said to Albus that Karl was nothing like his house, Hufflepuff, suggests. Scorpius could tell that Albus had understood what he had really meant, referring to how Albus wasn’t like what Slytherin’s were known to be. Eventually Christmas had come and passed, Scorpius receiving presents from his parents and Albus from his own.
Later that day they had passed by James, who had then followed Scorpius and Albus down the corridors while loudly talking non-stop about how Albus was in Slytherin. Scorpius, and Albus too it seemed, knew that James’ comments were mainly meant to be harmless, unlike other people at the school. Months later was Easter, and with that holiday came another school break. Unlike with Christmas, Scorpius had gone home for the holidays.
He wished he had went home during Christmas, but both Draco and Astoria felt that it would be nice for him to spend at least one holiday at school and then afterwards decide which he liked more. He didn’t know what Albus, who had gone home as well this time due to Harry and Ginny having similar reasons to Draco and Astoria, was doing until their return to school. Neither had sent an owl to each other over those couple weeks.
After break, things went back to what Scorpius and Albus now felt was ‘normal’. When exam-time came, both got decently high scores and then summer started. They sat in a compartment together as the Hogwarts Express took them and all the other students to Platform 9 ¾. During the summer, Draco seemed to have taken a bigger interest in Scorpius’ friendship with Albus. According to letters from Albus that Scorpius had received over the summer, Harry felt the same about the unlikely friendship that had started almost a year ago.
Then their second year at Hogwarts came and went, and it felt not much different from the year before. Students would gawk at the fact that Albus was in Slytherin, they would whisper amongst each other that Scorpius was going to be an evil Death Eater like his father (and grandfather by extent) before him. James, unlike the others however, thought of both as one big joke rather than serious issues. Christmas came and went…then Easter…until their second year exams passed by…all the way to summer again.
In only a couple months, Scorpius and Albus would be third-years at Hogwarts, and they were still very unsure and nervous as though the two boys were still first-years.
Hey guys, for those waiting for chapters 5 and 6 of my Cursed Child Rewrite, they will not be posted this week as was originally planned. I'm having tons of writer's block unfortunately, so much so that yesterday I didn't write anything despite yesterday having been a 'Cursed Child' day.
So don't expect the next two chapters until next week so that I can just take a writing break to 'recharge my batteries' or whatever.
So that those who wanted to be pinged for future chapters see this post sooner rather than later, here is a ping:
Have a good day everybody!
Chapter Three
The Hogwarts Express
Albus Potter headed down the train corridor with his cousin, Rose, in their search for a compartment. They passed by many fellow students, all of which goggled at Albus and Rose as they passed by, instantly recognizing them. The train had begun heading down the track with their journey towards Hogwarts officially beginning.
“Why do they have to stare?” Albus muttered, feeling uncomfortable.
“Oh Albus, come on” Rose said, “We need friends, and this could help”.
“Really think so?”.
“Of course” Rose nodded, “My parents and your dad became friends on their very first Hogwarts Express trip. We got the pick of anyone”.
Albus fully understood what Rose was saying, but he still felt nervous with the idea of just walking up to someone and becoming their best friend for life. What if he regretted his decision later on?
“Well” Albus said, slowly at first, “Let’s try this compartment then”.
“Okay” Rose said as Albus opened the door.
When they stepped in, they found only one person sitting in the compartment. Albus and Rose both took a second to recognize him as the blond boy that Ron had pointed out earlier.
“Hello, can—can we sit here?” Albus stammered, gesturing towards the opposite seat.
“Yeah, go ahead” Scorpius nodded with a smile, looking eager and surprised.
Albus smiled back and sat down across from him. Rose, eyes narrowed slightly as she looked at Scorpius, went with Albus and sat down next to him.
“I’m Albus…Albus Potter” Albus introduced himself.
“Rose Granger-Weasley” Rose cut in quickly.
“I’m Scorpius…” Scorpius said in turn, trailing off.
Albus waited expectantly alongside Rose for Scorpius to say more, and when he didn’t, Rose stood up again.
“I think I’m going to go,” Rose said.
“What? Why?” Albus asked, confused.
“I’m probably the reason why” Scorpius mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Albus asked.
“I’m a…a Malfoy,” Scorpius explained quickly before Rose could say anything.
Rose looked from one boy to the other, and Albus meanwhile tried hard to figure out why Scorpius being a Malfoy was such a big problem.
“See you later Albus” Rose nodded in his direction before leaving the compartment.
Albus waved to her before turning back towards Scorpius.
“Maybe you can explain,” he said.
“Explain wha—oh, yeah” Scorpius stammered, looking initially confused.
Albus raised his eyebrows for a split second before leaning forward slightly to listen. He was highly interested in hearing why being a Malfoy was so bad.
“Well, everyone thinks I am going to be a Death Eater like my dad before me” Scorpius explained.
“What? That sounds ridiculous!” Albus laughed, clapping his hands together.
“Really?” Scorpius asked, smiling nervously.
“Um, yeah” Albus nodded with a smile, “That’s like saying I’m a Chosen One as well”.
As Scorpius had opened his mouth to speak, the door opened with an old woman known as the Trolley Witch sticking her head in.
“Anything off the trolley dears?” she asked the boys.
“I’ll have some Cauldron Cakes,” Scorpius said, pulling some coins out of his jeans pocket.
“My Mum says candy isn’t healthy—” Albus started, feeling a little left out.
“Well she isn’t here right?” Scorpius said, standing up to buy candy.
Albus immediately felt better upon realizing this, and so he grabbed some coins from his own jeans pocket to go buy some candy. Three minutes later, Albus and Scorpius were splitting candies of all kinds with each other. Fizzing Whizbees…Cauldron Cakes…Chocolate Frogs…Pumpkin Pasties…Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans…
“Mmm, hand me another Chocolate Frog” Albus said with a mouthful of chocolate, pointing to the candy pile before adding, “Uh, please”.
“Yeah, okay” Scorpius said, grabbing one and handing it over.
As he took it from Scorpius, Albus heard voices and a crash from behind him at the door. Recognizing one of the voices, Albus spinned around fast to see James leaning against the closed door, laughing very hard as he spoke to a close friend of his.
“Who is that?” Scorpius asked, opening a box of Bertie Botts.
“My brother…” Albus said in a near whisper, turning away from the door.
Scorpius did not continue the subject however, and Albus was quietly very thankful for that. Many hours later, when it was well past dark outside, the Hogwarts Express began to slow down as it neared the station. By that point, both Albus and Scorpius were in their dark school robes alongside every other student on the train. Full of renewed anticipation and worry, Albus got off the train with his new friend.
As far as the thought of being friends for life with Scorpius went, Albus was very happy with his choice.
Chapter Four
The Sorting Ceremony
Scorpius Malfoy, a long time later, was walking up the stone steps of a magnificent stone castle that sat up in the Scottish Highlands. There were many towers and turrets, and glowing windows all around that helped the gleaming moon illuminate the beauty that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Next to him was Albus Potter and many other first years that looked both excited and nervous.
Leading them was a much larger than average man named Hagrid. He had led the first years across the Great Lake, where they had been four to a boat with Hagrid being in one by himself. Scorpius and the others couldn’t help but feel rather intimidated by Hagrid despite the kindness he had shown them so far.
“That’s one large man, eh?” Scorpius heard somebody say to his immediate right.
Many minutes later, Scorpius, Albus, Rose (who was on Albus’ other side), and all the other first years were being led into a large side room. It was the Great Hall, and they all gasped in wonder and awe as they looked around.
“Look at the floating candles!” Albus said to Scorpius, pointing upwards.
Up above the four very long tables in the room were lit candles floating high above, lighting up the entire room. At each table sat students from each of the four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. At the front of the room was a fifth table where the professors of Hogwarts sat. In the center seat of the table was the headmistress, Professor McGonagall.
“Hey look!” Scorpius pointed, spotting a stool up ahead with a filthy hat atop it.
Albus only nodded, not sharing his own comment on the Sorting Hat at all. Scorpius understood though, he was worried as well. Just for a different reason though, back on the train Albus had told him about his fears of what house he would be in, and in turn Scorpius told him about his own fears. A couple seconds later, they and the others stopped right in front of the stool and high table.
“Welcome back to Hogwarts everyone” McGonagall said when she reached a golden pedestal that was right behind the Sorting Hat and stool, “The Sorting Ceremony shall begin momentarily”.
To all the first year's slight surprise, a tear near the brim of the hat opened and it began to sing:
Oh, I may be seen as grimy,
But don’t judge on only looks,
For I am a great Thinking Cap,
I can see into your mind,
I can read your very thoughts,
So go on and put me on,
For I am the Sorting Hat,
Doesn’t matter what house,
Doesn’t matter one bit,
For when you look deeper,
You will see more than the house suggests!
Then no more than ten seconds later, McGonagall took a long scroll from a pocket in her long emerald robes. As she read each name on the list, one of the first years would go up with a crazy mix of different emotions overtaking their minds. Scorpius watched with great interest and fear as each student gave sighs of relief (for some wide smiles) when they got sorted into a house.
“Rose Granger-Weasley!” McGonagall called.
“It’s my turn!” Rose said cheerfully, gently grabbing Albus’ shoulder for a split second.
Scorpius smiled and nodded at her encouragingly to only receive a nearly rude look from Rose. He ignored it however and watched alongside Albus as Rose went up and sat down on the stool. McGonagall then set the hat down on her head, and many seconds later—
Rose had the widest smile that Scorpius may have ever seen on her face as she stood up and went over to the table full of clapping and cheering Gryffindors. A bit later, Scorpius was called up.
“Scorpius Malfoy!”.
He went up after exchanging nervous smiles with Albus and sat down on the stool. He saw tons of pairs of eyes staring up at him at where he sat, and the Sorting Hat in McGonagall’s hand had barely brushed his white-blond hair before the hat yelled—
Scorpius entirely expected this, and so he got up off the stool and went over to the opposite side of the room from where Rose had gone. There he joined the clapping and cheering Slytherins. He watched as more names were called, and soon came Albus’ turn.
“Albus Potter!”.
Instantly loud murmurs broke out all across the Great Hall, and Scorpius saw Albus nearly freeze in place before seemingly mustering the courage he needed to go up. Scorpius had a little bit of trouble seeing Albus from where he sat, and as he squinted his eyes, Scorpius tried to make out what Albus’ facial expression was. Then a couple minutes later, the Sorting Hat yelled—
There were gasps all around, and whispers immediately broke out among everyone.
“A Potter in Slytherin?”
“A Potter is in—?”.
Scorpius meanwhile beckoned a rather shaken and confused Albus to the empty seat beside him. Albus sat down next to him, and Scorpius turned towards his friend.
“Albus, are you alright?” he asked.
After many moments of silence, Albus said, “I…I don’t know”.
People need to stop hating on cursed child i loved the plot and loved {most} of the new characters. cursed child haters need to chill because it isnt that bad
Just want to mention @Jordan isle for giving me the idea to do this rewrite of the play in the first place.
Now onto the first chapter!
Chapter One
The Potters
Albus Potter walked with his family through Kings Cross station on the crisp morning of September first, and all around them on the platform were groups of bustling people hurrying towards their train. The sound of the many train’s horns whistling and people chatting with each other filled the air as the Potters walked together.
Both Albus and his older brother, James, were pushing trolleys with their luggage and an owl atop of each one. Albus and James were leading the way with their father, mother, and little sister, Lily, right behind them.
“I wish I was going there” Lily said with longing, clutching her father’s arm.
“It won't be long, you will go there soon'' Harry said to her.
“In two years, I want to go now!”.
Harry and Ginny glanced at each other over Lily’s head, smiling at one another. Meanwhile Albus and James were talking to each other about the coming school year.
“Bet you’ll be in Slytherin” James said.
“No I won’t! I will not be in Slytherin!” Albus said, annoyed and worried.
He didn’t need James to increase his already very large fear that he would not be in the same house as the rest of his family. For the last few weeks, Albus had been kept awake at night with dread that he would not be placed into Gryffindor house.
“James, stop messing with him” Ginny said.
“What? I only said he might be in Slyther—”.
James stopped however when he saw Ginny’s stare.
Soon the family of five stopped in front of the barrier between platform nine and ten. With a look of cockiness towards his brother, James went through the barrier first. Albus looked back at Harry, Ginny, and Lily for a second in hesitation.
“You’ll write to me, right?” Albus asked.
“Every day if you want us too” Ginny said.
“Not every day” Albus said hurriedly, “James said that most people only get a letter once a month…”.
“We wrote to James three times a week last year”.
“Albus, you don’t want to believe everything James tells you” Harry added in, “He likes a laugh, your brother…”.
Albus nodded once, and he glanced back at the barrier for a second. Then he looked back at Harry, Ginny, and Lily without going through the barrier, feeling hesitant still.
“Go ahead” Harry said, nodding at Albus.
Albus gave a nervous smile before turning towards the barrier and running through it with his trolley. Upon going through the brick wall, Albus saw the people in their simple dresses and sharp suits be replaced by people in cloaks. The cloaks were in many different colors, some red, some purple, even some green.
These people were hard to see clearly though due to the thick smoke coming from the smokestack of the large and grand red train waiting on the tracks. From behind Albus came Harry, Ginny, and Lily through the barrier. Lily was visibly fidgeting with excitement, taking in everything around her. Albus meanwhile continued to feel scared about the upcoming year, and the loud chatter of families and the hooting owls communicating with each other from all across the platform didn’t help him in the slightest.
“Where are they?” Albus asked, trying to see everyone around him clearly.
Albus fell behind the other three, walking behind them instead. James was nowhere to be seen, and they all assumed that he had went to find his school friends. Walking along the platform, Harry, Ginny, Lily, and Albus searched for the others. After walking together for thirty seconds, it was Ginny who spotted them first.
“Looks like that’s them over there” Ginny said, pointing.
Albus alongside Harry and Lily followed the direction of where Ginny was pointing far ahead to see their family standing near the train. Lily ran far ahead to her, Albus, and James’ uncle, Ron Weasley. With Ron was their aunt, Hermione Granger, and their two cousins. Ron, seeing Lily running towards him, turned to pick her up in his arms.
Albus, Harry, and Ginny reached them a few seconds later, and Ron and Hermione greeted them happily as Ron set Lily back down on the ground.
“Parked alright Harry?” Ron asked, “I did. Hermione didn’t believe that I could pass a Muggle driving test, did you Hermione? She said I would have to Confund the examiner”.
“I did not think that” Hermione said, “I had complete faith in you”.
Albus went over to Rose, who was going into her first year at Hogwarts just like him. Watching Harry and Ron bring his trunk and owl onto the Hogwarts Express, he heard Ron whispering to Harry.
“Actually, I did Confund him” Ron was whispering, “Messed up when I forgot to look in the wing mirror, but let's be honest here, I can just use a Supersensory Charm for that”.
Once they had disappeared, Albus and Rose chatted at a nearly non-stop pace about what was to come that school year. What their classes would be, who their professors were going to be, the anticipation of making new friends, but most importantly…
“So what house do you think we will be in?” Rose asked.
“Wha—what?” Albus stammered, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“What Hogwarts house? Dad says that I better be in Gryffindor, or else he’d disown me…”.
“Which your father was only joking about” Hermione cut in, overhearing the children's conversation, “He and I would never disown you Rose, or your brother for that matter”.
Albus, Rose, Ginny (who had been talking to Hermione), and Hermione looked over to see Hugo and Lily lost in conversation nearby.
“I won’t do what now?” Ron asked, coming back with Harry.
“Disown our daughter if she doesn’t get sorted into Gryffindor” Hermione said, turning towards him and Harry.
While Lily and Hugo laughed at that, Albus and Rose watched the adults talk with wide eyes, immense worry flooding their minds.
“Harry, look who it is” Ron nodded covertly towards some fifty yards away.
Everybody looked that way to see a family of three in the smoky mist, and Albus felt curiosity as to who they were. The man seemed familiar, and Albus was sure that his parents had brought him up before…
“It’s Malfoy,” Ginny said.
Draco Malfoy was there with his wife and young son beside him next to the train on the platform. He had a receding hairline, Albus and the others noted. Albus also saw that the boy with Draco looked spectacularly like his father, with blond hair so light it could easily be mistaken for white, and he had pale eyes. This made Albus think of how he had been told more than once that he was the spitting image of his own father. Draco seemed to spot them all staring, for he nodded curtly in their direction before turning away again.
“So that’s young Scorpius” Ron muttered, “You better beat him in everything Rosie, I mean it”.
“Ron, for heaven's sake!” Hermione said, “Don’t turn them against each other before they have even started school!”.
“You're right, sorry” Ron nodded, but then for only Rose and Albus to hear he whispered, “Just make sure you don’t get too friendly with him”.
Rose and Albus glanced at each other with small smiles as Rose nodded in response to what Ron said.
James then came running over, looking breathless from his run across the platform. He no longer had his trunk, owl, and trolley with him.
“What is it?” Ginny asked.
“I just saw Teddy snogging Victoire!”.
When no one said a thing, James repeated himself.
“Our Teddy! Teddy Lupin…snogging our Victoire! Our cousin!” he said, “Right back there! I asked him what he was doing, and he said—”.
“James, you interrupted them?” Ginny asked, “You are so much like Ron…”.
Meanwhile the train horn sounded, signaling that the Hogwarts Express was going to leave in a couple minutes.
“Oh James, Albus, you better hurry and get on” Ginny said, hugging each of them in turn, “James, make sure to send Neville our love”.
“Love?” James said as he allowed only a quick hug from her, “I can’t give a professor love!”.
Then he quickly said goodbye to both parents before boarding the train to find his friends. Albus lingered for a few moments after Rose had disappeared onboard right behind James.
“Dad” he whispered for only Harry to hear, “What if I am put in Slytherin?”.
For the entire time spent on the platform, the possibility had continued to nag at the back of Albus’ brain, and now he felt that he really needed some reassurance from someone. Harry heard him, and so he pulled him aside and leaned down towards his son to speak.
“Albus Severus Potter” he said, “You were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew”.
“But just say that I am…” Albus started.
“Then I would say that Slytherin house will have gained an excellent student,” Harry continued, “It doesn’t matter to us Al, but if you’re really that worried, then you can choose Gryffindor instead. The Sorting Hat does take your opinion into account”.
“It did for me”.
Albus had never heard that before, and he doubted that Harry had ever told James or Lily this either. Feeling enough of the reassurance he had wanted, Albus gave Harry a quick hug before getting onto the Hogwarts Express.
Chapter Two
The Malfoys
Scorpius Malfoy stood with his parents on Platform 9 ¾, and everything around him was hazy due to the heavy smoke coming from the grand red train’s smokestack. There were tons of people crowded on the platform, all wearing cloaks of every color from blue to black. Some students were already in their school uniforms, ready and excited to learn.
Scorpius was eleven, and on this chilly morning of September first, he was to start school just like his parents had done many years ago. His luggage was already on the train, and now he was spending the last few minutes until the Hogwarts Express would head off to say goodbye to his parents.
“How often would you like us to write to you?” Astoria asked her son.
“It doesn’t matter to me Mom,” Scorpius said, hugging her.
Then he let go of Astoria and took a long glance around the foggy platform. He saw a large family that seemed to be watching them, and this made Scorpius highly uncomfortable. He saw his father nod curtly at them a second later and then Scorpius turned towards him for a quick hug.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be just fine” Draco said, patting Scorpius on the head before kneeling down for a hug, “Have a good first year”.
“Thanks…” Scorpius said.
“Something wrong?”.
A second later when they let go of each other, Scorpius looked around at all his soon to be classmates. Some of them were, similar to the large family from moments ago, watching them with a rather wary look. He averted his eyes from those people, but his nervousness did not die down. Seeing them made Scorpius think even more that it would take a miracle for him to end up friends with any of those other kids.
A second later there was a whistle from the train’s horn, signaling that its departure was coming very soon. The Malfoy’s turned towards the entrance of the train when the horn’s sound ended.
“Scorpius, the train is leaving soon” Astoria said, “You should get on board”.
“Okay Mom” Scorpius nodded, looking away from the surrounding people again.
He then went to get on the train, but stopped right as he was about to step inside. In his mind’s eye he could see the staring families again…
“Dad” he whispered for only Draco to hear, “What if I make no friends?”.
Draco heard him of course, and he pulled Scorpius to the side. Astoria meanwhile pretended not to hear the two talk, instead looking around at the many chattering people and hooting owls.
“Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy” Draco said, “All because me and your grandfather were Death Eaters doesn’t mean you will be bad too. Don’t listen to what everybody else is saying about you”.
“But they all think I am evil…” Scorpius started.
“You are not evil, and you will make friends” Draco continued, “Just show them who you really are. Look, I was mean for a long time. Heck, I was a Death Eater even. It took me a long time to learn how to be a nicer person, and when I did, things became much better. Just show them that you already are good”.
“Thats all I have to do?”.
“Yeah, that’s all you have to do”.
Scorpius had never heard him talk about that before, Draco would never talk about his life as a Death Eater, he usually spent his time trying to forget about all that. Most of what Scorpius had ever heard when it came to this subject was from Astoria. Feeling better and more sure of himself, Scorpius gave both Draco and Astoria one last quick hug before getting onto the Hogwarts Express.
56 Votes in Poll
36 Votes in Poll
So I made a post a couple weeks ago that was guess my top 20 fav characters and it kind of died and its been a couple weeks so i might as well reveal! congrats to all that guess correctly :)
(this contains characters from the original series, cursed child, and hogwarts legacy...feel free to ask questions in comments, just dont criticize/be rude. you can also share yours in comments!!)
1) Bellatrix Black
2) Draco Malfoy
3) Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort
4) Severus Snape
5) Hermione Granger
6) Narcissa Black
7) Sirius Black
8) Luna Lovegood (do I even need to explain?)
9) Scorpius Malfoy
10) Sebastian Sallow
11) Fred and George Weasley
12) Delphi "Diggory" (I'm probably getting a lot of hate for that one)
13) Minerva McGonagall
14) Barty Crouch Jr
15) Remus Lupin
16) Mad-Eye Moody
17) Neville Longbottom
18) Rubeus Hagrid (idk if I spelt his first name right)
19) Lily Evans
20) Authur Weasley
(thoughts? What are yours?)
Guys……. is it just me…… or am i the only one pretends it’s not cannon and pretends it doesn’t exist becuase god i just really don’t like it……. idk lmk
43 Votes in Poll