29 Votes in Poll
Did you know that there was also personal reason for why Dumbledore gave Neville all those points?
At the end of the first book he says
Which allows Gryffindor to win the house cup. But there's actually another reason Dumbledore gave those points to Nevillle besides it being brave, nice and having Gryffindor to win the cup.
Because, Neville plucked up the courage to stand up to his friends...just like how Dumbledore plucked up the courage to stand up to his old friend Gellert Grindalwald.
I just think that's a heartwarming detail.
41 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
I'm new to the fandom. My name is Ruhi/Rin. I'm in 100+ pages into teh 1st book. My favorite character is Hagrid.
The question might seem silly, but I was assigned to write a compare and contrast essay for my college prep. English class. We were able to pick our own thesis, so I chose to do the age old question on what's better; the book, or its movie adaptation? With such a broad concept with many examples, a narrowed down my focus on my own favorite interest, Harry Potter!
To cut to the point, I want to hear from all sides and point of views, and thought it'd be really cool to cite from the fandom itself. :) I don't know how far this post will reach, but I'd love to have open discussions and debate on what form of media you prefer and why. Although I expect the preference for the books to be popular, duh, all opinions are accepted and wanted!
50 Votes in Poll
So, uh, I was just looking at this old movie for certain reasons, when I saw this:
it released in 1986, right?
Well, 11 years later, Harry Potter book 1 comes out.
Please explain
113 Votes in Poll
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65 Votes in Poll
So yeah I started reading the books and I’ll watch the movies soon.
As u can see I knew nothing about the lore before this point, I just googled a LOT of things and watched timeline vids which made everything EVEN MORE CONFUSING
Bear with me if I say things that you guys already know, I’m new to the fandom, bear with me
Also I want NO SPOILERS for Prisoners in Azkaban or anything after that, okay?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Hagrid is such a sweetheart I love how innocent he is
Fred and George are the type of friends I would LOVE to sneak outta school with
‘We’re not dumb, we know our names are Gred and Forge!’
What the-?!
(me crying in the corner knowing that one of the twins is gonna d!e soon)
Ron is (imo) the FUNNIEST character, prove me wrong!
The Devil’s Snare moment was by far my favourite
’Yeah, it’s a great help that we know the name!’
Or something like that I don’t remember the dialogue exactly…
I feel bad for Harry :(
I hate Dudley, who’s with me?
Dumbledore is like the Master Oogway of the Harry Potter universe
(me crying in the corner again knowing that Dumbledore’s gonna d!e too)
The plot twist at the end was unexpected, to say the least.
I’d watched a timeline vid but because almost everything the narrator was saying went over my head, I didn’t realise the Quirrel was the bad guy all along T_T
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
‘Jiggley pokery! Hocus pocus!’
Harry was such a savage with Dudley in that moment I loved it
That coconut head deserved it >:(
Also the ✨flying car✨
Sometimes I wondered what it’d be like to be Petrified, ik I sound messed up rn but would it be like being asleep, or would u be aware of what’s happening around and u just can’t respond?
Poor Colin :(
Also Lockhart was being such an obnoxious jerk I recognised how absolutely ANNOYING he was gonna be as soon I read the description of him
It’s good the Memory Charm hit him instead I’m glad.
’Why,’ demanded Ron, ‘have you circled all of Lockhart’s classes in little hearts?’
Bro what in the name of Hogwarts Hermione-
I agree with Ron, why Hermione, why?!
I wish I knew Parseltongue tbh
I think Harry has self esteem issues, just saying, he shows some of the signs
I just loved the Quddhich match, the little voice in my head kept rooting for Harry and ended being so happy when Gryffindor won even tho I knew it would all along
The ‘Tom Riddle=He Who Must Not Be Named’ thing SHOCKED ME
I felt so bad for Ginny how was she meant to know any better?
Ok that’s it!
I’s like to hear ur thoughts about Philosopher’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets too
V for Victory!
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75 Votes in Poll
I have year 4 and 1 official Lego sets :)
Angle on little Harry and Hermione (there was no Ron in the set 😭)
Angle on Snape (look at the swagger 😎)
I decided to recreate some events that actually happened. Ron was mad at Harry in “Gobleta Fiya” so they’re arguing.
Hermione and Victor dancing 🤭