I hate how J.K. made almost EVERY character related in some way. Harry has Charlus Potter, a man married to Ginny's grandparent. Rose and Scorpius are cousins, 3rd or 4th. "Our Teddy. With our cousin". They're both cousins. Tonks is Ginny's 3rd cousin I think and Victoire is her niece. Arthur and Molly both share ancestry DIRECTLY from the House of Black, check it out if you don't believe me. I understand the other pure-blood families like The blacks (Sirius and Regulus' parents are 1st cousins) because they don't want any Half-blood/muggle born ancestry but the "blood traitors" like Harry and others is just pretty disgusting. It adds this *ncest-like theme to the story that I hate. (Unrelated note, I discovered most of the Malfoys aside from Lucius, Draco and Narcissa and Draco's grandparents are actually half-blood due to the muggles and wizards living together prior to the statute of secrecy.)
I'm here with another trivia quiz I made. This one is all about everything to do with families in the wizarding world and the bar is set pretty high in this one. Think you still can get a clean sweep? Well, let's see!⚡️😄
Check my posts for my Privet Drive quiz!
If you found the quiz enjoyable, feel free to share it with your friends!
I looked at the hand-drawn Black family tree, and both Headmaster Black and his disowned son are spelled Phineus, not Phineas. Thus, the tapestry in the film was not misspelled!
All the Blacks but Dorea had multiple children. The tapestry shows all Blacks unless blasted off. It is entirely possible that Dorea's son was an illegitimate child with Charlus Potter. If the Potters didn't want to take responsibility for the child, he would probably be a Black in name and disinherited Potter. So Araminta might have been Dorea's granddaughter. This might also explain her not being disowned for marrying into the "blood traitor" Potters like Cedrella Black was for marrying Septimus Weasley because she didn't marry Charlus. The possible scandal also probably ruined any marriage prospects for her being seen as "spoiled" by Charlus. It also adds to the explanation of why the wizarding world was surprised by Sirius's friendship with James Potter. Another possible reason is that Charlus was disowned and took his wife's surname.
What we know about Sirius's animagus/patronus is that it takes the form of a large bear-like shaggy jet-black dog (not unlike the grim). The problem with that is that there is no dog in existence that has the same description as Sirius's dog form (not even a German Shepherd or Irish Wolfhound or any sort of mixed breed dogs). Whilst we know the dog breed of another characters patronus (Ron is a Jack Russell), we are never given exactly what sort of dog breed is Padfoot.
What do you think? What kind of dog do you think JK Rowling intended for Sirius to be (I reckon he could be the grim without the death curse)?
Does anybody believe that the Black family should have had more family members that were given more names based how every member of the family has been named after astronomical objects?
I do.
And here are some names for whichever family members:
Of course a lot of the pure-bloods are related, but in this case Ron is a direct descendant of Phineas Nigellus Black. Arthur Weasley's mother was Cedrella Black, who is the granddaughter of Phineas, making Ron a great-great-grandson of Phinead Nigellus Black.
In DH, Ron mentions he will teach hermione his family tree, which could mean he knows all the members. So i was wondering if he and Phineas knew about each other when the trio spoke to Phineas Black's portrait in the tent during the horcrux hunt. Phineas didn't seem to think much of Ron.
This man is braver then Harry just saying so let’s appreciate him
So me and my sisters kinda think we are the three black sisters
My older sister @Captain38 is pretty much like Bellatrix because oldest and not to say anything kinda mentally unstable as Bella
My middle sister is like a Andromeda aka a muggle has no potter knowledge
Then there me I’m like Narcissa I have brown hair while my sisters are blonde I’m also carrying person<33
Hi, my name is Sasha, and I'm in desperate need of a co-creator for an HP fanfic. I have an idea and am currently working on a ton of additional information, like the Black family's tapestry, the background of each main character, pairings, and the timeline. I'll help you each step of the way, but, unfortunately, I don't have enough knowledge when it comes to HP canon or English as a language to pull it off by myself. You can read a sneak peek of the idea with a prophecy, House of Black family tree, and bestiary on AO3:
38 Votes in Poll
47 Votes in Poll
I wrote this with some of my friends, it's a fanfiction series called Chronicles of House Black about the Black sisters. We're working on Part 3 right now, but this document has Parts 1 and 2, The Hogwarts Years and The Gloomy Hollow. Also, just a disclaimer, this has nothing to do with the fanfilm Sisters of House Black.
Part 1: Chronicles of House Black: The Hogwarts Years is a fanfiction detailing Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa Black's lives at Hogwarts, alongside the backstories of the Mirror of Erised and the Philosopher's Stone, the Ministry of Magic's ties with Hogwarts, and the early years of side characters of the main series such as Lockhart, Quirrell, and Trelawney.
Part 2: The sequel to Chronicles of House Black: The Hogwarts Years, The Gloomy Hollow continues the Black sisters' story across the First Wizarding War, and explores the story of the Order of the Phoenix, as well as Lord Voldemort and his relationship with the Death Eaters, Quirrell's journey into the dark side, and Dumbledore and McGonagall's tenure at Hogwarts, while following the events leading up to the attack at Godric's Hollow.
Artemisia Blackwood (née Black): Father was a Muggle
Eduardus Limette Black: Unknown reasons
Iola Hitchens (née Black): Marrying a muggle named Bob Hitchens
Phineas Black II: Supporting Muggle rights
Marius Black: Being a Squib
Cedrella Weasley (née Black): Marrying the blood traitor Septimus Weasley
Andromeda Tonks (née Black): Marrying a muggle-born Ted Tonks
Sirius Black III: Being a blood traitor, being sorted into Gryffindor, and finally, running away to the blood traitor Potter family
Alphard Black: Financially supporting his disowned runaway nephew Sirius Black III
NOTE: Cedrella and Septimus had three sons, one of whom is Arthur Weasley.
What are your thoughts on all this?
58 Votes in Poll
Kreacher was deathly loyal to the Blacks, and Sirius gave everything (The Black Estate) to Harry. It makes me think that the only way Sirius could make Harry his Heir is not because of him being Sirius's godson but because he was descended from one of the legitimate succession lines of Phineas Nigellus, specifically Belvina Burke nee Black. Belvina is known to have a daughter, and Burke is an Irish Clan; Euphemia would not have been a strange traditional name. Plus, Burke is mainly Irish, which would fit the Potters and Redheads trope; Ireland is noted to have the highest world percentage of red hair.
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