This Lestrange people are described as females, but I don't know if that's for sure.
This Lestrange people are described as females, but I don't know if that's for sure.
Since every Lestrange family member is deceased, who would inherit their fortune, the Manor, and their reputation? I pondered this question today and realized that it remains unanswered.
VOLDEMORT thought only of revenge as he died.
Revenge upon the loathsome creature that had killed him; Harry Potter.
The boy who had killed him; the boy who lived; the boy who had “saved” the Wizarding World. And, as Voldemort fell, his last breath drawing from him, raspy, as his consciousness faded into darkness, the Fallen Dark Lord uttered a spell.
Though Harry did not know, he was cursed.
Cursed by the Dark Lord, to never forget his name, to never forget his power; To Never forget Voldemort.
“You shall pay, Harry Potter.”
And then, as Voldemort hit the ground, his death echoed through the school; his army, his Death Eaters, their blood ran cold.
Their Lord had fallen.
Bellatrix ran through the Hogwarts grounds, her hair a mat of sweat and dirt as she sprinted across the churned grass; standing on bodies, kicking away young children; the Death Eater ran, faster than she had ever ran before.
If it hadn’t been for the Polyjuice Potion The Lord had made one, unsuspecting Death Eater drink, she would not be alive.
Bellatrix had heard the Weasley Blood Traitor murder the Death Eater, believing that she had just murdered Bellatrix LeStrange. At the thought, Bellatrix cackled; after all, it would take more than a disgusting Blood Traitor to kill her. She would get her revenge on the Weasley Family.
But she could not do that now. She had to build her strength back up, she couldn’t fight; not yet. She may have been mad, but she was not rash, nor an idiot.
The Death Eaters, they were loyal. They would find Bellatrix; they would help her bring justice to her Dark Lord. And the cowards… the cowards that betrayed The Lord would pay. They would pay with their lives.
And the Potter boy. She would drink his blood, she would tear him limb from limb as his screams echoed in her mind. As he died. And she would love every second of it.
Suddenly, Bellatrix reached the lake. Without a second thought, she dove in, her arms pushing her forwards, cutting through the ebony waters smoothly and swiftly.
Dragging herself out of the water, Bellatrix craned her head back.
Flashes of red and green light emitted from the castle as Death Eaters were either killed or stunned.
They would be dealt with accordingly; or, as the Minister saw fit.
The Minister was an imbecile, a stupid, rash man who was clearly a bumbling fool who knew nothing of Politics. It had been her pleasure to Imperio him, Bellatrix thought, as she swung open the door to the Hogwarts Express; it had been -
Bellatrix swung back, just as a crack of red flew past her. Without missing a beat, Bellatrix pointed her wand at the person inside.
“Avada Kedavra!” Bellatrix screeched; then, with a crack of green, the figure slumped forwards; dead.
Grabbing fistfuls of their clothing, Bellatrix threw the body out of the compartment, into the mud beneath. She didn’t even glance at the face of the corpse; instead, she slammed the door shut.
Before another curse flew past her head.
“CRUCIO!” Bellatrix screeched, whipping around, about to kill the person who had sent the spell at her; before she gasped.
“Bellatrix,” her sister nodded, blushing slightly. Bellatrix frowned.
“And why do I find you here, may I ask?” Bellatrix said, her eyes narrowed into slits.
“I saw you run from the battle. COWARD!”
Narcissa’s mouth hung open, and she took a step backwards;
“Bella, I -”
“‘Bella, I-’ NO! You don’t get to ANSWER, you disgusting, disloyal, loathsome creature! HOW DARE YOU!”
Bellatrix took a threatening step forwards; her face was flushed red.
Narcissa’s face hardened, and she raised her chin upwards.
“I merely care for my family, Bellatrix Lestrange,” she responded firmly.
Bellatrix cackled.
“So, here we see where your loyalties lie. Family,” Bellatrix spat onto the floor.
“And where is the boy? The one that didn’t have the guts to kill Dumbledore? The little sickly pale one? Hm?”
Narcissa clenched her fists.
“Don’t you dare speak of Draco that way, Bella!”
Suddenly, a tall, slender boy emerged from another compartment, his eyes steely grey, his gaze set upon Bellatrix.
“Oh, speak of the devil,” Bellatrix sneered, staring at her nephew; “You’re a whole family of little snakes, aren’t you?”
Draco swallowed.
“I thought you were dead,” the boy muttered; Bellatrix, angered, raised her wand.
“And I think you should learn some manner-”
The red light shot from Narcissa’s wand before Bellatrix could react; she was flung backwards, and lay on the ground, unmoving.
Narcissa blinked, before turning slowly to Draco.
“Tell - tell your father that Bellatrix-”
Draco nodded sullenly.
“What do we do with her?” he asked, quietly. “I’m guessing you don’t want to kill her," he added.
Narcissa winced at the word, and nodded.
“No. No, I do not.”
Draco bowed his head; “We could always hand her over to the Ministry, send her to Azkaban. She belongs there, after all.”
Narcissa rubbed her forehead, slumping into a chair;
“Maybe,” she whispered.
So in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Leta Lestrange is depicted as going to Hogwarts as a Slytherin, but she's also depicted as a french resident, with family there going back many generations. This is confusing to me because there's already a magic school in France (Beauxbatons). So why didn't she go there?
After learning about the Kama family's Unbreakable Vow of vengeance, Corvus IV sent his children off to the Americas, specifically New York. We see them on the boat where Corvus V was swapped with Aurelius Dumbledore by Leta, ultimately leading for Aurelius to be adopted by the Barebones family. Where did Leta go? Did she just go back home after this? Why is she going to Hogwarts? I guess we could assume that Corvus IV and Leta moved to England or Scotland, perhaps? Maybe she was adopted by the British Lestranges? I can't think of any other reason why she would not have attended Beauxbatons over Hogwarts.
“Lily, take Harry while I fend against the Dark Lord!” James Potter said. “Okay, James!” Lily replied. “AVADA KEDAVRA!” James exclaimed. Lord Voldemort’s corpse crashed to the ground. James gets out of his house. “James? I heard you cast the killing curse on the Dark Lord and his body crashing to the ground. Are you OK?” Lily asked. “Yes, Lily. I’m OK!” James replied. “I thought he cast it on you. I was so scared!” Lily says. “NOOOOOO!!!” Bellatrix exclaims upon entering James and Lily’s house (Delphi enters with use of a Time-Turner) “I’m the daughter you’ll now never have, Delphini Riddle, I came from the timeline where Lily and James are dead. I was conceived in Malfoy Manor in the mid-to-late 1990s as the result of a liaison between you and Lord Voldemort. On the 2nd of May, 1998, during the Battle of Hogwarts that will now never happen, you and him were murdered. You — were murdered by Molly Weasley, and Dad in the timeline I’m from was killed by Harry.” Delphini explains. “AVADA KEDAVRA!” Lily casts the Killing curse on Bellatrix. “James! Delphi’s time turner’s spinning! We need to get out of range of any injury!” Lily says, urgently. “Follow me with Harry, Lily!” James says. Aromatic butterbeer can be smelt from the Three Broomsticks inn. “In here.” James says. “How’d we get to Hogsmeade?’ Lily inquires. “I don’t know..?” James replies. “James? Lily? You’re alive?” Molly says, confused. “Yup, James killed Voldemort.” Lily says. Pandora Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood and Luna Lovegood (Luna is currently aged 7) enter, Luna had a bottle of water. “Lily? James? You’re alive?” Pandora, Xenophilius and Luna say, confused, altogether. “Yep, James killed Voldemort.” Lily says. Lily replies. “Lily? You wanna, y’know, hang out?” Snape asks. “Sev! I really wanna hangout! I don’t s’pose you were hoping to go home to see something?” Lily replies, enthusiastically. “Lily? I thought the Dark Lord killed you…” Molly says, confused. “It’s the other way ‘round, Molly.” Lily replies. “Mum? It’s my letter! It arrived. Dad told me.” Bill Weasley says. “Bill! Thanks for letting me know!” Molly replies. Back at the Burrow, Bill reads his letter. “Mum, Dad, can you take me to Diagon Alley to get my stuff?” Bill asks. “I‘ll have to, Bill, because your mum needs to have an ultrasound at St. Mungo’s.” Arthur replies. “Why?” Bill asks, to which Arthur replies, “We think you might be getting a sibling!” On 1 September, Molly, baby Charlie, Bill and Arthur are at Platform 9 ¾. “Bye, Bill!” Molly and Arthur say as Bill gets on the Hogwarts Express. “Bye, Mum, Dad and Charlie!” Bill replies. Bill’s at Hogwarts now, and he’s just been sorted into Gryffindor. “James, while Sev and I were hanging out, he told me that you, Peter, Remus and Sirius bullied him in our time at Hogwarts. We are THROUGH!” Lily says. “LILY J. EVANS! I SAVED YOU FROM VOLDEMORT!! HOW DARE YOU DIE OUR RELATIONSHIP!?” James says. “Here’s my ring. James Potter. I’ve signed all the divorce paperwork.” Lily says. James replies with, “Okay. Lily Evans. I have now signed it as well. Take it back to your filthy Mudblood lawyer. You can date Snivellus. Farewell.” Snape comes in. “Lily, I heard you and James “Prongs” Potter have divorced..? Wanna go on a date?” Snape says. “Since Petunia went to Hogwarts with me, she can babysit Harry. So, yes, Sev!!” Lily replies. “Lily ! Hi!!” Petunia says. “Can you look after Harry while Sev and I go out for dinner please?” Lily asks. “Of course, Lily!!” Petunia replies. Meanwhile, at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, Severus and Lily share a cup of tea and a cake. “So, Lily, what should we do now?” Severus asks. “Well, I really should get back to Harry, it’s going to be his bedtime soon. Bye, Sev!” Lily says. “Bye, Lily!” Severus says. Lily arrives back at Number Four, Privet Drive, to pick Harry up soon after.
I made the entire family tree of the Wizarding World on Gitmind
Including character descriptions and pictures
Black, Lestrange, Yaxley, Prewett, Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, Malfoy, Peverell, Goldstein and other families
Please give me some suggestions on how to improve it.
Here's the link:
I'm pretty sure we all know I'm obsessed with Marauders fanfiction. That's my only reason for making this post.
We know that Alice comes from a pureblood family. We know the 'Sacred Twenty-Eight' is a group of pureblood families, and that is where I am basing some of my reasoning.
With logic, we know that Alice could not have been a Black or a Potter. Their family trees are very widely known and we know she is not included in those family trees.
Alice could not have been a Longbottom because then she would have had the same last name as her husband, Frank.
She is not a Gaunt because their family line is extinct, nor an Olivander because even though they are part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, they technically aren't a pureblood family anymore.
It makes sense that Alice does not belong to a traditionally Slytherin family, heavily elitist and prejudiced families that support Voldemort, so this disqualifies her from being a Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Mucibler, Rosier, or any similar family.
There is a slim possibility that Alice was part of the Greengrass family. We know Astoria and Daphne were raised to believe in traditional Slytherin family beliefs, so it is not a very good prediction.
Some people think Alice could have been part of the Weasley family, but their family is too widely known thought the series and is too famous for us to never hear of Alice being a member.
Alice probably wouldn't have been a Prewett. We all know that Molly Weasley's maiden name is Prewett, and her brothers were Fabian and Gideon Prewett. It wouldn't have made sense because Alice would have been her sister or a close cousin. Therefore, Molly would have known about Neville and it would make sense if her children knew about Neville too. So, we know Prewett would not have worked. Of course, there could have been miscommunication which could be the reason why Molly didn't know that Neville was her nephew (if Alice & Molly were sisters). If this theory is correct, it would probably be the fault of miscommunication.
One person thinks Alice could have been a Selwyn and not Fortescue. The Selwyn family is something we don't see much in the books. We know Umbridge used their family as an excuse when questioned about the Slytherin locket, but besides that, we don't know much about the family. Their family is part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. We know there is a Death Eater with the surname Selwyn that participated in the Second War. Although there is one known Death Eater from their family, it doesn't mean their whole family is made of Death Eaters. I disagree with this theory, but there's a possibility that this theory is correct.
According to the Madam Pince Tumblr page, there's a possibility that Alice is part of the Lestrange Family. She could be a second or third cousin of Rodolphus or Rabastan. I'm sure that Alice is not their sister. If this is true, she would be distantly related to the Black family because of Rodolphus's marriage to Bellatrix Black. It would make sense why Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters would be prejudiced against Alice and her family. The Longbottoms disagreed with Voldemort, thus making them a target for the Death Eaters who deemed them as 'Blood Traitors'.
Many fans insist that her last name is Fortescue, but nobody seems to know where this came from. This would make her, if not closely, related to Florean Fortescue, a descendant from the once Hogwarts Headmaster, Dexter Fortescue. Again, this information is not confirmed. But we do know about Harry's encounter with Florean. He sounds like a pretty cool guy. What makes me confused is why he isn't known by Neville. We can assume that if Alice was part of the Fortescue family, she'd be Florean's sister or a close cousin since they are alive at relatively the same time. So why isn't he 'in' Neville's life? I'll leave that for you guys to think about.
Using this information, I can predict that she could have been a member of the Fortescue or Prewett families, but of course, this is not confirmed. Let me know your thoughts!!!
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Mcgonagall theories.
These are the theories the Mcgonagall mishap was not a mistake:
1.Madam Kit Archer Pointed out that it may be that being stuck as an animagus would stop you from growing for multiple years.
2.Some people think that it was a relative of Mcgonagall, however on the script it says young mcgonagall the third. -ASiriusGryffindor (My counterpoint to this was that Mcgonnagall might have been the 2 or third, however that is not likely
3.Some people are saying it was a time turner, however they can’t go back that far.
4.One I thought of was the fountain of youth in beedle the bard. She might have found it out and became younger.
5.Just any magic that makes someone younger.
So it seems pretty obvious that that was a mistake, since she has made mistakes before. But there are so many theories. However it does seem like that’s all the theories. (If it’s not you can tell us one down below. I have found some new mistakes for us to talk about:
6.Why is Dumbledore teaching dark arts, when in the books it says he teaches transfiguration.
7.Why are Aurors apperating inside hogwarts?
8.Why does Dumbledore see the past in the mirror of Erised. He himself said “You can neither see the past or the future.
9.Ariana Dumbledore died by a rogue spell cast in a fight between Albus, Aberforth and Grindelwald in 1899. So if the blood pact was made before that, shouldn't both of them have dropped dead the moment they started duelling?
10.Albus Dumbledore was born in 1881 and Credence was born in 1904. To be siblings, both of them would have had to share a father in Percival Dumbledore. The problem is that Percival died in Azkaban in the 1890s. (I am sure this is not a mistake
11. Newt acios the Niffler. You can’t apparate living things. (I’ll give this one a pass because that was the cutest scene in the world.
However honestly J.K. is still an amazing writer, and none of these mistakes is saying she is not. I would have made 10 times the mistakes if I was writing that much a depthful fantasy world.
If you are talking about one mistake or theory use the numbers so you don’t have to say the name entire mistake. For example I think 1. Is right because...