Ben 10
Magic was born in the ancient times as a mutated aspect of mana as personal energy in a "magical core" that surfaced in a small group of half-human hybrids on Earth in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively that were also half-Anodite possessing the "spark" as is called by their full-blooded Anodite parents who possessed the power to manipulate and control life energy along with altering their surroundings, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Anodites took it upon themselves to teach their half-Anodite children how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their personal sparks which they called "magic" until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants before returning to Anodyne. The half-Anodites later married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of interstellar origins.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Magic was born in the ancient times as a mutated aspect of the Seed of Wonder as a transmogrified personal energy in a small group of humans in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively where a secondary group of Shadowmen were able to empower and bind the essences of every god and/or goddess of magic from whichever respective pantheon in said humans where they were given the power to manipulate and alter their surroundings, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Shadowmen then took it upon themselves to teach the empowered humans how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control the essence of their personal energy which they called "magic" until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The magically empowered humans eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of supernatural origins.
DC Comics
Magic was born in the ancient times as a mutated aspect from a Mother Box energy as personal energy in a group of half-human hybrids of homo magi, Kryptonians, Tamaraneans, Atlanteans, Thanagarians, and demigod children of gods/goddess of magic that were exposed to the energy of a Mother Box, which then mutated their genes that gave them a core of personal energy with the power to utilize and control what would eventually be called "magic," making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The half-humans and demigods were then approached by the Guardians of the Universe who then called them "magihumans," explaining that they are a new subspecies of metahumans after sensing such power all the way from Oa in their "magigene(s)" and took it upon themselves to teach the half-human hybrids how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it. The Guardians later explained that their magic has become a part of them all now and that their magic would be passed down through their own descendants for millennia before returning to Oa. The magihumans had then married their fellow hybrids that were exposed to the Mother Box energy and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries proving that all of wizardkind is descended from half-human hybrids of humanoid beings.
Dragon Ball
Magic was born in the ancient times as a mutated aspect of spiritual energy known as ki, a vital and tangible energy that was discovered by accident by a group of human Earthlings in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively who were trying to draw out the fighting power, but ended up creating or "awakening" a personal energy inside of them that became their magical cores, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Earthlings were then approached by the Kais, Namekians, and members of Bibidi's race who took it upon themselves to teach all of the Earthlings how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it. One of the Kais later learned and informed the Earthlings that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The magically empowered Earthlings eventually married their compatriots and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of spiritual origins.
Magic was born in the ancient times as a form of personal energy in a small group of hybridized humans in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively that were all halfling children of a magic-wielding race known as the Children of Oberon (colloq. Third Race) who had fallen in love with mortals with a peculiar gene and gave birth to halfling children with very powerful fae magic, but with a "magical core," therefore making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The respective Children of Oberon, who were revered as the gods and goddesses of magic in whichever pantheon then took it upon themselves to teach their halfling children how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants before the Children of Oberon were "called home" to the island of Avalon for the latest Gathering. All of the halfling children eventually married other halflings just like them, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries proving that all of wizardkind is descended from magical beings.
Indiana Jones
Magic is a chromosome of personal energy that surfaced in a small group of human beings that were experimented on by interdimensional beings in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively, developing a "magical core," which was a result of a "genetic hiccup" from the experimentings that had become permanently part of them and could not be fixed (according to the interdimensional beings themselves), making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The interdimensional beings then decided to take it upon themselves to teach the experimented humans how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants before returning to their home into the "space between spaces." The experimented eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that all of wizardkind is descended from experimented humans and that magic is of biological origins via interdimensional experimenting parallel to ancient astronauts.
The Lord of the Rings
Magic was born in the ancient times when Eru Ilúvatar (the supreme deity/creator god of Eä) had brought 9 of his Ainur and 150 Elves to Earth via "dimensional travel." The Ainur and Elves that came to Earth later had fallen in love with some humans that possessed a peculiar gene in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively and had children that were half-Ainu and half-elf respectively who were born with a personal energy of "magical cores" and the longevity of a wizard/witch's lifespan, thus making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Ainur and Elves were then instructed by Ilúvatar to take it upon themselves to teach their children how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants on this "alternate Earth," all the while few Elves chose to stay behind on Earth when the Ainur and the rest of the Elves returned to Middle-earth to do battle with the Dark Lord Morgoth, and later Sauron in the ensuing wars through the First, Second, and Third Age(s) of Middle-earth. All of the half-angel and half-elf children later married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that all of wizardkind is descended from interdimensional magical beings.
Marvel Comics
Magic is a chromosome of personal energy that surfaced in a small group of humans in ancient Greece, Egypt, India, and China respectively that were Atlantean and Lemurian refugees, half-human/half-Faltines, half-human children of the Cheyarafim and Neyaphem, and demigod children of the patron gods of magic on Earth where a Celestial named Jemiah the Analyzer experimented on them all the while a cosmic energy storm and the Phoenix Force passed through the Earth from space afterwards, awakening the "magic chromosome" in those that were experimented on afterward, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Vishanti (Agamotto, Oshtur, and Hoggoth), Hekate, Odin, Chthon, and a mysterious Faltine all came before the experimented humans and told them that they now possess a "magical core," explaining it is the result of a "genetic hiccup" from Jemiah's experimenting that has become permanently part of them and cannot be fixed (according to Jemiah himself) all the while they took it upon themselves to teach the experimented how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants, unlike muggle mutants where the mutant X-gene would surface in very few muggles (including wizardkind) during puberty. The experimented eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that all of wizardkind is descended from experimented half-humans and that magic is of biological origins via extraterrestrial experimenting.
The Mortal Instruments (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
Magic was born in the ancient times when a host of angels called the Erelim came to Earth under the command of Raziel, the angel of mysteries and chief of the Erelim who told a prophecy that only a small portion of the human race will possess the gift of mysticism. The Erelim fell in love with a group of humans in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively who eventually had children that were nephilim (half-human/half-angel) who were born with a core of personal energy with the power of mysticism, or magic, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The respective Erelim parents took it upon themselves to teach their half-angel children how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The nephilim later married other nephilim, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that all of wizardkind is descended from divinity all the while Raziel would be credited as being the "Angel of Wizardkind."
The Mummy (Universal Monsters)
Magic was born in ancient Egypt from Thoth, the god of magic, knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, and meditation where he gifted a small portion of mortals, including his own priests with a "sixth" concept of the human soul with a fraction of his godly powers that was dubbed the "magical spark" of personal energy and was kept in secret from those non-magical, except for the pharaohs who were sworn to be under oath never to tell the world, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. Thoth later took it upon himself to teach those born with the magical spark how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. Those that were gifted with the spark later married others with the spark, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World (first with Greece and later India) over the centuries all the while some Egyptian wizards and witches chose to be priests of their gods, proving that magic is of divine origins all the while Thoth is being credited as the "King of Magic" and the "Father of Wizardkind."
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Riordanverse)
Magic was born in ancient Greece, Egypt, India, Scandinavia, China, Briton, and Mesopotamia from Hecate, Thoth, Dhatri, Odin, Xuanwu, Dagda, and Marduk, the respective gods and goddesses of magic where they gave birth to demigod children that were born with a core of personal energy who possessed a fraction of their godly power in mystiokinesis and later blessed a small group of mortals with a fraction of their godly powers as well, including the Egyptian magicians, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. All five of them then took it upon themselves to teach all of their children, blessed, and the magicians how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. Hecate, Thoth, Dhatri, Odin, Freyja, Xuanwu, Dagda, Enki, and Marduk's demigod children, their blessed, and the magicians eventually married, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that all of wizardkind is descended from divinity all the while Hecate, Thoth, Dhatri, Odin, Freyja, Xuanwu, Dagda, Enki, and Marduk would be credited as being the "King/Queen of Magic" and the "Father/Mother of Wizardkind" in their respective pantheons.
Power Rangers
Magic was born in the ancient times as a mutated aspect of the Morphin Grid as personal energy from the Grid itself in a "magical core" that surfaced in a small group hybridized humans in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively that were all halfling children of the Morphin Masters, who fell in love with some humans and gave birth to halfling children where they were exposed to the Morphin Grid via a Master Arch and they assimilated the Grid's energies into their bodies after touching it, creating their magical cores, giving them the power to manipulate and alter their surroundings, therefore making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Morphin Masters then took it upon themselves to teach their halfling children how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control the Grid's energy in what they now called their "magic" until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The halfling humans eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of interdimensional origins.
Star Wars
Magic was born in the ancient times as a mutated aspect of the Force as personal energy from midi-chlorians in a "magical core" that surfaced in a small group of human beings on Earth in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively that were the children of some Force-sensitive humans that were either Jedi, Dark Jedi, and/or Sith who came to said planet while in its infancy via Force travel who were either exiled or had abandoned their respective order(s) (Jedi and Sith Order), making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The light and darksider then took it upon themselves to teach their Force-attuned transhuman children how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control the mutated Force (in what they called magic) until they had fully mastered their control of it and later learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The Force-attuned transhumans later married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of interstellar origins parallel to ancient astronauts.
Street Fighter
Magic was born in the ancient times as a subset or mutated aspect of spiritual energy known as ki, a preternatural and esoteric energy that is believed to be found in all things, which was discovered by accident when a group of human martial artists in ancient India and China who were attempting to wield and harness the power, but ended up creating a personal energy inside of them that became their magical cores, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The martial artists were then trained by their masters who understood the secrets of ki and taught them all how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it. The martial artists later learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The magically empowered martial artists married other martial artists who were trained the exact same as them as possessed a magical more and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of spiritual origins.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
Magic is a transmutagenic chromosome of personal energy that surfaced in a small group of human beings from ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively that were experimented on by a group of Utrom scientists on their homeworld while trying to perfect an experimental mutagen. The chromosome that surfaced in said humans actually gave them the power to manipulate and alter their surroundings, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Utroms dubbed the chromosome a "magical core" that was decreed a "hiccup" in their experiment which cannot be reversed and returned the experimented humans to Earth via transmat portal device. The Utroms followed the experimented humans back to Earth not long afterwards and took it upon themselves to teach the experimented how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The experimented eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of biological origins via interstellar experimenting derived from ancient astronauts.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
Magic is a transmutagenic chromosome of personal energy that surfaced in a small group of human beings from ancient Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively that were experimented on by a group of Utrom scientists in Dimension X while trying to perfect their experimental mutagen. The chromosome that surfaced in said humans actually gave them the power to manipulate and alter their surroundings, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The Utroms dubbed the chromosome a "magical core" that was decreed a "hiccup" in their experiment that cannot be reversed and returned the experimented humans to Earth. Later, the Aeons from the planet Xaava-Dal then came to Earth before the experimented humans not long after their return and took it upon themselves to teach the experimented how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their magic until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants. The experimented eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of biological origins via interdimensional experimenting parallel to ancient astronauts.
Magic is a mutated aspect of the Energon as personal energy created from the AllSpark that was born in the ancient times. The AllSpark was brought to Earth by Primus, the creator god of Cybertron who visited ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, India, and China respectively after discovering the human race outside of Cybertron. Primus then presented himself to a small group of people who then were exposed to the AllSpark's energy, mutating their genetic structure by possessing energy of the AllSpark inside of them, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. Primus then took it upon himself to teach those that were exposed to the AllSpark how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control their personal Energon which they called "magic" until they had fully mastered their control of it and learned that their magic would be passed on down through their own descendants before returning to Cybertron. The exposed eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of interstellar origins parallel to ancient astronauts.
Magic was born in the ancient times as personal energy from an abiogenetic anomaly called the Medeisus Strain that surfaced in a small group of humans in ancient Greece, Egypt, India, and China respectively who underwent a serious bout of stress they suffered from while they were stricken with a mysterious ailment that nearly killed them, until the somehow, their bodies were able to mold the ailment, that was fully purged of the bodies of those who became ill and awakening their magical cores, making them the progenitors of wizardkind. The humans then took it upon themselves to learn how to utilize, channel, manipulate, harness, and control what they called "magic" until they had fully mastered their control of it and later learned that their magic would remain dormant from being passed on down through their own descendants. The humans with the Medeisus Strain eventually married one another, and had children that were dubbed the "original pureblooded wizardkind," where their descendants would later expand all over the Old World over the centuries, proving that magic is of biological origins.