"What did you say?"
"P-Please forgive us. We-we failed."
"What did you say?" he continued in less than a whisper.
"Avada Kedavra!"
After a pause-
"Now Draco, looks like Nagini is going to have a nice dinner tonight, isn't she?"
I woke up, trembling. I looked in the mirror. In the dim light I could see my sweat.
I walked downstairs.
My parents ate silently around the table. My father's face was contorted in fear, my mother's in worry. The mirror showed that my face was rock-solid and my will was strong. My father spoke up.
"Hopefully luck will be on our side today."
I didn't say anything, but I knew that father was hoping to catch Harry Potter. My rival made me feel like a joke during school, but I got the last laugh.
But is that true? That respectable enemy of mine was the only chance to stop Voldemort.
If I caught Harry, would I want to turn him in?
The obvious answer was yes: We would get on the good side of the Lord, and the world would be restored to the pureblood families, and we would get dominance over the others.
However, I felt I didn't want to live in a world of no forgiveness, a world where power was the only one. I wanted to live in the world where the ruler had forgiveness and empathy.
But I could not, would not, allow the idea of switching sides to appear in my mind. What would happen to my family? My family had the best chance of survival if we were loyal. I had the best chance of wealth and prosperity if I was loyal. So I would support the Dark Lord.
"State your purpose!"
"We've got Potter!" came a blood-curling voice. "We've captured Harry Potter!"
The gates opened.
Harry, jinxed, but quite recognizable, came into view, along with his cronies, Hermione and Ron.
I stood up so fast the chair behind me fell.
"What is this?" came my mother's voice. She always talked about the day they would catch Harry with anticipation. I was surprised to see her unappreaciative tone.
"We're here to see He Who Must Not Be Named!"
"Who are you?"
"You know me! Fenrir Greyback. We've caught Harry Potter!"
After a pause, I was asked to recognize Harry. Although it was easy and obvious, I decided not to. The fate of history was on my shoulders. It was my chance to prove myself.
"That-it might, but most likely not."
"Draco, if we are the ones that give Harry to the Dark Lord, all will be forgiven!", said Father.
"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy?"
"Of course not, of course not!"
I began formulating a plan. I needed to help them escape at any cost. Perhaps, recommend them to bring them into the dungeons, and then escape? But how? And how would I save my parents?
"All right!" I yelled into the crowd. "Whatever we say now, gets heard by our enemies. So I suggest we lock them in the dungeons, and then talk. The less Harry knows, if it is Harry, the better."
We decide to lock him up. When I make my idea, Harry's eyes open wide. I lock eyes with him. He understands what I'm trying to say.
But then, Harry starts doing something odd. He stares into the cloak of a Snatcher. Then he looks at me.
I volunteer to bring him into the dungeons. I grab Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Follow me. Now."
I stride to the cellar's door. I grip my wand firmly, and they get the point. They walk into the dungeons, shivering.
I go in with them.
"Alright, you fools can stop pretending that you are chained up now!" I remark, as I notice they aren't chained.
"How did you escape the bonds? Tell me the truth!"
Mr. Ollivander says: "We found a nail, which we broke the ropes with… If you punish us… well, life can't get worse!"
I take a couple breaths.
"Alright Harry. I'm about to switch sides."
"You-Know-Who's treated my family horribly. I was brainwashed into believing blood purity. I know that I'm on the wrong side. I need to save you guys."
A loud crack interrupted the couple seconds of silence.
"Dobby!?" Harry asked, surprised.
"Dobby has come to save Harry Potter."
"Er- can you apparate in and out of this place?"
"Dobby can escape, and take others with him!"
I felt a bit sorry for myself when I remembered the embarassment I had suffered in my second year, but I decided it wasn't important.
I said, "Alright Dobby. Take Harry and apparate to a safe place."
"Dobby is a free elf, he has no master!"
"Yeah, he's free-" started Hermione.
"Oh, now's not the time." said Ron.
"Alright. How many people are in here?" asked Harry.
"Well, there's Luna, Mr. Ollivander, Fortescue, Griphook, and Dean." I said.
A new emotion crept through my senses.
I pushed it away for later.
"Voldemort petrified Fortescue, he was supposed to kill him later this week" I informed Harry.
"I don't know."
"Oh Harry, we thought we would die in here!" exclaimed Luna.
"All right, we'll have time for a catch-up later." said Harry. I thought I heard a little bit of grieving in there, but it dissapeared the next second.
"Dobby, take these people to Bill and Fleur's, Shell Cottage." said Ron.
A loud crack accompanied the fact that they had left.
"Great. Now what's the plan?" I asked.
"We'll need to recover the sword. I think we need to duel-" started Harry, but a loud screech made everyone cover their ears.
"WHAT IS THAT?" came a voice, undoubtedly from Bellatrix.
"A sword, I reckon I found it near Harry's tent when we found him." came a voice.
"All right, calm down."
"It's mine, I found it-"
After a couple seconds:
She opened the door.
"All right, come down here" I commanded.
Stupefy! Impedimenta!
We fought off the rest of the Snatchers, and imperioused Bellatrix. Most of the Snatchers were still upstairs.
After the fight,
"All right. Give Harry the sword." I demanded.
The imperioused Bellatrix removed the sword from her cloak. Then she gave it to Harry. She stood up once more.
"Should we keep her with us?" asked Ron.
"Yeah, Big V's going to kill her if we don't." I immediately replied.
But Harry looked suspicious.
"She killed Sirius!"
"Yeah, well, then we can leave her here. I'm sure she'll get her punishment."
"Actually, we'll keep her. She probably has lots of information we can use." thought Hermione.
"Alright then. Dobby, could you please bring us all to Shell Cottage?" Harry asked.
"Wait, we need to warn father and mother to escape before Voldemort finds out" I said.
"Well, we'll go to Shell Cottage and drop off the sword and tie up this murderer. Then we can come back and warn Narcissa and Lucius. We don't have any time." said Hermione hastily.
"Or I could create a note for them" I remarked. Then I created a note out of air using my wand. The note told my parents that they should flee now to Denmark, where my uncle has an estate, and that I had switched sides.
We made the note zoom to my parents, then:
"Dobby will apparate now!" said Dobby.
We zoomed to Shell Cottage. I felt like I was being pressed from all sides until:
"Expelliarmus!" said a Weasley, who was clearly Bill.
"Hey. Draco's fine, he just saved our lives. He's switched sides. Tie up Bellatrix, she's imperioused" Harry said.
"Oh Harry, you saved us, we owe you our lives" said Ollivander.
"You should be thanking Draco" said Harry.
Let me know where I should make edits. I'm just making changes when I have time.