Played more Hogwarts Legacy last night, so here is Part 7.
I'm honestly kind of surprised I've gotten this far into the game, and even then it is not that far into it.
Slytherin - Part 7
So starting where I left off with the Ancient Defenders (living suits of armors) that I attempted to defeat before getting off the game for the night, it took me two more tries before I succeeded in defeating them.
When I did, I went into the portal that appeared. I really love the portals in this game because of the liquid-like texture of them, you know what I mean? It just looks so cool to me.
So my character Ryder O'Connell kept walking forward until he stopped in some cavern that had begun to actually flood and I'm not kidding when I say that when Ryder said this aloud, he sounded sooo unconcerned!
"Oh no, the cavern is flooding and I could drown! Oh well, what fun!" is how Ryder sounded to me.
Everything was fine anyways though since some magic protected me until I could enter the Map Room and have a nice chat with the portrait version of Prof. Rackham. Nothing too interesting happened until I learned that the Map Room literally connects to Hogwarts, which angers me given what I had to go through in the Forbidden Forest to get there.
*Deep sigh* Okay, so I went to my first Flying Class where that honestly really annoying Ravenclaw student (I forget his name) forced me into going on a flying tour with him even though I was like "No, we will get in trouble".
Well at least the teacher, Prof. Kogawa, complimented Ryder on his BROOM SKILLS. 🧹✨
Okay, well after that though I had spent Talent Points before deciding to go do a Task Assignment that Prof. Sharpe had given. But when I saw what I would need to do, I got lazy and decided that I wasn't going to go hunt for all those potions. So instead I had decided to go see Sebastian Sallow by the DADA classroom as he had said to do.
So I went, and he showed me where all the COOL KIDS hang out: the Undercroft. 🎸
You know it's where the COOL KIDS hang out because he taught me the apparently illegal spell, Confringo, there.
When he had eventually asked Ryder about the whole library thing, I decided that Sebastian is definitely one person in that school that he would trust besides Prof. Fig and Ominis Gaunt, so I picked the 'Tell the Truth' option. After giving dear ol' Sebby a brief education on Ancient Magic, I had to leave the Undercroft.
But who do I run into other than my other fav HL character: Ominis.
OMG though, he was so unnecessarily aggressive with me though, and I know he is only a video game character but I was honestly hurt. 😭😭😭
After being told off by him, I went off to go find the Room of Requirement because Prof. Weasley had sent me a letter at the same time as Sebastian earlier. On the way there, I came across the weirdest thing ever (it was funny though, okay?). Peeves was circling these three students, and one of them was trying to tell the other two a story (the others were sitting down like it was story-time in kindergarten) and Peeves was continuously interrupting with rude comments. Anyone else come across this?
So finally reaching the corridor, I met up with Prof. Weasley and we went in just for there to be a bunch of chairs in the way. So she had taught Ryder the spell Evaneso so that the chairs could be vanished. Then we just happened to come across her old school bag and so of course Prof. Weasley wanted to stay behind and go down memory lane.
After wandering around and looting the few chests I came across, I finally found Deek the house elf, who is only slightly less annoying than Scrope from before. So there is some talking, some decoration-based spell learning, and some decorating time before I finished decorating the Room of Requirement to how I wanted it for the time being. I got a picture of it as well for you all. Here is the picture I took:
Like my last picture I've shared, it is not the best quality but that doesn't really matter.
Anyways, I got off the game after decorating the RoR.
Here are the people I am going to Accio, and like always, if you want to be pinged, just ask me:
@Ultra samurai200
Here are links to all the previous parts to my HL gameplay:
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 1
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 2
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 3
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 4
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 5
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 6
Well have a good evening everyone!