Puddlemere, Godrics Hollow, Hogsmede, Diagon Alley? What was it?
Puddlemere, Godrics Hollow, Hogsmede, Diagon Alley? What was it?
19 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
Lord Voldemort had ALL of his Horcruxes in tact (he WORE the Gaunt family Ring, Salazar Slytherin’s locket, and the Lost Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw) and ended Harry Potter for good during the Final Battle of Hogwarts, conquered the entire Wizarding world, mastered the Elder Wand, and became permanent Minister for Magic.
Voldemort’s daughter Delphini was made permanent Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, with Bellatrix Lestrange as the Deputy Head.
2nd Darkest wizard of all time Gellert Grindelwald—NOT murdered by Voldemort, was appointed permanent Headmaster of Hogwarts, with Dolores Umbridge as the Deputy Headmistress (Minerva McGonagall was also defeated during the Second Wizarding War).
60 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
35 Votes in Poll
102 Votes in Poll
Who do you think is the best Death Eater and worst Order of the Phoenix member (Voldemort, Dumbledore, Snape, and Peter are excluded because the first two are more powerful and the last two were members of both organisations)? Here are mine:
Best Death Eater: Bellatrix Lestrange
Worst Order of the Phoenix member: Mundungus Fletcher
64 Votes in Poll
57 Votes in Poll
96 Votes in Poll
82 Votes in Poll
@NicoSonOfHades19 @Second British Hong Kong Ball @AmeeOWL @Joshy Boy21465 @Rayvena @FluffyBxnnyUwU @Scrunchie shark
Your O.W.Ls/N.E.W.Ts are upon you. The format is:
3 regular questions worth 5 points(MANDARORY)
1 bonus question worth 10 points(OPTIONAL)
Failure to come for 3 days will result in you getting a T, and I assume no one wants that.
This will last for 1 week, and after that, the results will be announced.
Your questions:
1) When was the first Goblin Rebellion?
2) Which Minister of Magic resigned due to mismanaging a Goblin Rebellion?
3) In which year did the Goblins align themselves with werewolves?
Bonus question:
Which Goblin Rebellion leader is featured on a Chocolate Frog?
After a bit of research and looking things up, I noticed that in countries where there are confirmed to be Ministries of Magic, the President is the head of the Muggle governments in those respective governments, not the Prime Minister. If that's the case, would the infrastructure and hierarchy of those Ministries be different and have a President instead of a Minister for Magic, or would they only have a Minister for Magic regardless as the head. There have been a very limited few mentioned outside of GB, but for all we know, they could have the same powers and responsibilities as their Muggle counterparts and the President is actually the head of their Ministry of Magic instead. Probably a longshot, but could very well be possible.
@Steine7326 and @HeirsOfTheNightSuperfan Hope you like it! Luna HC will be added ASAP! meanwhile~ enjoy this HC where Rabastan is an absolute bada**.
— — —
The Trial of Rabastan Lestrange at the Ministry of Magic.
Crouch: Are you Rabastan Lestrange, son of Reinhard Lestrange?
Rabastan: I don’t know, am I?
Ministry officials: OOOOOOOOHHHHH.
Crouch: Lestrange, this is not helping your case.
Rabastan: Yeah, I’m aware of that. Maybe you should have recommended that to your son before he vaulted the flipping BANISTER.
Ministry officials: OOOOOOOOHHHHH.
Crouch: SILENCE!
Crouch: He is no son of mine, and who are you to despise my parenting methods?
Rabastan: Rabastan Lestrange, son of Reinhard Lestrange, that’s what you said earlier, innit?
Ministry officials: OOOOOOOOHHHHH.
Crouch: *heavy breathing*
Crouch: You are here today because you participated in the torturing of the Aurors Frank and Anne Longbottom. What have you brought for your defense?
Rabastan: Your ego. That should be big enough proof.
Ministry officials: OOOOOOOOHHHHH.
Crouch *ignoring him*: So, how do you plead?
Rabastan: I don’t, actually, your stupid Aurors captured me and brought me here against my will. Ask them.
Ministry officials: OOOOOOOOHHHHH.
Crouch: You cheeky little-
Amelia Bones: Alright, M. Crouch, it is clear that you are implicated emotionally in this case so I will be taking over.
Crouch: What! No, this insolent little-
Bones: thaNK YOU. Now, Lestrange, do you admit that you took part in the torturing of the Aurors Frank and Anne Longbottom, along with your sister in law Bellatrix Lestrange, your brother Rodolphus Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Jr., all of which have already admitted to this crime?
Rabastan: I don’t know, did I?
Ministry officials: OOOOOOOOHHHHH.
Bones *sighs*: You will be ruled guilty on account of uncooperation. You are sentenced to life in Azkaban Prison. This court ruling is now adjourned.
Rabastan: Niceeeee. At least I pissed off Crouch. Now I understand what Bella meant when she said to go out on my own terms.
Bones: -itake mushroom.
The current candidates are probably not the first picks, but like the third picks cuz the other candidates either sent their kid to jail or were content with being a high school principal
At least one candidate is probably under the impirius curse
There are werewolfs
Unless your leader is Hermionie or Kingley, we're doomed.
They will recruit a strong, independent female (Kamala) and turn her into a cat loving freak who is worse than voldemort. (pronounced vol-de-mor)
Have a great election folks!