Students behaved
He had Magic
Peeves left
He worked a different job
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Peeves is one of my favorite characters. He is annoying but he genuinely cares about the school, and hates one of our enemies, Umbridge. He also helped in the war, I say he's annoying but basically everything he does is funny, not really hurtful.
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I'm re-playing the game and something's been bothering me. Jackdaw says he got the book pages from Peeves, who had ripped a bunch of restricted section books up and left them scattered around. But if the book was sealed away in The Athenaeum through the ancient magic archway... How the heck did Peeves manage to get it?! The Keepers put it there 300-400 years previously, and I think Jackdaw only lived decades, not centuries, before the MC?
Peeves the poltergeist wasn't a staff member at Hogwarts, nor was he even a welcome guest. Everyone, even the forgiving Albus Dumbledore, saw Peeves as a noxious pest who had nothing to contribute to the school, and Argus Filch hated him most of all. Peeves only appears in the books and in the Hogwarts Legacy game, and not the movies. Even so, a little of this supernatural troublemaker goes a long way, and fans never found a reason to like him or put up with his increasingly annoying antics. The novelty soon wore off, too, since Peeves had no real character development.
Has anyone ever wondered why he was not there in the movies ?
When I was reading The Deathly Hallows for the first time, I was ofc surfing the web for memes. I came across a couple that said stuff like, "If you didn't read the books, you don't know how Wormtail really died, you don't know who Peeves is, etc". At the time, I hadn't watched the movies, so I didn't know Peeves wasn't in the movies. So I thought that he had a very important role in the book, but in the movie he was just a bg character. So when I got to the part about the Peverell brothers, I thought Peeves was a descendant of them, and that the Golden Trio ask him about it later on, when they're looking for the Deathly Hallows. So when I finished the book, I was very confused until I watched the movies and did a bit more research on Peeves's character. Lol!
"Oh Potter, you rotter oh what have you done?
You're killing off students you think it's good fun"
And the best
"We did it, we bashed them, wee Potty's the one
Now Voldy's gone moldy so now let's have fun"
And also him saluting Fred and George as they fly out of Hogwarts escaping from Umbridge
"Give her hell from us, Peeves."
And Peeves, whom Harry had never seen take an order from a student before, swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset.
Shame they cut him from the movies.
111 Votes in Poll
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63 Votes in Poll
What does this mean? i thought peeves was born and then died to become a ghost but-???
Peeves was never shown in the movies, but he is a good character in the books. We all underate Peeves, so it's time to remember him by making fun of the characters in Harry Potter Universe.
I'll start- There goes Potter with Loony......