Its a harry potter hear me out cake that i made!! save me 💀
Do i even have to explain?
Its a harry potter hear me out cake that i made!! save me 💀
Do i even have to explain?
Soo idk what to call this type of fanfic it is
Percy and his brother Fred appeared in Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s sight. They were fighting hooded men. Flashes of colored light illuminated the now dark and gloomy hall of Hogwarts. As the person who was fighting Percy retreated quickly, their hood fell down. All of them saw the certain large forehead and pepper hair that only belonged to one person in particular, Pius Thicknesse. The current minister of the Ministry of Magic. Percy shouted out the minster,“Hello minister!” Percy casted a jinx at Thicknesse. Thicknesse dropped his wand instantly, he was clearly in no fit state to fight and was highly uncomfortable, “Did I mention I’m resigning?”
Fred was flabbergasted, Percy? The pompous, uptight, strict, bossy Percy making a joke? He was ecstatic to say the least“You actually are joking, Perce!” Fred hollered to his brother as the death eater he was fighting collapsed, a cloaked heap on the broken stones that made up the floor. “I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since you were-”It all happened so fast that Harry, Ron, and Hermione couldn't process it. All that Harry saw in that split second was Percy pushing Fred out of the way. Why? Harry thought but he shortly knew the answer afterwards. There was a large BANG that pierced through Harry’s ears making him temporarily deaf. Pieces of rock littered the air, the wall exploded. Harry shielded his head with his arms, he didn’t know where the others were or if they were ok.
Cold air now drifted into the wreckage of a corridor. He felt a sharp stone scrape against his forehead leaving a small but long wound. Warm blood was trickling down his forehead but he didnt care at that moment, All he could hear was griefing screams. No no no no no! One of them CAN'T be dead…..right? Harry thought desperately. He climbed out of the wreckage and made it over to the source of the noise, Fred was screaming desperately shaking a certain redheaded man. Harry's breath caught in his throat, the words Fred was saying were,
“NO YOU CAN'T BE DEAD. PLEASE BROTHER DON'T LEAVE ME, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!” Harry felt his stomach twist….Could the dead person be Ron? His best friend for 7 years??, he came closer to the body..He could now identify that it was not ron…which left one Weasley brother that was fighting alongside them..Percy, Percy had saved Fred at the cost of his own life. Ron was crouching beside his dead brother. Percy's eyes were dull and plain. His mouth twisted in a small smile…that only brotherly love could cause.
61 Votes in Poll
Im not sure if im the only one who thinks this but do you think percy and oliver look atleast KINDA similar??
hello everyone, I'm currently working on maternal matters' 3rd chapter, and I need a tad bit of help, I just need to know two simple things, 1, who was the undersecretary before umbridge, and 2, who was the court scribe before percy weasley, i need peiple who were or could've been in these positions on the 2nd of november 1981, and of course, I thank all of you in advance for your answers
On the first Friday of December, Harry had been given permission to go home for the weekend to attend Sirius' wedding. He met his father at Professor McGonagall's office after his classes for the day were over.
"So, have you been waking up and getting to your morning classes on time," James teased as father and son were heading down the stairs of the castle. He was carrying Harry's trunk which had been charmed to be light on one hand while his other hand was around Harry's shoulder.
"I never had a problem waking up," Harry protested.
James narrowed his eyes.
"Well, you put me in a school that was so far away that I had to wake up at six-thirty in the morning to make it on time," said Harry.
"I'm sorry about that son, but there was no choice. I couldn't put you in a muggle school nearby as the risk of breaching the statute of secrecy was higher," said James.
"We could have moved to a muggle house near the school," Harry pointed out.
"And give up our family home and heritage? Our ancestor, Linfred the Potterer was awarded …" James began but cut off by Harry.
"A large land by the Ministry for his invention of skele-gro, built a small house there and for generations our ancestors worked hard to renovate the house to the mansion it is now, most notably Great-Grandpa Henry and Grandpa Fleamont," Harry drawled. He had heard James tell this story at least a few times before and his father could get in a roll when he began talking about his family history.
"Oh, alright," said a bemused James as he ruffled a grinning Harry's hair.
Harry was greeted warmly by both his uncles when he entered Potter Manor. Sirius and Remus had lived with James and Harry for a few years after Lily died but once they were settled in their careers, they bought their own posh apartments at Luxury Ville, the area of apartment buildings in front of Potter Manor. Both Marauders were almost daily visitors at Potter Manor.
Just then, Harry heard Miranda's voice yelling at someone from a distance. It came from the living room and he saw her look livid as she yelled at a man and woman who were wide-eyed with fear.
"Bridezilla in full action", Sirius explained at Harry's questioning look.
"Come on Sirius, be fair to be Miranda. She's just stressed out with the wedding preparations", James reasoned.
"And having things go wrong the day before the wedding would be extra stressful", Remus joined.
"James, didn't you call Lily, Bridezilla too when she kept losing her temper over wedding preparation?" asked Sirius.
James looked away. "Well … to be fair, you called Lily that first and I just agreed with you," James stammered.
"Emphasis on you agreed with me".
"Emphasis on you said it first".
"Oh, knock it off both you," said Remus.
"Harry, how nice to see you," said Helen who had come from the kitchen.
"Nice to see you too, Helen", said Harry as she gave him a fleeting hug.
Helen was his caregiver. She was a tall and thin woman in her late fifties who wore her greying black hair in a tight bun. Befitting her character, Helen had a stern look about her face but her brown eyes were kind. James hired her because she reminded him a lot of his favorite professor, McGonagall.
"Harry, why don't you wash up and get dressed. I'm making one of your favorite dishes for dinner", said Helen as he obliged and she went back into the kitchen.
The Marauders were having Sirius's bachelor's night at the Platinum Hotel's bar with a few of their friends. Remus noticed James being preoccupied with his thoughts and knew he was reminded of his own wedding.
"So James, it has been ten years. When are you getting married again?" asked Sam just as Remus was about to covertly console the messy-haired wizard.
James looked at Sam as if he had suggested he threw his son off the hotel's highest floor.
"I will not give Lily's place to someone else," James resolved.
"You still think about her after all this years?" asked Phillip incredulously.
"Everyday" he said gloomily as his friends exchanged wide eyed looks.
"Well, thank you mates. Now you've got James all upset when my bachelor's party is supposed to be fun," said Sirius incredulously.
"It's alright. I'll be fine with a few more shots," said James and Remus knew he wanted to pull himself together as to not ruin the mood of Sirius's bachelor's party.
"You know on second thought, maybe I shouldn't. I don't want to risk having to go home to my son in an embarrassing state."
"Don't worry mate, if you're drunk to the point of embarrassment, Gunther over here would get you into a hotel room to spend the night," said Sirius as James complied.
Gunther was their hired sober escort to see that they got home or to a hotel room safely in case they were unable to do so.
Sirius and Miranda were married the next day and Harry was glad to catch up with his other family members who included the Tonks's and the family of James' cousin Luke who lived in the United States. Luke was the son of Fleamont's brother Charlus. He went back to Hogwarts on Sunday evening after Sirius and Miranda had gone off on their Honeymoon to Paris.
As December passed, Draco and gang got even more unpleasant due to Slytherin's recent Quidditch loss to Gryffindor. Still being reluctant to direct his antagonism at Harry, Draco would direct his antagonism towards Ron and Hermione. One such incident involved Draco mocking Ron about being the next gamekeeper when latter was offering to help Hagrid with a Fig tree. This resulted in Ron lunging at the obnoxious git. To his misfortune, Snape who witnessed this took five points off Gryffindor despite Hagrid's protest that Draco had started it. Aside from that, the Golden Trio frequently visited the library in fruitless efforts to find out about Nicholas Flamel.
Since the Weasley children were to stay at Hogwarts due to their parents and sister visiting Charlie in Romania for the holidays, James had asked Harry to invite the boys over to Potter Manor to spend the holidays. Hermione was to spend the holidays with her parents. An initially reluctant Molly agreed that her sons could spend the holidays at the Potters after James had reassured her in his letter that they would be in good hands. To the distress of the Weasley twins and Ron, she conditioned that they could only go if Percy came along.
"Say Percy, won't it be nice to spend Christmas at the Potters?" asked Fred innocently.
"I'm not comfortable staying at a stranger's house," said Percy apprehensively.
"Harry's not a stranger. He's my best friend," said Ron indignantly.
"But it still feels like an intrusion since we're strangers to Mr. Potter," said Percy as his brothers exchanged exasperated looks.
Just then an idea struck Fred.
"Percy, don't you want to experience what it's like to live in a mansion?" asked Fred as his brother's eyes perked up for split second but went back to being resolute.
"It has a Quidditch pitch", said George.
"I don't play Quidditch".
"It has a library with books that aren't available at Hogwarts", said Ron as Percy began deliberating.
"Mr. Potter, being the owner of a Quidditch team has close connections at the Ministry, particularly the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Some of them could show up for their Christmas party", Fred went in for the kill.
"If you impress Mr. Potter, he might introduce you and put in a good word for you to them. Didn't you want a good position at the Ministry?" George asked as Percy was finally sold.
At the start of Christmas break, Harry and the Weasley boys were picked up at the King's Cross Station by the Marauders and brought to Potter Manor which was located in Springton Valley, an upper-class neighborhood where both wizards and muggles lived. Ron and his brothers were slacked-jawed as they looked around the house which was covered mostly in exquisite marble flooring and panel walls.
"You have a lovely home, Mr. Potter," said Percy courteously as the twins rolled their eyes at each other.
"Thank you Percy," said James.
The Weasleys enjoyed their tour around Potter Manor which included several halls, a kitchen, a grand dining room, 12 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, a game room, a library, a gym and a basement which included a Potion's lab. Harry and Ron had promised to Hermione that they would secretly research about Nicholas Flamel at the Potter Library. The boys were also shown their specific rooms. Ron was to sleep in Harry's room, the twins were to share a room while Percy was delighted to get an elegant large room all to himself. After a tour of the manor, they were given a tour of the backyard which included a garden, a Quidditch pitch, a guesthouse and a swimming pool.
Over the holidays, Harry had blast with Ron and his brothers. They would play Quidditch every morning, sometimes joined by the Marauders. James even provided them with much appreciated pointers. They played wizard chess and exploding snap and spent the nights gossiping over hot chocolate which mostly involved plotting against people like Snape, Zabini and Malfoy. They never actually planned on carrying out the plots, but had fun fantasizing them nevertheless. Percy mostly kept to himself in the library but was occasionally convinced to join in their activities. Besides that, the Marauders had even taken them out on outings to places like the museum and zoo.
There was a grand Christmas party at Potter Manor on Christmas Eve. Besides Sirius, Remus and Miranda, the guests included several friends and business associates including Jenny Parkinson, an old friend of James's who used to be two years below the Marauders in school. To Percy's delight, he was introduced to several prominent members from the Department of Magical Games and Sports including it's head, Ludo Bagman, The other Weasley boys on the other hand were delighted to be introduced to members of the Phoenix Pioneers.
"Wow, Harry flies just as great as you do," Jenny said with awe as the adults were watching the kids sans Percy play a game of Quidditch.
"He's probably better that I am," said James proudly.
"I think you're definitely at least just as good." The attractive blonde blushed.
"Yeah?" he grinned, oblivious that her blue eyes were gazing at him as his were busy watching his son.
Harry and Ron were awakened by the excited Weasley twins on Christmas morning. Equally enthusiastic, they ran down to the large Christmas tree in family hall. Percy could be heard yelling at Weasley twins from upstairs about being disturbed from his sleep. Soon the Potters and Weasleys had gathered around the tree which was surrounded with presents and exchanged Merry Chirstmas hugs.
Harry received several wonderful gifts from his father, Sirius and Remus which included the next book in the mystery/adventure book franchise he was following and a diary, a roughly cut wooden flute from Hagrid, a jumper and a large box of homemade fudge from Mrs. Weasley and a large box of Cadburys from Hermione. Harry was touched that Hermione remembered his favorite chocolates and that Mrs. Weasley sent him a jumper. He would write thank you notes to them and Hagrid later. The Weasley boys received their share of gifts from their parents, Hagrid, Hermione and the Marauders.
There were lower scale Christmas lunch and dinner feasts that day which were only attended by the Marauders and Miranda.
That night, James entered Harry's room carrying a parcel behind him.
"Wondered why you received one less present than usual from me this year?" asked James.
"Because you have another one for me behind there," said Harry knowingly.
James grinned as he sat down beside his son.
"I saved the best for last," he said as he handed him the package.
Harry felt it and knew what it was as he tore the package open to find the Invisibility Cloak. He had anticipated the day he would inherit it but didn't think it would come this soon.
"You're giving it to me now?"
"Your grandfather gave it to me on Christmas of my first year, so I figured I'd keep up the tradition," James shrugged.
Harry broke into a wide grin and hugged his father. "Thanks dad!"
"Showing it to Ron and Hermione is alright. But please keep your possession of it a secret from everyone else," James implored as Harry nodded. "Unlike me, I trust you to use it wisely. You will, won't you?" he looked intently at his son.
"Well … does sneaking out for duels with Zabini and Malfoy count as using it wisely?" Harry asked mischievously as James answered his cheek by tickling him.
"I was only joking," said Harry between giggles. "I promise to use it wisely."
James stopped tickling Harry to find a grinning Ron who had just come out of the bathroom. But his cheeks were pink as if he was unsure if he was interrupting something.
"Alright Ron? Just wanted to give Harry his final gift. Well, goodnight boys," James kissed Harry's forehead and gave Ron a fleeting hug before exiting the room.
Harry excitedly showed Ron the cloak as both boys gleefully spent about an hour playing and experimenting with the cloak.
The Christmas holidays passed too quickly for the liking of Harry and the Wealsey boys who were having so much fun at Potter Manor. They returned to Hogwarts a day before classes began. Hermione was disappointed that they hadn't been able to find out who Nicholas Flamel was. Harry and Ron did try to look for information on Nicholas Flamel at the Potter's library but were unsuccessful.
When Ron and Hermione are appointed prefects Molly suggests another rat as a reward, why would she get him something that turned out to be someone evil, did no one inform her that their former pet was a murderous death eater who slept in her sons' beds? was she willing to put Ron's life at risk again all because he got appointed a title? I thought she was a good parent.
67 Votes in Poll
65 Votes in Poll
So I was just randomly thinking, what if I shipped characters from different books with Harry Potter characters! This is just my opinion, if you have any other ideas/characters I love to hear in the chats! Ik some of these don’t make sense since some of these characters already have like soulmates and are like different ages but try to imagine it! Btw, if you haven’t read some of these books, they are amazing and a great reading recommendation!
Draco (HP) x Hector (Masterminds by Gordon Korman.)
Ginny (HP) x Leo (Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan.)
Harry (HP) x Pepper Potts (Marvel.)
George (HP) x Hazel (Watership Down by Richard Adams.)
Ron (HP) x Beatrix (School Of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani)
Hermione (HP) x Luke (Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan.)
Percy (HP) x Lucy Grey (Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins.)
Cedric (HP) x Aria (Game of Thrones by George Martin.)
Luna (HP) x Sam (Lord of The Rings by J.R Toilken.)
Seamus (HP) x Red (Ruby Redfort by Lauren Child.)
69 Votes in Poll
45 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
Draco - I remember this so clearly 😭 the FIRST thought that came in my head was "Does this boy have daddy issues or something?"
Luna - I was surprised but I actually really liked her the minute I set my eyes onto Luna! I loved the mysterious vibe she gave off and her voice was really soothing :)
Ginny - A child. Yeah, I don't really have an explanation for it, I just saw her as a child...
Percy - The type of guy who would probably remind the teacher to give out the homework
Fred and George - The type of guys who would take the word 'Due tomorrow' and change it to 'Do Tomorrow'
Most overlooked and underrated Weasley imo.
Also happy birthday to Mark Williams who played Arthur Weasley in the films.
87 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
JK should have had Percy pull a heroic sacrifice to make amends for everything he's done in the past few years. In other words, he's the one who should have been killed off. I mean, abandoning his family and then coming back only to sacrifice his life for his true friends and allies? That would really hit fans in the feels. JK only chose to kill off Fred to mess with fans' emotions. I mean, had Fred not been killed off, he could have continued to run the joke shop with George, and Ron could take his father's position in the Ministry or something. In fact, Ron is well suited for his dad's position.
64 Votes in Poll