Check out our new fan film about Minerva McGonagall's adventures as a student in Hogwarts.
You can learn more about the project here:
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24 Votes in Poll
50 Votes in Poll
Check out our new fan film about Minerva McGonagall's adventures as a student in Hogwarts.
You can learn more about the project here:
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61 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
86 Votes in Poll
68 Votes in Poll
123 Votes in Poll
71 Votes in Poll
76 Votes in Poll
Just thought I should mention that’s today is May 15, which happens to be the 88th birthday of head of Hufflepuff house Professor Sprout!
91 Votes in Poll
71 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
Okay so like many people I'd LOVE to see a marauder serie right,
But think abou this :
A serie of when McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick where at Hogwart !
Like :
Sprout and McGonagall being obsseced with Quidditch.
Sprout being a Beater and sending a bludger right on too Minerva, causing them to not talk to each other for week while Filius tries to bring them back together(as friends of course)
Filius always wwanting to tell the professors about all the crazy stuff his two besties are doing but never doing it cause he knows they'd be angry...
Pomona snicking incredibly dangerous plants into the castle with the help of her friends
And then them telling her that this was an horrible idea and her begging to keep them
Flitwick making stuff randomly flying without pronouncing the formula to frick the two others out
Them promosing each other that newt time they'll see each other, they'll all be professors
A serie of when McGonagall, Sprout and Flitwick where at Hogwart...
Sprout, Snape, Mcgonagall and Lupin move on!
Trelawny, Slughorn, Dumbledore, Hooch are out.
56 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll