Y’all this lady does not give enough credit. She has seen some crazy stuff, ensures the students privacy and safety, and always manages to cure them. Also, she is incredibly witty and funny? What’s your favorite moment of her?
Y’all this lady does not give enough credit. She has seen some crazy stuff, ensures the students privacy and safety, and always manages to cure them. Also, she is incredibly witty and funny? What’s your favorite moment of her?
73 Votes in Poll
Who was the first to say chocolate raises the spirits
Remember for each right answer 10 points go to your house
A) Snape
B) Lupin
C) Madame Pomfrey
D) Dumbledore
Pansy pushed Kendra off of broomstick during the race and she hit her head on the ground. Kendra wasn't dead however, but rather unconscious. Luna came running to Kendra.
Luna: Kenzie? Kenzie are you okay?
Albus Dumbledore saw what happened told Severus Snape that Kendra was hurt, but before Dumbledore could say it was Pansy who hurt her, Snape came running and he saw Luna and Kendra. He thought it was Luna who hurt Kendra.
Snape: You hurt Kendra?
Luna shook her head "no", but Snape didn't believe her, he pointed his wand at her
Snape: I'll kill you..... I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!
Snape was about to use Sectumsempra on Luna, but then Draco stepped in
Draco: PROFESSOR!!! My girlfriend has to be taken to the hospital.
Snape: I'm the teacher I'll do it.
Snape looks at Luna again while carrying Kendra
Snape: I'll deal with you later, Loony-Toots...
Snape takes Kendra to the hospital, Madam Promfrey said that Kendra was lucky to be alive but she is not to use her broomstick to fly for 7 days.
Fleur delacour!
Nymphadora tonks
Ginny Weasley!
Luna lovegood
Hermione granger.
Molly weasley
Bellatrix lestrange
Lily potter
Minerva mcgonagall
Poppy pomfrey
Warning: Characters may be a little out of character.
Pings: @Steine7326 @Succulents-and-Sage @Lxvenderjewel @Madiblox @BlossomFlxers @NetheritePlayzWiki
People asked for this, so don't yell at me if this is trash. Now, get on losers, we're going to enjoy a newbie fanfiction.
Remus Lupin's POV
While I was sitting in Divination class, I found myself staring at Sirius Black's jawline. "Mister Lupin, please pay attention." her words brought me back into reality. "O-oh...sorry ma'am. I'm not feeling very well today." I lied. "In that case, I think Mister Black should escort you to the hospital wing." I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. "Of course, Professor. Come on, Moony," Sirius grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the hall. "You must be really sick. Usually, you're the most focused person in class." he told me. "Yeah, must be." I said, looking at my feet. The rest of the walk was awkward and silent. Once we finally got there, which felt like years, Madam Pomfrey appeared. "Hello, dears. Please, take a seat." I sat down on a hospital bed and smiled at Sirius waving goodbye.
Sirius Black's POV
I didn't want to leave him, I really didn't, but I don't think McGonagall would appreciate me being any later than I already was. By the time I got back, students were already leaving the room. I noticed James waiting outside the door. "Prongs!" he looked over and smiled. His smile reminded me of when Remus smiled at me. What are you thinking, Sirius? You just miss him and you're a little worried about him, that's it. "You okay, Padfoot? Why weren't you in class and where's Remus?" he asked. "Moony didn't feel very good today. He's in the hospital wing. McGonagall asked me to take him." I explained. "She told me you were gone for an hour." he said. "Was I? I must have been pretty interested in the conversation." I laughed. James looked at me with confusion.
Remus Lupin's POV
"Well, Mister Lupin. It looks like you're madly in love." Madam Pomfrey told me. "Excuse me? That's very funny and all, but tell me what's wrong and I'll be going." I hissed. "I'm not kidding. There's no need to worry, though. I'm not the type to intrude in someone's love life. Say you had a slight fever and I fixed you easily, okay, dear?" she smiled at me. Madam Pomfrey walked away to start treating a first year Hufflepuff suffering with boils. Could I have feeling for my best friend? No, it's not possible. Even if I was, there wouldn't be a reason to ruin a perfectly good friendship, right? I might as push down my apparent "feeling" for him and deep down and forget about them.
Half the main cast would be dead without his amazing woman, Lets go down a list of things this goddess did.
She took care of Remus, by herself, every month and kept the secret
Healed counteless quidditch injuries
Could heal broken bones in a minute
Grew back Harry's bones
Saved 6 petrified students, one gohst and a cat'
Advocated against the dementors at Hogwarts
Saved Harry after many dementor attacks
Tended to Angelina's burns after her broom caught fire
Took care of everyone during the tri wizard tournament and ensured everyone's safety
Advocted against the Tri Wizard Tournoment
Fixed up Ceddrics body after he was murdered and gave Harry a potion to put him to sleep because she knew how traumatic it must have been for him
Said she wanted to quit in protest under Umbridge but insisted that she had to stay to protect the students
Took care of Katie after she was cursed
Took care of Ron after he had been poisoned
Saved Draco after Harry hit him with Sectumsempra
Tried to heal Bill's wearwof markings
Healed everyone being tortured and beaten by the Carrows
Had to deal with all the deaths, injuries and destruction being caused by the battle of Hogwarts
THIS WOMAN HELD THE SCHOOL TOGETHER, She cared about her students more than anything and wasn't afraid to show tough love, I expect all of you to give this amazing healer the same amount of respect you give to Proffesor McGonigall
Morning in the Great Hall
James: Hey Sirius, have you seen Remus this morning?
Sirius: No, usually he’s up before all of us. Have you seen him, Peter?
Peter: No... What if he had a nightmare, and went for a walk by the Black Lake, but fell in and drowned? We should go to the hospital wing and check.
Sirius: Come on, Peter, Remus wouldn’t go out after curfew.
James: Maybe, but we should still check. Though, to be honest, he’s probably asleep in the library right now.
Sirius: Fine. We’ll go after breakfast.
Later, in front of the hospital wing
James: Peter, hurry up. You took so long to eat, we’re going to miss the beginning of Transfiguration.
Peter: It’s not my fault there was the NICE jam.
Sirius: They’re exactly the same, Pet-
James: Shush! I hear something!
Inside the hospital wing
Person 1: Lupin, be careful with that cut. It could get easily infected.
Remus: Yes, Madam Pomfrey.
Pomfrey: Good. I’ll ask Dumbledore to remove the furniture from the Shack, it should keep you from getting hurt again.
Remus: It actually wasn’t the furniture, it was my claws.
Pomfrey: Really? Then I’ll put some ointment on it, one specifically for werewolf scratches.
Outside the hospital wing
James: Holy- He’s a-
Sirius: Really, James, you’re so oblivious! I already had my suspicions, but this just confirms it.
James: I’m not oblivious!
Pomfrey: Potter? Black? Pettigrew?
Peter: Sirius, you should’ve been quieter!
Sirius: Yeah, thanks Peter, bit too late for that.
Pomfrey: I... think you ought to speak with Lupin.
Inside the hospital wing
Remus (casually): Hello my fellow non-werewolves.
Sirius: You do know you’re horrible at lying, don’t you?
James: Yeah...
Remus: Fine. I’m a monster. Happy?
Sirius: You’re a werewolf, not a monster.
Remus: Same thing.
James: You’re really too hard on yourself,
Remus: Werewolves are monsters, the Ministry classifies them that way.
Sirius: You fold your socks, Remus, forgive me if I’m not trembling at the sight of you.
Remus: You... you don’t think... you don’t think I’m a monster?
James: Of course not, you bloody idiot, you’re REMUS LUPIN, the man who fold his socks and gets an Outstanding in almost every single test.
Sirius: Agreed.
Peter: So Remus, I just wanted to mention that I might’ve stolen some of your chocolate last night...
James: Not the time, Peter.
Remus: It’s fine, Peter. So, you’ll still be my friends? And you won’t tell anyone?
Sirius: Of course. Next time though, you should probably put a Silencing Charm on the door next time.
79 Votes in Poll
I wanted to add Sprout but FaceApp kept saying that she’s a male. Lol.
(I’d advise skipping those between Hagrid and the Malfoys if you don’t want to be scarred for life.)
Flitwick (scary, right?):
The Malfoy family (and one background Death Eater):
Lucius Malfoy:
Someone please give me a request!
I’m running out of ideas.
(I’ve done Golden Trio, Draco, Silver Trio, Voldemort, the Marauders, Lily Potter, Fred and George and Tonks.)
69 Votes in Poll
TW:Blood/Scarring (I thought I should add this just in case
This is not mine but it has blessed my eyes 🥺🥲