What type do you think they are? What do you think they are like? And if I missed anything in the books, please tell me :)
So i wrote this in class today...its based off a meme i found It was a sunny day on the quidditch pitch. Currently the Gryffindor Quidditch Team Captain Oliver Wood was teaching his first year seeker about Quidditch.
Wood then crouched to the ground to grab another thing out of the quidditch trunk. He unlocks the tiny compartment only to reveal a golden ball. Harry Potter’s mouth waters…Could it be, a ferrero rocher chocolate? It certainly did look like it besides the two fragile wings on either side of it. It just may be a special addition! Harry thought. Wood didn’t catch on Harry’s longing look at the ball and continued to say,
“Potter, this is the golden snitch. Potter? POTTER PAY ATTENTION.” Harry snapped out of his daze, startled, he gazed up at the quidditch captain with wide eyes. “Ermm, sorry captain..” “What's got you all zoned out? It's quidditch, you certainly shouldn't be zoning out! I'm trying to teach you here!” “Sorry captain, it's just that I really like that ball you're holding..” Wood raised an eyebrow, “You mean the golden snitch?” Wood inspected it closely but then smirked, “Potter…this is a golden snitch, not a ferrero rocher chocolate… It's wicked fast and down near impossible to see.” Harry’s face drooped, “So it isn't chocolate?” asked Harry, disappointed. “No potter it's not…A toddler would have known that..” Wood replied amused. Harry looked down at the ground embarrassed, scuffing the grass green quidditch pitch with his foot. Harry really wanted chocolate, Wood sighed.
“But if you want chocolate that bad, I might just let you off early to have some..You have to earn it though!” Wood teasingly pulled a chocolate frog out of his quidditch robes, “If you work hard enough tonight. You get this.”
Harry brightened..A chocolate frog for doing good in quidditch, oh he would never turn that down. It was nearing 8pm and the sky darkened. Wood decided Harry did good enough so he handed him the chocolate frog bar. The look on Harry’s face looked like Christmas had arrived early. Wood chuckled out of amusement, “Here you go!”
Now every time at practice.. Wood has to go out of his way to buy Harry a chocolate treat or else he won’t be motivated. A small price to pay when he’s the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen.
In playing Quidditch Champions, each pitch has a commentator from the films/books. Burrows has Fred and George (who also partly commentates the Forbidden Forrest alongside Hagrid. Lee Jordon, of course, commentates the Hogwarts pitch. All of these characters, being the obvious with Fred and George, are the funny guys in the series.
Rita Skeeter COULD be seen as funny in a certain angle, but she also turns into a beetle. She is probably more Shakespearean comical.
All of these have me thinking that Ilvermorny's Eula Puente, Durmstrang's Áillun Wärnach, and Beauxbaton's Tufitran d'Aubert are also equally comical.
In extension to this, in the book version of 'Goblet of Fire' , and absent from the film adaptation; Ludovic Bagman, has a lot of moments with Fred and George commentating and bidding as well.
I made this a looonggg time ago, like when i was 9.. it looks interesting.
72 Votes in Poll
So does that mean we can talk about it here
I may have forgotten about posting these again... So uhm anyway Chapter 8
Things weren’t the same when Draco and his friends came back to Hogwarts. Potter was barely available which gave Draco no time to make fun of him. He wondered if something had happened over the holidays. But he recently found out when Marcus Flint was pacing around the Slytherin common room.
“What’s wrong?” Goyle asked.
“If Gryffindor wins their next match, they’ll overtake us and win the championship! They’ve been working tirelessly,” Flint replied, still thinking, making no eye contact.
“If I was on the team, I would make sure I got the Snitch before Potter,” he growled.
“But Snape is the referee, he’ll never let them win,” Crabbe added.
Draco nodded. Snape hated Potter and basically all the Gryffindors.
“You’re right but the team needs to be prepared. Somebody go get Higgs,” Flint ordered.
Draco rolled his eyes and went to look at the notice board. This fortnight’s password was “Purest”. There had been no more flying lessons since the quidditch season started.
“There’s no fun here anymore,” he muttered.
“You can go practice that leg curse on someone,” Goyle suggested.
“Fine idea, Goyle,” he smirked.
Draco headed to the library hoping to practice the Leg-Locking Curse on the nerdy Mudblood Granger.
Unfortunately, he didn’t get to do the curse on her. But he got to do it in another Gryffindor, Longbottom. He wove his wand and he laughed as Longbottom’s legs got stuck together and he toppled over.
“I’ll let that Mudblood Granger fix it since she’s top in class.”
Draco knew it wasn’t fair to take his anger out on Longbottom but it wasn’t fair his father yelled at him for not being top in Potions class.
He went back to the Slytherin common room.
Days passed and it was time for the Gryffindor against Hufflepuff match. They went to the quidditch pitch and found Weasley and Granger.
He poked Weasley. "Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there." Draco grinned broadly at Crabbe and Goyle. “Wonder how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time? Anyone want a bet? What about you, Weasley?"
The Blood Traitor didn’t answer, he was too busy watching Snape give Hufflepuff a penalty because a Weasley twin had done something.
You know how I think they choose people for the Gryffindor team?" said Draco loudly a few minutes later, as Snape awarded Hufflepuff another penalty. “It's people they feel sorry for. See, there's Potter, who's got no parents, then there's the Weasleys, who've got no money - you should be on the team, Longbottom, you've got no brains."
Longbottom went bright red but turned in his seat to face Draco.
"I'm worth twelve of you, Malfoy," he stammered.
Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle howled with laughter, but Weasley, still not daring to take his eyes from the game, said, "You tell him, Neville."
“Longbottom, if brains were gold you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something."
“I'm warning you, Malfoy - one more word-“
“Ron!" said Hermione suddenly, "Harry-"
“What? Where?" Weasley questioned.
Potter had done something that made the crowd cheer.
"You're in luck, Weasley, Potter's obviously spotted some money on the ground!" said Draco.
Just then the Blood Traitor snapped. He tackled Draco to the ground. Draco punched Weasley in the gut and watched him having trouble breathing. Longbottom tried interfering.
To his surprise, Weasley had a strong punch at Draco’s face. He could already feel his eye swelling into a black eye.
“Come on, Harry!" Granger screamed.
Crabbe and Goyle started punching Longbottom hard with their fists.
“Ron! Ron! Where are you? The game's over! Harry's won! We've won! Gryffindor is in the lead!" shrieked the Mudblood, dancing up and down on her seat and hugging Parvati Patil in the row in front.
Potter jumped off his Nimbus Two Thousand.
In disgust, Draco left with Crabbe and Goyle because even now Professor Dumbledore was coming to congratulate Potter.
“Favoring the lessers! You would think since Dumbledore is a Pureblood himself, he wouldn’t accept them! That’s what this school is!”
When Draco was walking out from one of his classes and into the corridor and heard Potter, Weasley, and Granger talking about a dragon hatching with the oaf Hagrid. He stopped dead to listen more but Potter noticed and they walked away.
After three, he saw the three Gryffindors heading down the oaf’s hut and Draco followed. Making sure not to be seen.
As they went in through the hut door, he watched through the window.
Sure enough, there was a dragon egg. Through the window, all Draco could hear was a muffled scraping noise and the egg split just like that. A baby dragon flopped into the floor of the hut. When it sneezed, sparks came out.
The oaf said something but it was too muffled for Draco to hear.
Just then the servant saw Draco. He leapt to his feet and ran to the window Draco was looking through.
He bolted, he didn’t care if they could see him. He just didn’t want them to catch him.
Draco could tell any moment. This would show Potter not to gloat about being on the quidditch team.
On Wednesday, to Draco’s surprise, in a book he had taken was a letter from Charlie Weasley about the dragon. They were planning to move it!
Draco went to the corridor of the tallest tower where he met Professor McGonagall in a bathrobe.
“Professor! Potter’s got a dragon!”
McGonagall stared at Draco in disbelief.
“Detention!" she finally shouted. "And twenty points from Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you-"
“You don't understand, Professor. Harry Potter's coming - he's got a dragon!"
“What utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies! Come on - I shall see Professor Snape about you, Malfoy!"
She dragged him to Snape’s office.
“Severus!” she demanded. “Control your students!”
Snape looked down at Draco. His expression was blank.
“I have to go. Filch is calling me. Control Malfoy!” she shrieked as she turned and walked away quickly.
Hope bubbled inside him. Did Filch catch Potter?
“What were you doing, Malfoy?” Snape questioned.
“Potter has a dragon, sir!”
Snape glared at him. “I didn’t expect this from one of my best students,” he muttered, turning away from Draco.
Why did no one believe him? He had seen it with his own eyes!
“Now go back to bed!”
The next day, Crabbe and Goyle asked him why he got detention but he didn’t answer. He was too upset to talk.
“Guys! Everybody hates Potter!” Blaise announced as he ran into the common room with a grin.
“Why?” Draco asked as he sprang up from the couch.
Nott walked in. “Potter, Granger, and Longbottom lost one hundred and fifty points. Each one lost fifty.” Theodore smirked. “We’re thankful for it though. We’re winning the house cup for the seventh year.”
Theodore’s comment wiped away Blaise’s grin, clearly upset that Theodore had taken away his news.
Draco laughed. Potter finally got what he deserved and this time nothing could change it.
Him and his friends didn’t bother trying to hold in their laughs when people ignored the three Gryffindors.
But soon his joy was spoiled by his detention at eleven o’clock. He arrived and Filch was already there. To make matters worse it was with Potter, Granger, and Longbottom because they had come a few minutes later.
“Follow me,” ordered Filch, who was holding a lantern.
“I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" he said, leering at them. "Oh yes... hard work and pain are the best teachers if you ask me.... It's just a pity they let the old punishments die out... hang you by your wrists from the ceiling for a few days, I've got the chains still in my office, keep 'em well oiled in case they're ever needed.... Right, off we go, and don't think of running off, now, it'll be worse for you if you do."
Draco sneered as he heard Longbottom’s sniffing. He looked ahead. It was the oaf’s hut.
“Is that you, Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started,” said Hagrid.
Draco saw relief wash over Potter.
Filch saw it too because he said, “I suppose you think you'll be enjoying yourself with that oaf? Well, think again, boy - it's into the forest you're going and I'm much mistaken if you'll all come out in one piece."
At this, Longbottom let out a little moan, and Draco stopped dead in his tracks.
“The forest?" he repeated, and he didn't sound quite as cool as usual. "We can't go in there at night - there's all sorts of things in there - werewolves, I heard."
Longbottom clutched Potter’s robe.
“That's your problem, isn't it?" said Filch, his voice cracking with glee. “Should've thought of them werewolves before you got in trouble, shouldn't you?" The oaf came striding toward them out of the dark, Fang at his heel. He was carrying his large crossbow, and a quiver of arrows hung over his shoulder. "Abou' time," he said. "I bin waitin' fer half an hour already. All right, Harry, Hermione?"
“You shouldn't be too friendly to them, Hagrid," said Filch coldly, “they're here to be punished, after all."
“That's why yer late, is it?" said the servant, frowning at Filch. "Bin lecturin' them, eh? 'Snot your place ter do that. Yeh've done yer bit, I'll take over from here."
“I'll be back at dawn," said Filch, "for what's left of them," he added nastily, and he turned and started back toward the castle, his lamp bobbing away in the darkness.
Draco now turned to Hagrid. “I'm not going in that forest,” he said with a note of panic in his voice.
“Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts," said the oaf fiercely. "Yeh've done wrong an' now yeh’ve got ter pay fer it."
“But this is servant stuff, it's not for students to do. I thought we'd be copying lines or something, if my father knew I was doing this, he’d-“
“-tell yer that’s how it is at Hogwarts,” the oaf growled. "Copyin' lines! What good's that ter anyone? Yeh'll do summat useful or Yeh'll get out. If yeh think yer father'd rather you were expelled, then get back off ter the castle an' pack. Go on.”
Draco didn't move. He looked at the servant furiously, but then dropped his gaze.
“Right then," he said, "now, listen carefully, 'cause it's dangerous what we're gonna do tonight, an' I don' want no one takin' risks. Follow me over here a moment."
He led them to the very edge of the forest. Holding his lamp up high, he pointed down a narrow, winding earth track that disappeared into the thick black trees. A light breeze lifted their hair as they looked into the forest.
“Look there, see that stuff shinin’ on the ground? Silvery stuff? That’s unicorn blood. There’s a unicorn in there bin hurt badly by summat. This is the second time in a week. I found one dead last Wednesday. We’re gonna try an’ find the poor thing. We might have ter put it out of its misery.”
“And what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?” asked Draco, unable to keep the fear out of his voice.
“There’s nothin’ that lives in the forest that’ll hurt yeh if yer with me or Fang,” he assured Draco. “An’ keep ter the path. Right, now, we’re gonna split inter two parties an’ follow the trail in different directions. There’s blood all over the place, it must’ve been staggerin’ around since last night at least.”
“I want Fang,” said Draco quickly. If he was going into the forest, he would with good protection. He glanced at Fang’s long teeth.
“All right, but I warn yeh, he’s a coward,” informed Hagrid. “So me, Harry, Hermione’ll go one way an’ Draco, Neville, an’ Fang’ll go the other. Now, if any of us finds the unicorn, we’ll send up green sparks, right? Get yer wands out and practice now - that’s it - an’ if anyone gets in trouble, send up red sparks, an’ we’ll all come an’ find yeh - so be careful - let’s go.”
The forest was basically all black. It was so dark that the night sky was the brightest thing they could see.
Longbottom started whimpering.
“Shut it, Longbottom,” Draco glowered.
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you!” he shrieked.
Draco rolled his eyes. He too was scared but he wouldn’t show it in front of Longbottom. He wouldn’t be a sissy anymore. He took a breath.
“Hurry up now,” Draco ordered.
Longbottom moved forward quickly.
They were walking for a long time until he decided to play a practical joke on Longbottom.
“Hey,” he said, “what’s that?” Pretending to peer at something in the forest, Longbottom moved forward and Draco moved behind him. He grabbed Longbottom’s shoulders and screamed in his ear like something was wrong.
Longbottom screamed too and shot red sparks in the air. Even Fang barked.
Draco laughed so hard that he fell to his knees.
“What’d you do that for?” Longbottom demanded.
He stopped laughing. “Uh, fun obviously. Ever heard of it? Or are you too scared of everything that you’ve never had it?” he taunted.
Longbottom stared at him, shocked. He opened his mouth to say something but got interrupted by Hagrid crashing through, thinking something was wrong.
“What happened? Is anyone hurt?” He looked pointedly at Draco.
“What’re you looking at, oaf?” he replied
Hagrid turned pink. “Bin talking to Filch ‘ave yeh?”
Draco snorted, as if he’d go anywhere near that squib.
The servant took them back to where Potter and Granger were waiting for them.
“We’ll be lucky ter catch anythin’ now with the racket you two were makin’. Right, we’re changin’ groups - Neville, you stay with me an’ Hermione. Harry, you go with Fang an’ this idiot,” Hagrid muttered.
Draco glared at him through squinted eyes. Who was the one who lived in Malfoy Manor, a mansion, and who lived in a hut on school grounds?
Hagrid whispered something to Potter, but he couldn’t hear.
Draco and Potter set off into the heart of the forest with Fang. They walked for nearly half an hour, deeper and deeper into the forest, until the path became almost impossible to follow because the trees were so thick. There were splashes of blood on the roots of a tree, as though the poor creature had been thrashing around in pain close by. They could see a clearing ahead, through the tangled branches of an ancient oak.
"Look -" Potter murmured, holding out his arm to stop Draco.
Something bright white was gleaming on the ground. They inched closer.
It was the unicorn all right, and it was dead. Its long, slender legs were stuck out at odd angles where it had fallen and its mane was spread pearly - white on the dark leaves. Potter had taken one step toward it when a slithering sound made him freeze where he stood. A bush on the edge of the clearing quivered.... Then, out of the shadows, a hooded figure came crawling across the ground like some stalking beast. Draco, Potter, and Fang stood transfixed. The cloaked figure reached the unicorn, lowered its head over the wound in the animal's side, and began to drink its blood.
"AAAAAAAAAARGH!" Draco let out a terrible scream and bolted - so did Fang. He didn’t want to look like a coward but that was terrifying.
What kind of monster would drink unicorn blood?
“Hagrid! Hagrid!” he called, sending up red sparks.
He ran straight into him when he was looking back to see if the monster was following him.
“What is it, Malfoy?” he demanded.
“There was s-something drinking unicorn blood!”
“And you left Harry?” Granger questioned.
“I thought he’d come with me!” Draco replied, still panicking.
“Go back to the castle, Malfoy,” advised Hagrid, seeing the fear in his eyes.
He gasped in relief, he had gotten off easily, not that any of this detention was easy. He would much rather copy lines.
The next chapter's the last. I just reread it and it's not the best. Things also might be inaccurate in it, sorry 😬😬
Now, obviously this doesn't go for everyone, but I've seen people think that Harry is a nerd or something but---
No he isn't.
He is literally a jock that wears glasses.
He loves quidditch, which of course is a sport. Also, in the books, he isn't like the best student academically or anything, yk?
Just thought I'd post this, so yeah. Also, Idk what category to put this under, so I'll stick it under 'general' for now.
I kinda forgot about keeping on posting the chapters sooooo... Chapter 6! Written a few years ago, so forget some of the mistakes if there are any while reading and tell me them in the comments so I can edit it on my doc :)))
It was now November and quidditch season would be starting, without Draco. What made it worse was Potter’s first match was coming up and it was against Slytherin.
Around eleven-thirty, Draco and his friends went up to the quidditch pitch with Pansy tagging along.
Draco noticed Goyle holding binoculars. “Gimme those!” he demanded.
He watched Potter mount his broom and looked at the Slytherin team. Madam Hooch blew her silver whistle so loud the crowd could hear it. All fifteen broomsticks rose up into the air and the game began. Some Gryffindor girl with the name Johnson had already gotten the Quaffle.
"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor - what an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too -"
"JORDAN!" screeched McGonagall.
"Sorry, Professor."
The annoying friend of the Weasley twins, Lee Jordan was doing commentary with McGonagall watching.
"And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Alicia Spinnet, a good find of Oliver Wood's, last year only a reserve - back to Johnson and - no, the Slytherins have taken the Quaffle, Slytherin Captain Marcus Flint gains the Quaffle and off he goes - Flint flying like an eagle up there,” commented Jordan.
“Yes!” Draco and his friends cheered.
“- he's going to sc- no, stopped by an excellent move by Gryffindor Keeper Wood and the Gryffindors take the Quaffle -that's Chaser Katie Bell of Gryffindor there, nice dive around Flint, off up the field and - OUCH - that must have hurt, hit in the back of the head by a Bludger - Quaffle taken by the Slytherins.”
“Hah!” laughed Zabini.
“-that's Adrian Pucey speeding off toward the goal posts, but he's blocked by a second Bludger - sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which - nice play by the Gryffindor Beater, anyway, and Johnson back in possession of the Quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes - she's really flying - dodges a speeding Bludger - the goal posts are ahead - come on, now, Angelina - Keeper Bletchley dives - misses -GRYFFINDOR SCORES!"
“URGH!” screamed the Slytherin crowd.
A Bludger came pelting Potter’s way but it missed him. “Oooh!” groaned Draco, disappointedly. One of the Weasley twins hit the Bludger back at Flint.
"Slytherin in possession," Lee Jordan was saying, "Chaser Pucey ducks two Bludgers, two Weasleys, and Chaser Bell, and speeds toward the - wait a moment - was that the Snitch?"
A murmur ran through the crowd as Adrian Pucey dropped the Quaffle, too busy looking over his shoulder at the flash of gold that had passed his left ear.
“Hopefully Potter doesn’t notice,” Nott said.
But both Potter and Terrence Higgs, the Slytherin Seeker, saw it. The Chasers stopped moving.
“What are they doing?” Blaise growled.
WHAM! A roar of rage echoed from the Gryffindors below and laughter from Slytherins - Marcus Flint had blocked Potter on purpose, and Potter’s broom spun off course, with Potter holding on for dear life. "Foul!" screamed the Gryffindors, the Slytherins still cheering and laughing.
Madam Hooch spoke angrily to Flint and then ordered a free shot at the goal posts for Gryffindor. But in all the confusion, of course, the Golden Snitch had disappeared from sight again.
"So - after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating-“
"Jordan!" growled Professor McGonagall.
"I mean, after that open and revolting foul-“
“Jordan, I'm warning you-"
Slytherins booed at Lee Jordan.
"All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Spinner, who puts it away, no trouble, and we continue play, Gryffindor still in possession."
Potter dodged another Bludger and almost fell. But then without him dodging anything, his broom started going crazy.
“Man! You’re a much better flier, Malfoy,” Pansy commented.
Draco smirked arrogantly. Damn right he was
"Slytherin in possession - Flint with the Quaffle - passes Spinnet - passes Bell - hit hard in the face by a Bludger, hope it broke his nose - only joking, Professor - Slytherins score - A no...”
The Slytherins were cheering. “About time!” yelled Nott.
Suddenly the whole crowd was pointing up at Potter. His broom had started twitching and jerking while the Slytherins laughed. Potter had started slipping and was now hanging off his broom.
“Hopefully he falls and gets knocked out for the rest of the year,” muttered Theodore.
The Weasley twins tried going higher up to pull Potter down. During all the commotion, Marcus had taken an advantage and stole the Quaffle only to score five times.
There was yelping and screaming from where the teachers were watching. Snape had gotten set on fire. Then it disappeared. Potter then sped towards the ground. He then put his hands to his mouth like he was about to throw-up. “Not on the field!” moaned Pansy. He had gotten down on all fours coughed and a tiny gold ball fell into his hand.
"I've got the Snitch!" Potter shouted, waving it above his head, and the game ended in complete confusion.
“That was hardly fair!” growled Draco.
"He didn't catch it, he nearly swallowed it," Flint was still howling twenty minutes later.
The Slytherins all agreed but that didn’t change anything. Gryffindor had won by one hundred and seventy points to sixty.
“That game was a load of rubbish!” Blaise snorted.
“Wait till my father hears about this,” Draco muttered.
He was so used to everything going his way but now someone who had turned down to be his friend and now his enemy, was getting everything Draco wanted.
On the first Friday of December, Harry had been given permission to go home for the weekend to attend Sirius' wedding. He met his father at Professor McGonagall's office after his classes for the day were over.
"So, have you been waking up and getting to your morning classes on time," James teased as father and son were heading down the stairs of the castle. He was carrying Harry's trunk which had been charmed to be light on one hand while his other hand was around Harry's shoulder.
"I never had a problem waking up," Harry protested.
James narrowed his eyes.
"Well, you put me in a school that was so far away that I had to wake up at six-thirty in the morning to make it on time," said Harry.
"I'm sorry about that son, but there was no choice. I couldn't put you in a muggle school nearby as the risk of breaching the statute of secrecy was higher," said James.
"We could have moved to a muggle house near the school," Harry pointed out.
"And give up our family home and heritage? Our ancestor, Linfred the Potterer was awarded …" James began but cut off by Harry.
"A large land by the Ministry for his invention of skele-gro, built a small house there and for generations our ancestors worked hard to renovate the house to the mansion it is now, most notably Great-Grandpa Henry and Grandpa Fleamont," Harry drawled. He had heard James tell this story at least a few times before and his father could get in a roll when he began talking about his family history.
"Oh, alright," said a bemused James as he ruffled a grinning Harry's hair.
Harry was greeted warmly by both his uncles when he entered Potter Manor. Sirius and Remus had lived with James and Harry for a few years after Lily died but once they were settled in their careers, they bought their own posh apartments at Luxury Ville, the area of apartment buildings in front of Potter Manor. Both Marauders were almost daily visitors at Potter Manor.
Just then, Harry heard Miranda's voice yelling at someone from a distance. It came from the living room and he saw her look livid as she yelled at a man and woman who were wide-eyed with fear.
"Bridezilla in full action", Sirius explained at Harry's questioning look.
"Come on Sirius, be fair to be Miranda. She's just stressed out with the wedding preparations", James reasoned.
"And having things go wrong the day before the wedding would be extra stressful", Remus joined.
"James, didn't you call Lily, Bridezilla too when she kept losing her temper over wedding preparation?" asked Sirius.
James looked away. "Well … to be fair, you called Lily that first and I just agreed with you," James stammered.
"Emphasis on you agreed with me".
"Emphasis on you said it first".
"Oh, knock it off both you," said Remus.
"Harry, how nice to see you," said Helen who had come from the kitchen.
"Nice to see you too, Helen", said Harry as she gave him a fleeting hug.
Helen was his caregiver. She was a tall and thin woman in her late fifties who wore her greying black hair in a tight bun. Befitting her character, Helen had a stern look about her face but her brown eyes were kind. James hired her because she reminded him a lot of his favorite professor, McGonagall.
"Harry, why don't you wash up and get dressed. I'm making one of your favorite dishes for dinner", said Helen as he obliged and she went back into the kitchen.
The Marauders were having Sirius's bachelor's night at the Platinum Hotel's bar with a few of their friends. Remus noticed James being preoccupied with his thoughts and knew he was reminded of his own wedding.
"So James, it has been ten years. When are you getting married again?" asked Sam just as Remus was about to covertly console the messy-haired wizard.
James looked at Sam as if he had suggested he threw his son off the hotel's highest floor.
"I will not give Lily's place to someone else," James resolved.
"You still think about her after all this years?" asked Phillip incredulously.
"Everyday" he said gloomily as his friends exchanged wide eyed looks.
"Well, thank you mates. Now you've got James all upset when my bachelor's party is supposed to be fun," said Sirius incredulously.
"It's alright. I'll be fine with a few more shots," said James and Remus knew he wanted to pull himself together as to not ruin the mood of Sirius's bachelor's party.
"You know on second thought, maybe I shouldn't. I don't want to risk having to go home to my son in an embarrassing state."
"Don't worry mate, if you're drunk to the point of embarrassment, Gunther over here would get you into a hotel room to spend the night," said Sirius as James complied.
Gunther was their hired sober escort to see that they got home or to a hotel room safely in case they were unable to do so.
Sirius and Miranda were married the next day and Harry was glad to catch up with his other family members who included the Tonks's and the family of James' cousin Luke who lived in the United States. Luke was the son of Fleamont's brother Charlus. He went back to Hogwarts on Sunday evening after Sirius and Miranda had gone off on their Honeymoon to Paris.
As December passed, Draco and gang got even more unpleasant due to Slytherin's recent Quidditch loss to Gryffindor. Still being reluctant to direct his antagonism at Harry, Draco would direct his antagonism towards Ron and Hermione. One such incident involved Draco mocking Ron about being the next gamekeeper when latter was offering to help Hagrid with a Fig tree. This resulted in Ron lunging at the obnoxious git. To his misfortune, Snape who witnessed this took five points off Gryffindor despite Hagrid's protest that Draco had started it. Aside from that, the Golden Trio frequently visited the library in fruitless efforts to find out about Nicholas Flamel.
Since the Weasley children were to stay at Hogwarts due to their parents and sister visiting Charlie in Romania for the holidays, James had asked Harry to invite the boys over to Potter Manor to spend the holidays. Hermione was to spend the holidays with her parents. An initially reluctant Molly agreed that her sons could spend the holidays at the Potters after James had reassured her in his letter that they would be in good hands. To the distress of the Weasley twins and Ron, she conditioned that they could only go if Percy came along.
"Say Percy, won't it be nice to spend Christmas at the Potters?" asked Fred innocently.
"I'm not comfortable staying at a stranger's house," said Percy apprehensively.
"Harry's not a stranger. He's my best friend," said Ron indignantly.
"But it still feels like an intrusion since we're strangers to Mr. Potter," said Percy as his brothers exchanged exasperated looks.
Just then an idea struck Fred.
"Percy, don't you want to experience what it's like to live in a mansion?" asked Fred as his brother's eyes perked up for split second but went back to being resolute.
"It has a Quidditch pitch", said George.
"I don't play Quidditch".
"It has a library with books that aren't available at Hogwarts", said Ron as Percy began deliberating.
"Mr. Potter, being the owner of a Quidditch team has close connections at the Ministry, particularly the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Some of them could show up for their Christmas party", Fred went in for the kill.
"If you impress Mr. Potter, he might introduce you and put in a good word for you to them. Didn't you want a good position at the Ministry?" George asked as Percy was finally sold.
At the start of Christmas break, Harry and the Weasley boys were picked up at the King's Cross Station by the Marauders and brought to Potter Manor which was located in Springton Valley, an upper-class neighborhood where both wizards and muggles lived. Ron and his brothers were slacked-jawed as they looked around the house which was covered mostly in exquisite marble flooring and panel walls.
"You have a lovely home, Mr. Potter," said Percy courteously as the twins rolled their eyes at each other.
"Thank you Percy," said James.
The Weasleys enjoyed their tour around Potter Manor which included several halls, a kitchen, a grand dining room, 12 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, a game room, a library, a gym and a basement which included a Potion's lab. Harry and Ron had promised to Hermione that they would secretly research about Nicholas Flamel at the Potter Library. The boys were also shown their specific rooms. Ron was to sleep in Harry's room, the twins were to share a room while Percy was delighted to get an elegant large room all to himself. After a tour of the manor, they were given a tour of the backyard which included a garden, a Quidditch pitch, a guesthouse and a swimming pool.
Over the holidays, Harry had blast with Ron and his brothers. They would play Quidditch every morning, sometimes joined by the Marauders. James even provided them with much appreciated pointers. They played wizard chess and exploding snap and spent the nights gossiping over hot chocolate which mostly involved plotting against people like Snape, Zabini and Malfoy. They never actually planned on carrying out the plots, but had fun fantasizing them nevertheless. Percy mostly kept to himself in the library but was occasionally convinced to join in their activities. Besides that, the Marauders had even taken them out on outings to places like the museum and zoo.
There was a grand Christmas party at Potter Manor on Christmas Eve. Besides Sirius, Remus and Miranda, the guests included several friends and business associates including Jenny Parkinson, an old friend of James's who used to be two years below the Marauders in school. To Percy's delight, he was introduced to several prominent members from the Department of Magical Games and Sports including it's head, Ludo Bagman, The other Weasley boys on the other hand were delighted to be introduced to members of the Phoenix Pioneers.
"Wow, Harry flies just as great as you do," Jenny said with awe as the adults were watching the kids sans Percy play a game of Quidditch.
"He's probably better that I am," said James proudly.
"I think you're definitely at least just as good." The attractive blonde blushed.
"Yeah?" he grinned, oblivious that her blue eyes were gazing at him as his were busy watching his son.
Harry and Ron were awakened by the excited Weasley twins on Christmas morning. Equally enthusiastic, they ran down to the large Christmas tree in family hall. Percy could be heard yelling at Weasley twins from upstairs about being disturbed from his sleep. Soon the Potters and Weasleys had gathered around the tree which was surrounded with presents and exchanged Merry Chirstmas hugs.
Harry received several wonderful gifts from his father, Sirius and Remus which included the next book in the mystery/adventure book franchise he was following and a diary, a roughly cut wooden flute from Hagrid, a jumper and a large box of homemade fudge from Mrs. Weasley and a large box of Cadburys from Hermione. Harry was touched that Hermione remembered his favorite chocolates and that Mrs. Weasley sent him a jumper. He would write thank you notes to them and Hagrid later. The Weasley boys received their share of gifts from their parents, Hagrid, Hermione and the Marauders.
There were lower scale Christmas lunch and dinner feasts that day which were only attended by the Marauders and Miranda.
That night, James entered Harry's room carrying a parcel behind him.
"Wondered why you received one less present than usual from me this year?" asked James.
"Because you have another one for me behind there," said Harry knowingly.
James grinned as he sat down beside his son.
"I saved the best for last," he said as he handed him the package.
Harry felt it and knew what it was as he tore the package open to find the Invisibility Cloak. He had anticipated the day he would inherit it but didn't think it would come this soon.
"You're giving it to me now?"
"Your grandfather gave it to me on Christmas of my first year, so I figured I'd keep up the tradition," James shrugged.
Harry broke into a wide grin and hugged his father. "Thanks dad!"
"Showing it to Ron and Hermione is alright. But please keep your possession of it a secret from everyone else," James implored as Harry nodded. "Unlike me, I trust you to use it wisely. You will, won't you?" he looked intently at his son.
"Well … does sneaking out for duels with Zabini and Malfoy count as using it wisely?" Harry asked mischievously as James answered his cheek by tickling him.
"I was only joking," said Harry between giggles. "I promise to use it wisely."
James stopped tickling Harry to find a grinning Ron who had just come out of the bathroom. But his cheeks were pink as if he was unsure if he was interrupting something.
"Alright Ron? Just wanted to give Harry his final gift. Well, goodnight boys," James kissed Harry's forehead and gave Ron a fleeting hug before exiting the room.
Harry excitedly showed Ron the cloak as both boys gleefully spent about an hour playing and experimenting with the cloak.
The Christmas holidays passed too quickly for the liking of Harry and the Wealsey boys who were having so much fun at Potter Manor. They returned to Hogwarts a day before classes began. Hermione was disappointed that they hadn't been able to find out who Nicholas Flamel was. Harry and Ron did try to look for information on Nicholas Flamel at the Potter's library but were unsuccessful.
After word had reached the Slytherins that Harry was the Gryffindor team's new Seeker, he was confronted by a jealous Blaise Zabini with Draco Malfoy by his side. Blaise mocked him and accused him enjoying special privilege. He followed this by goading Harry and challenging him to a duel. Draco was clearly jealous as well from his expression, but he also seemed conflicted about showing it. Perhaps he was confused about how to view or treat Harry just like Harry himself was confused about him. Harry made Ron his second while Blaise made Draco his second.
Hermione who had overheard their exchange tried to "advice" Harry out of it, but he wouldn't have any of her interference. However, the bushy haired muggle-born was not to be ignored. She lay awake waiting for them. Harry and Ron chose to ignore her again, but she followed them out of the Common Room. Unfortunately, the Fat Lady had gone out visiting while they were arguing, so Hermione was trapped outside with them. If that wasn't enough, Neville Longbottom was also stuck outside with them as he had forgotten the password and was sleeping outside the portrait after he returned from the Hospital Wing. Neville was raised by his strict grandmother after his parents were tortured to the point of insanity by four Death Eaters shortly after Lily's death. Harry knew about Neville's parents, but chose to keep it to himself as the Marauders had advised him not to bring it up at school or to Neville.
As such, Harry and Ron were stuck having Hermione and Neville tagging along with them and had to endure former's nagging about how they got her into this. Harry argued back that she chose to follow them. They were to meet Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy outside the Trophy room, but soon realized that the boys were not going to show up and this was merely a ploy to get them out of bed. Filch who was tipped off by Blaise knew to show up near the Trophy room. While they were escaping Filch, they ended up in the forbidden third floor corridor. This led to them entering a locked room where they came face to face to with three headed dog. Fortunately, they managed to escape from the room before either of them was eaten. Even more fortunately, they managed to escape Filch. A very annoyed Hermione pointed out that the three headed dog was standing on a trapdoor and guarding something before heading off to bed. Harry was sure that the dog was guarding the thing in the small package that Hagrid had emptied from Vault 713.
Harry had half a mind to write to his dad about it, but he was afraid that his dad wouldn't take well to him almost being eaten by a three headed dog. James sent Harry's broom the next day and Harry was delighted to have a double victory over Blaise Zabini who was not only shocked to see him the next day but was also jealous when he confronted him and discovered he had just been sent a Nimbus 2000. Draco looked a little jealous as well, but Harry knew that Draco himself had a Nimbus 2000 at home. Zabini stormed off in rage after Flitwick arrived and told Zabini that Harry was made an exception by the school and allowed a broom. Once the Ravenclaw head of house walked away, it was just Harry, Ron and Draco left.
"What did I ever do to you?" asked Harry indignantly.
"I told you he was no good and you shouldn't be civil to him," said Ron.
"Shut it, Weasley," Draco warned
"He's right. You tried to get me in trouble for no reason," said Harry.
"It wasn't me. It was Blaise," said Draco.
"Well, you were in on it. You agreed not to show up for the duel and don't tell me you didn't know that Zabini had tipped Filch off," said Harry.
"I ... well, it's not fair that you get privileges that other first years aren't allowed," said Draco.
"I didn't ask for those privileges. What do you expect me do? Turn them down and let my house lose the Quidditch cup? Would you have turned them down?" asked Harry.
"I ... it's ..." Draco was lost for words.
"Come on Ron," said Harry as Ron and him headed upstairs, leaving Draco Malfoy to his jealous, entitled, petty and confused thoughts.
Dear dad,
I know Halloween is usually tough for us, especially for you. But I hope you stayed strong and remembered that mum is always with us in our hearts. I was a little upset, but I coped just fine especially with Ron and my other friends to keep my mind off it.
You were right about giving Hermione a chance. Yesterday on Halloween, Ron got annoyed that Hermione corrected his pronunciation of Wingardium Leviosa. She overheard Ron calling her a nightmare and walked away upset. We later heard that she was crying in the Bathroom. Professor Quirell then came in and informed us that there was troll in the dungeon. As all the students were escorted back to our Common Rooms, I remembered that Hermione wasn't informed. Long story cut short, Ron and I went to warn her. We heard the troll in one of the rooms and shut the door, but then realized it was girl's bathroom and that Hermione was trapped in it with the troll. We went in to save her and managed to knock out the troll. The professors, including Professor McGonagall showed up and Hermione took the full blame for me and Ron. We became friends after we went back to the Common Room.
Take care and I hope to see you, Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus at my first Quidditch match.
Love Harry.
Dear Harry,
I was worried about you spending your first Halloween away from home. I'm glad that you coped well and had your friends to keep your mind off it. It's true that Halloween is usually tough on me but you have nothing to worry about. Your uncles kept my mind off it too. There's not a day that goes by without me missing your mother, but thanks to your Uncle Sirius, Uncle Remus and you, it's usually so much easier on me that I get through it. All three of you are my backbone.
It's great that Ron and you have made friends with Hermione. The three of you could learn from each other. Ron and you could teach her to be more relaxed while she could help you both see the more serious side of things. From the things you've said about her, she actually sounds quite a bit like your mother and your Uncle Remus to be honest.
I'm proud that you were noble enough to put yourself in danger to save Hermione despite not liking her. However, you could have been seriously harmed. In future, please go to a professor first before putting yourself in danger.
Your uncles and I would definitely be there for your first match. We wouldn't miss it for the world. But forewarning, you might be a bit embarrassed by a proud, but teary dad. Take care and see you soon.
Love dad.
The morning of Harry's first Quidditch match had finally arrived. Aside from Quidditch, Harry had one more thing to think about. Snape had been limping after the Halloween incident and Harry had seen him go off somewhere else instead of to the dungeons with the other teachers during the troll incident. Yesterday, he had walked in on Snape's leg being bloody and mangled when he went to Snape's office to get his Quidditch Through the Ages library book back from Snape. Snape had unfairly confiscated it by making up a rule that he wasn't allowed to bring library books outside the castle and docked 5 points off Gryffindor for added measure. But he couldn't dwell on Snape for long. He had his match to think about which gave him a mixture of fear and excitement.
Harry was in the Gryffindor changing room with Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Gryfindor Quiddich team when James entered the changing room.
"DAD," Harry exclaimed as he excitedly flung himself on his father who hugged him back with equal enthusiasm.
Oliver Wood was greeting his dad a few feet away. Benjamin Wood was the Head Coach of the Phoenix Pioneers that James owned. After exchanging greetings, Harry introduced Ron and Hermione to James. Sirius and Remus were to arrive later. Oliver and Benjamin joined them and more greetings were exchanged between the Potters and the Woods.
After small talk, James and Benjamin left the changing room while the Gryffindor team headed to the Quidditch pitch about fifteen minutes later, after a pep talk from Oliver. Harry looked at the stands and saw his dad, Sirius and Remus waving enthusiastically at him. The latter two had just arrived.
Sometime later in the game, James noticed something off with Harry.
"Is it me, or does Harry seem to be having trouble with his broom?" asked James.
"But Harry's a natural with a broom. It can't be," said Sirius.
But soon, it couldn't be ignored.
"It looks like the broom is trying to throw Harry off." Remus fidgeting on his seat and bit his bottom lip.
"Usually, only Dark Magic can interfere with a broom," said Sirius.
All three Marauders exchanged extremely apprehensive looks.
"I have to do something." James quickly rose from his seat in full panic mode with his wand held out as Sirius and Remus followed suit.
"Look, Harry's back up on his broom again," said Sirius.
James, Sirius and Remus breathed sighs of relief as Harry landed on the ground. Harry had his hands clasped on his mouth and the Gryffindor stands erupted with cheers as he coughed out the snitch. Flint argued technicality that Harry swallowed the snitch instead of catching it. Fortunately, the Gryffindors won that argument and Madam Hooch still declared Gryffindors as the winners.
Not wanting to embarrass Harry by fussing on him in public, the Marauders waited for the crowd to disperse before heading off to the changing rooms to meet Harry. They saw Hagrid leaving the changing room while they were still a distance away. James flung his arms protectively around Harry when he entered the changing room.
"You had me worried," he said.
"I don't know what happened, dad," said Harry.
Both Sirius and Remus took turns hugging Harry after James had let go of him.
"Snape jinxed Harry's broom but Hagrid swore that Snape would never do that," said Ron, frowning skeptically.
"But we saw him. He was continuously muttering things under his breath and never took his eyes off Harry. All the signs of trying to jinx someone," said Hermione.
"But how did Harry get back up on his broom?" asked Remus.
"I made my way to the Slytherin stands and set Professor Snape's robes on fire," said Hermione.
"Wow, I'm impressed," Sirius grinned, flashing his pearly whites. "You must be Hermione," he said, holding out his hand.
"Yes, sir" said Hermione, blushing as she shook Sirius's hand.
"Oh, please call me Sirius," he said courteously.
This was Harry's cue to introduce Ron and Hermione to his uncles.
"So, why would Snape try to jinx Harry's broom?" asked Remus.
"Because he hates Mr. Potter and he takes it out on Harry in class!" Ron blurted out.
"WHAAT? What does he do?" James burst out furiously.
Ron gulped, quailing slightly. He then quickly told Harry's father about all the things that Snape had done or said to Harry. James, Sirius and Remus exchanged dark looks when he had finished.
"That sniveling git," Sirius muttered under his breath.
"Why didn't you tell me, Harry?" asked James.
"Because I didn't want to be a whiny boy who complained to my dad about everything. The whole "my father will hear about this' is Draco Malfoy's style," said Harry.
"And we think that Snape is trying to steal whatever that three-headed dog thing is guarding," said Ron, quickly clapping a hand to his mouth in horror at what he'd just let slip.
"Ron!" Harry hissed.
All three Marauders turned to face Harry with non-nonsense looks on their faces.
"Harry, what's going on?" James demanded, his expression strongly suggesting he wasn't going to accept anything less than the truth.
Harry grimaced sheepishly at his father.
He then reluctantly began to explain everything to his dad, with Ron and Hermione chiming in at intervals. He told him about about the three headed dog that Hagrid had called Fluffy, Snape sneaking off somewhere when all the other teachers were heading to the dungeons to deal with the troll, Snape's bloody leg that he was sure had been bitten by Fluffy, and how Hagrid had let Nicholas Flamel's name slip.
"Are you three sure that you didn't just misunderstand certain things about Professor Snape?" Remus asked reasonably.
"Well, I wouldn't put it past him," said Sirius.
"Sirius, I know that he's not a saint and that we don't like him very much. Alright, James and you hate him, but we can't let that cloud our objective judgment," said Remus.
"Remus does have a point," James agreed. "Though, I wouldn't automatically declare Snape innocent."
"Who's Nicolas Flamel?" asked Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Look kids, I don't think the three of you should get involved in this. Professor Dumbledore is a wise man. I'm certain that he has it under control," said James.
"But, daad ... Snape ..." Harry protested.
"Son, I don't know whether or not Snape is guilty, but I will be speaking to Professor Dumbledore about this and Snape's treatment of you. Please let me handle it," James implored.
"Alright," Harry reluctantly obliged.
"So we're heading to Professor Dumbledore's office?" said Sirius.
"Yes. More than anything else, someone just tried to kill my son and I want some heads rolling," said James, determined.
"So, I assume your favorite Quidditch team is the Phoenix Pioneers, since your dad owns it," Draco broke the silence after the initial discomfort about his scar and mother's death has passed.
"Yeah ... but my personal bias aside, it's a good team though," Harry shrugged.
"That's true, I suppose. I usually root for the Pioneers when they aren't playing against my favorite team, the Blazing Dragons," said Draco
"The Blazing Dragons? Good team. Abrith is a great Keeper and Yaxley is a great Beater."
"They are, aren't they? I like the chasers, Triton and Brinx from the Pioneers."
"They're the best," Harry agreed.
"Isn't it nice that you finally found someone to talk about Quidditch with, Draco," Theo looked up from his book.
"Oh, in case you didn't know, these three are hopeless if you ever want a conversation about Quidditch," Draco explained to Harry as Theo playfully held out his tongue and went back to his book. "Did you see the Quaffle that Abrith saved in the last ten minutes of the game when they played against the Chudley Cannons in the semi-finals? Impressive wasn't it?"
Harry and Draco continued having a fascinating conversation about Quidditch and eventually went on to talking about the spells that they tried at home and the subjects they were most interested in learning. They were both the most interested in the subjects involving a wand and the least interested in the "boring" History of Magic.
At about half past twelve, the trolley lady arrived and the five boys bought a handful of treats from her cart. They discussed Chocolate Frog cards and the wizards on the cards. Albus Dumbledore was on one of their cards. To Harry's surprise and discomfort, all boys expressed a disdain for Dumbledore whom Harry thought to be quite respectable from what he had heard of him. The headmaster had also visited his place a few times. But he recalled what his dad said about Lucius filling Draco's mind with rubbish and knew that their fathers were responsible for putting such thoughts into them. To avoid his dissonance, Harry changed the topic to Nicholas Flamel, a wizard on another one of their Chocolate Frog cards.
Crabbe and Goyle noisily threw Bertie's Every Flavored beans at each other as they tried to catch the beans with their mouths. They were only successful about half the time.
"Just ignore them. They love acting all silly. You'll get used to it," Draco said to Harry as he shot them a slight glare. "Are you still hoping to get into Gryffindor?"
"My dad said it doesn't matter which house I get into, but I can tell that he would be slightly disappointed if I don't get into Gryffindor. I hate disappointing my dad."
Harry didn't want to specifically mention Slytherin as not to hurt the feelings of the boys he knew were planning on getting into Slytherin.
"I understand what you mean. My father would be disappointed if I don't get into Slytherin and I hate it when I disappoint my father too," said Draco understandably.
"Me too", Theo agreed.
"I suppose it might be a bit of a problem if you got into Slytherin. My father told me that that Professor Snape and your dad used to hate each other in school. Not just your dad, but your godfather too. He's my mother's cousin isn't he?"
"Do you know Professor Snape?" asked Harry.
"He comes around for dinner occasionally. My father used to be his mentor during his first year and my father's seventh year. They're still quite close."
"Is he alright?" asked Harry, trying but failing to hide the slight fear in his voice.
"He's alright. You're afraid he'll take out his hatred for your father out on you, aren't you? He can't take out his grudge on you even if he wanted to. He's not allowed to. And with your fame, he can't get away with it either," said Draco.
Just then, the compartment door slid open and a girl with bushy brown haired girl entered with a shy looking, round faced boy beside her. They both looked familiar and the girl was already dressed in her Hogwarts robes.
The girl introduced herself as Hermione Granger and the boy beside her as Neville Longbottom and asked if anyone saw a toad as the boy had lost his. She had a bossy voice. All five boys shook their heads. The girl then stared at Harry and he recognized her. She was from the sister school of Brownstone, the all boys private school he used to attend. Her school was right across his school. He had seen her a few times and he knew her by name, but they had never spoken to each other.
His class teacher had told his class all about how Hermione Granger was the top girl in her school and how her grades were higher than theirs. Harry was in the Honours class and a few boys in his class felt insulted that a girl got better grades than them. Harry usually got mostly As and a few Bs. He was really good at Math and usually got A+s for it.
"You're from Brownstone aren't you?" asked Hermione.
"Yes," said Harry.
"Are you muggle-born too?" she asked excitedly.
"No, he's not muggle-born. He's half-blood. But I suppose I can't expect a mudblood like you to know who Harry Potter is," said Draco.
Harry's stomach let out an uncomfortable lurch. Hermione didn't seem shocked and he knew it was because she didn't understand what the word "mudblood" meant. This made him sympathize with her even more. The boy with her, Neville Longbottom looked shocked and just as uncomfortable as he felt. He now remembered hearing about Neville's parents, Frank and Alice Longbottom who were part of the Order of the Phoenix with his parents and were tortured to insanity by four Death Eaters. He remembered seeing his parents on a group picture of the Order. That's why Neville looked familiar, as he had a striking resemblance to both his parents.
"Are you really Harry Potter?" Hermione's eyes glowed as she eyed him intently.
Harry nodded.
"I've read all about you. Did you know you were in ..."
"Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century. Yeah, I know," Harry finished for her.
"Look ..." Draco began.
"We've already said that there isn't any toad in here. Will you both please look elsewhere. We'll let you know if we see one," Harry cut Draco off as he stood up and ushered them outside of the compartment.
He didn't want to hear Draco insult Hermione for being muggle-born again. Even if she seemed a bit annoying as a know-it-all with a bossy voice, Harry didn't think she deserved to be insulted for her blood-status.
"How rude", Harry heard the girl say as he closed the compartment door.
"Thanks Harry. I thought we'd never be rid of that mudblood", said Draco. "And why is that boy concerned with finding his toad? If I had a toad, I'd lose it on purpose, wouldn't you?"
"Umm hmm," Harry agreed.
They remained silent for some time as Harry was left to his thoughts. He was really confused and didn't know what to feel about Draco. On one hand he seemed alright and it was nice talking to him about Quidditch, school subjects and family. On the other hand he was prejudiced against muggle-borns and his father was a supporter of Voldemort. But his Uncle Remus did say that Draco was only eleven and he could possibly change his opinions with the right influence. Could he really be influenced to be changed his bigoted mindset with the right influence?
The Phoenix Pioneers was having tryouts for their new seeker at the Pioneer's Stadium. The team's owner James and head coach, Benjamin Wood were watching the tryouts and occasionally discussing each player who tried out. Their sons were having their own discussion a few feet away.
"Charlie Weasley would have perfect for the position," said Oliver Wood.
"Charlie Weasley?" Harry tried to search his brain as he remembered hearing that name before. "Oh right. The Gryffindor team's Seeker and Captain. You said he was good enough to play professionally."
"He graduated and I was made team Captain," said Oliver.
"Congratulations, that's great," said Harry enthusiastically, giving Oliver a fleeting hug.
Oliver clasped his hands over his head. "But without Charlie, our team's at a severe disadvantage. It's on me to find a suitable replacement and that makes me feel a little pressured."
"You'll find one," said Harry reassuringly.
"You're a great Seeker. If you're sorted into Gryffindor, perhaps you could become our Seeker," said Oliver with a sudden thought.
"But first years aren't allowed though," said Harry.
"Right ... " said Oliver, who was dull again. "Perhaps I'll get a seventh year. That way you can join the team in your second year. You're a good chaser too, better than the chasers on the team. If I find a good seeker, you could replace one of the chasers instead," Olivers offered.
"That wouldn't be fair. I don't want to take anyone's spot unless they've graduated," said Harry.
"It would be fair if you're a better player. As team captain, it's my duty to find to find the best player for each position even if it means replacing existing players." said Oliver a matter-of-factly.
"I guess. But I really hope it doesn't come to that," said Harry as Oliver grinned at what he thought of as extreme kindness. "Why didn't you ask Charlie Weasley to try out?"
"I did. He preferred accepting a job in Romania to work with dragons".
"He prefers working with dragons?" asked Harry in amused disbelief.
"I couldn't believe it either," said Oliver as they both sniggered.
Harry respected Charlie Weasley's preference and interests but couldn't help but be amused that he preferred working with dragons over being a professional Quidditch player as Harry couldn't imagine working with anything that dangerous and loved Quidditch.
"So, are you going to work the Gryffindor team as hard as your dad works the Pioneers?" Harry teased.
Benjamin Wood was a strict, no-nonsense coach who pushed the team to their full potential and would even have a maniacal glint in his eyes when it came to Qudditch. He was Captain of the Gryffindor team during James's first three years at Hogwarts. Experiencing his strong-willed determination as Quidditch captain made James think he was perfect for coaching a professional Quidditch team
"I'd probably be working the team even harder than my dad, Harry," Oliver teased back with the same maniacal glint in his eyes as his father as the boys laughed it off.
That night, the Marauders and Harry were having dinner at the Potter Manor dining room when Sirius's upcoming wedding came up.
"Wedding's been brought up to early December because The Platinum Hotel is unavailable on our original date," Sirius announced. "Harry can get the weekend off from school right?"
"Yeah, but we would need permission from his Head of House to bring him home for the weekend," said James.
"Excellent! That won't be problem then. Surely Professor McGonagall would let Harry off," said Sirius cheerfully as if the matter was solved.
"Your father was a bit of her favorite, although she was both simultaneously fond and exasperated by him in school," Remus winked.
"But what if I'm not in Gryffindor?" asked Harry apprehensively.
"Professor Flitwick from Ravenclaw and Professor Sprout from Hufflepuff are reasonable and fair. And if you're in Slytherin, Professor Snaaape..." James trailed.
James exchanged uncomfortable looks with both his bestfriends. He couldn't imagine having to ask Severus Snape's permission to bring Harry home for the weekend. He was sure it wouldn't go well. Harry had already heard a brief summary of his rivalry with Snape. The Marauders had merely told him that James and Sirius were at loggerheads with Snape from almost the moment that they met and how the house rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin was even more intense in their schooldays since Voldermort was at the peak of his power. They felt it was too soon to give Harry any more details on their relationship with Snape.
"Well, I'm sure if it comes to that, Professor Dumbledore as Headmaster would be able to overwrite Snape and allow Harry to attend the wedding," Remus reasoned.
James agreed with Remus, but he still thought it would be incredibly awkward to constantly have to deal with Severus Snape if he was Harry's Head of House. He was prepared put aside his feelings and be civil to Snape just for Harry, but he doubted the Potion's Master would return the gesture. The last time he saw Snape was shortly after Lily died. He had run into him at a store and Snape jumped at blaming him for Lily's death and saying that it should have been him instead of Lily. His reasoning for blaming James was his wrongful trust in Peter Pettigrew and that Lily would still be alive if she hadn't married him. Normally, Snape's words would probably have gotten a rise out of James, but James blamed himself for Lily's death too and Snape's words only made him feel guiltier rather than angry. He chose to just glare at Snape and walk away.
Almost a month later, it was the night of August 31st and Harry's last night home before he went off to Hogwarts the next day. James was tucking him in bed when the latter asked him an unexpected question.
"Dad, what if I'm in Slytherin?" Harry asked cautiously.
James searched his son's face and carefully pondered his answer. He knew he would still love Harry just as much if he was in Slytherin but he might be just a little disappointed if he was in Slytherin. He knew that not all Slytherins were evil, after all, he had always had an excellent relationship with Andromeda and Slughorn. He had stopped viewing things as black or white in that sense. But there were still some of that lingering house rivalry, and the fact that Severus Snape was the Head of Slytherin. Snape would have more power to make Harry miserable as his Head of House.
James chose not to let this all out to Harry. He had already worried his son enough by giving him brief information on his rivalry with Snape, but that was just to give him a forewarning to be extra careful in Snape's class. Moreover, he certainly didn't want Harry to feel bad in any way if he did by chance get sorted into Slytherin. He just hoped Snape would be objective enough to not take out his schoolboy grudge against him on his son no matter which house he got sorted into. Knowing Harry's character though, he was almost certain he would be a Gryffindor.
"Harry, I'd still love you just the same if you were in Slytherin. It doesn't matter which house you're in but what you make of yourself in that house," said James.
"It's just that Slytherin is associated with evil, Voldemort and the Dark Arts," said Harry.
"That's because by a coincidence, most but not all evil wizards happen to have been in Slytherin. But it doesn't mean that most Slytherins are evil. The Sorting Hat actually considered Slytherin for me," James confessed.
"Really?" asked Harry, astonished.
"It considered all four houses actually. It said I had Hufflepuff's loyalty and dedication. Slytherin's disregard for rules, determination and resourcefulness. Ravenclaw's intelligence, wit, creativity and originality. In the end, it decided my Gryffindor traits were more prevalent and what I truly valued."
Harry relaxed a little bit, but still looked a little unconvinced.
"Harry, it's not that the hat detects evil in a kid and puts that kid in Slytherin. You know a few good Slytherins, including your godfather's cousin, Andromeda. Even Professor Slughorn who was the Head of Slytherin while I was at Hogwarts was good, albeit a schmoozer. He was your mother's favorite professor, in fact."
"So it would really be alright if I somehow go sorted into Slytherin?"
"Certainly. You have nothing to worry about," James reassured his son.
Harry finally looked convinced as he threw his arms around his father and held tight. "I love you dad"
"I love you too, son," James hugged him back. "Now, you sleep tight and don't worry about a thing, alright?" he said as he tucked Harry in.
Harry nodded. "Goodnight"
"Goodnight" James kissed Harry's forehead before leaving his room.
Harry was unaware that after he had fallen asleep, his father had come back into his room and lovingly watched him sleep for a full hour. It was the last night he would get to see his son for the next few months. Sirius and Remus had joined him in lovingly watching him sleep at some point during the hour, but they only stayed for about fifteen minutes.
56 Votes in Poll
One of the most magical and iconic features of the Wizarding World is Quidditch. But how much do you know about it? Put your knowledge to the test with this trivia quiz I made all about the legendary sport of Quidditch!
Have fun :)
24 Votes in Poll
Hello Everyone! This is Kaira Kethilan, mostly know as Kai. This is my very first time making a Hogwarts role play. SO please Bear with me
*ATTENTION: THIS IS JUST A NORMAL HOGWARTS RP & I was inspired by man to do this so please don't judge!*
Sign-up here
Roleplay Information:
Setting: at Hogwarts
Time: December (holidays) 2023 when they come back to Hogwarts
Roleplay Rules:
Have fun
PG-13 always
Be nice to each other
No exceeded violence like killing
Upvote means your oc is accepted
Never go too much off-topic in this post
Talking outside the RP should use ( ) or ))
No starting any specific canon events without permission
Swearing is yes, allowed, but censor it (ex. s***) please!
Sign-up and join the start post only after you have read the rules
MY OCs: Morena Newton, Glen Godfrey, Hadrian Spedeut, Professor Sirius, Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Severus Potter
(sorry if you didn't get pinged or for unnecessary pings)
@Cabbage Man Fan @Uniatheintrovert @Addie03 @BellatrixLestrangeLover @GayFrog166 @AsherTheDevil @MilquetoastGoat @MahkiFurr @MikeyBoi69420 @SaphireStark @FNaFFan63882 @Firedemonishere @Winters Dawn @KOTLC.FAN12632789 @.lxveana. @Cabbage Man Fan @Uniatheintrovert
Inpo/creds: @AsherTheDevil