Hey, played more HL last night, so here is Part Six for you all!
Slytherin - Part 6
I have a picture to share with you all of Ryder O'Connell's 'Prince of the Night' persona I had taken a long time ago because I sent it to myself from the Nintendo Switch.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, that persona is something I had come up with back in an earlier part of my HL gameplay (Part 3 I think), just to add some more story for Ryder.
Not the best quality image to be honest, but the outfit is the point of the picture I guess, not the rest of his appearance (Such a blurry image...sigh):
Okay but looking at it now I do think it has a cool 'old portrait' look to it, you know what I mean?
Moving on to what actually went on though while I played HL, since last time I left the game right after the Ranrok Loyalists showed up at Jackdaw's Tomb, it made me redo that bit.
So I did what I do best in these situations: I played the coward card and ran away to just then sneak attack them.
Got all the goblins without dying once, so after they were all out of the way, dear ol' Ryder O'Connell waltzed right in while wishing that Richard Jackdaw had told him (and me, the player) much more about this whole situation. Soon though I had come across the spiders that apparently reside in there, and I just fought my way through with all the spells I have from Accio, Levioso, Basic Cast, Ancient Magic, to other magic too.
I actually impressed myself with how well I was fighting the spiders, given how bad I usually am at fighting in video games. Flawless, flawless, almost...only lost some health a couple times in the spider fights....🕷
Also, using the floating platform that is in this one part of the cave, I looted all kinds of stuff before then making my way down to where the large bridge that had been pointed out to me and my character at least three times by then was.
But when I reached the two large red and black spiders at the large bridge, it was so hard to beat them honestly. It wouldn't have been as hard as it was if tiny spiders weren't appearing everywhere as well though. They killed me only once, which for how hard it felt and how long it took (it was nearly midnight irl!), was surprising.
Finally though, on my second try, I defeated those two giant spiders by playing the run-and-be-a-coward trick from before with the Ranrok Loyalists.
After going across the bridge, I decided to give one try at fighting the Ancient Defenders (the living knight suits of armors) before just calling it a night. I got as far as the last two super-huge ones before I finally was defeated and turned the game off to try again another day.
Well that is as far as I got last night, and so I will just Accio these people like always:
As with last time, if anyone else wants to be pinged for my occasional HL gameplay updates, just ask me.
I'm going to start linking previous posts in each new one for people to look back at to be able to keep up and all, you know? So here, and I hope I did the links correctly because believe or not I have never put a link in Wiki Fandom before:
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 1
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 2
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 3
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 4
Hogwarts Legacy: Slytherin/Part 5
Well, anyways, have a good day everyone!