Check out the last post and if possible all the previous posts to better understand this one.
Key Point: The prediction is about Credence, Ariana and Corvus Lestrange/Yusuf Kama.
Tycho Dodonus Prediction says,
“A son cruelly banished
Despair of the daughter
Return, great avenger
With Wings from the water".
Let's piece out each line of prediction:
1. A son cruelly banished- It's not Corvus but Credence. Think about it, was Corvus really cruelly banished? Not at all. Infact, his father sent him to America out of love for his son, to protect him from Yusuf Kama. It was actually Credence who was cruelly banished by his parents. Both Mustafa and Kendra abandoned him(see post 4)
2. Despair of the daughter- Ariana. As I explained, she found about her brother and fall in despair cuz of this.(see post 4)
3. Return, great avenger
With wings from the water
Let's rephrase these two last lines:
Return, great avenger
with wings, from the water.
Now does it make sense?
=> It's Credence who returns from the sea, having survived it.
=>It's Corvus Lestrange(disguised as Yusuf Kama/see post 6), the great avenger with wings of Raven(see post 5) to avenge from Credence, the child whose father Mustafa Kama was responsible for his isolation from his own family(see post 4).
So, Yusuf wrongly stated the meaning of prediction to Credence and team.
I believe, Corvus/Yusuf is intensionally creating a relationship with Nagini(see post 1) so that he and Grindelwald can manipulate Credence in future when he will discover the real intensions of Grindelwald.
They would use Nagini as a bait to force Credence in doing their biddings.
With this, I finally end my series of theories with this magical number post, 7😁