These American kids do an English/British accent SO PERFECTLY!! AND they invented the songs themselves, with perfect end rhymes!! 🎉
These American kids do an English/British accent SO PERFECTLY!! AND they invented the songs themselves, with perfect end rhymes!! 🎉
57 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
Hey fellow wizards and witches! I played this Harry Potter wand quiz and find this quiz seriously accurate!
And, I got Alder Wood which is pretty rare!
Hi everyone, I know I haven't been online a lot recently, and I'm really sorry about that. Anyway, getting to the point, Harry Potter is one of the books I have read that seems to stay fresh and in the currently all the time. People from all sorts of places have read the famous Harry Potter books and keep spreading them. The sort of quirky wizarding world with spells, magic, and powers never seizes to amaze people, they love to imagine how that life would suit them. Like, I'm sure that on your 11th birthday you opened the mailbox ready for your letter from Professor McGonagall, or everyday you take the wand you got from universal and say the first spell on your mind ready to see it work! Harry Potter always seems to have everything, it has the jokes, the sadness, the happiness, the oddness, and most of all the hooking paragraphs that lead you on ready for more! Harry Potter, has always been there for people. I have this one friend who got bullied a lot and when she did she would see that person as her Draco (no offense to the Draco lovers, I love Draco, I'm just trying to channel my inner harry) and then she'd step up, and like Hermione in the third book punch her Draco in the face. I remember when I was little that I used to tell my dad to check my closet for evil Voldemorts, and I'd when I got worried I'd keep my wand next to my bedside. I still miss that feeling when I was 10 where I knew on my 11th birthday that the would come where I could vanish Bogarts or walk through Ghosts, or eat pumpkin pasties. All I know now is that Harry Potter has always been there for people and for all I know it's not leaving!
55 Votes in Poll
I just bought Sirius Black's wand. Im in love with it but what should my next one be? Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin or Bill weasley?
I'm new to this wiki, and I think I'll like it here! I'm a Ravenclaw, my patronus is a shrew (Does anybody else have this? It's not in the top 20 patronuses...), and my wand is made of alder wood, has a dragon heartstring core, and is 12 and 3/4 in long with hard flexibility! I can't wait to meet everyone here!
So I've only recently gotten into the HP universe. Watched both HP and Fantastic Beast movies and recently started on the books. I had a few questions involving various characters and the world in general
Apologies if these seem like simple or dumb questions
1. Who is a more powerful Dark Lord? Grindlewald or Voldemort? To me, I'd have to say Grindlewald ,for a few reasons, He has a better Story (At least so far. Haven't finished the books, and I imagine it's quite different to the movies) and He seems to have done more than Voldy.
2. How powerful is Harry? Does he have the potential to be as powerful as Dumbledore? Or is he more average.
3. Is there any information on HPU's version of Merlin? I've always been fascinated with Arthurian Legends so I was wondering how they did him, if any information exists.
4. Assuming it works as "Schools of Magic" Is there a list of sone kind? How does the magic work in the world?
5. What are Patronus(es)? Do they determine anything such as power, magic afinity or character?
6. Aside from the Elderwand, Are there any other wands that are powerful or special in sone way?
7. Magical Schools. Aside from Hogwarts, how many others are there and where are they?
Edit: Another question, I know Gryffindor has "The Sword of Godric" but do the other houses have special items or weapons?
What does everyone consider to be the most powerful wand, other than hte Elder Wand? My idea is a 12½'' wand, made with willow wood and a dragon heartstring core. I con't wait to hear what you guys think!
Horace Slughorn stated that unicorn hairs cost 10 galleons each and Ollivanders sells wands in general for 8 galleons each. Unicorn hair is a very common wand core.
This could be a continuity error but I don't know. I saw a whole YouTube short about this.
I don't know if there is another post about this but here we are...
You can find info about wandlore in the wiki page or here:
Mine is ash, phoenix feather, flexible and whippy.
What about you?
Why would a wand be bendable?
This is coming from someone who has not yet read the books, sorry, just wondering. I'm just asking because I'm surrounded by harry potter fans and I haven't got a clear answer yet.
Thanks :)
In the second book, Harry disarmed Gilderoy Lockhart’s wand in the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. So did Lockhart’s wand’s allegiance changed to Harry after that moment?
Hi! I was wondering...
When a spell is cast via a wand, where does the energy required for that spell come from? I know that the energy comes from the wand, but the wand has to get that energy from SOMEWHERE. This is weird for me becuase Albert Einstein said that energy could not be created or destroyed. And, multible other series that I have read that involve magic have some sort of "energy tax" or whatever attached to each spell, so if you're not careful you could end up dead.
In other words: Wouldn't someone pass out/overexert themselves at some point over the course of the 7-book Harry Potter series if they did a very strong spell, hex, etc?? (And, if you levetate an object, wouldn't it require more energy the bigger the object is that is being levitated?"
“Lily, take Harry and go! It’s him! Run! I’ll hold him off!” James Potter said. “Okay, James! (I would’ve been better off with Sev)” Lily replied. After Lily and Harry rushed upstairs, Voldemort proceeded to enter. Upon entry, Voldemort said, “Your dear wife will be the only one who has the choice to live or die..” James picks up his wand off the sofa. “WAIT!!..” James hesitated. “So you’re the Dark Lord who’s unbeatable? The most powerful wizard on the planet? Yet you’re just going to kill me without even accepting my challenge to a duel? I’m not surprised.. I’ve already fought you to a stalemate 3 times previously.. You can't beat me when I’m wielding my wand, so I can see why you have to do it when I’m defenceless.” he says, snarkily. The duel commences. “NO ONE THREATENS MY FAMILY! FLIP-” James exclaimed. Lord Voldemort interrupted with a scream of “AVADA KEDAVRA!”. James’ corpse crashes to the floor and Voldemort proceeds upstairs, to kill Lily and Harry. “Be brave, Harry. Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Always be brave.” Lily whispers in Harry’s ear before Voldemort blasts his bedroom door aside. “Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!” Lily exclaims. “Stand aside you silly girl … stand aside now.” Voldemort says. “No, Voldemort, I will NOT stand aside.” Lily says, and she slowly readies up for a bite to Voldemort. “If you don’t stand aside, I will move you myself.” Voldemort says. “You asked for this, Voldemort, I am about to bite you very hard!” Lily says. Lily bites Voldemort’s neck so hard that Voldemort flees right after.“James? Are you okay?!” Lily says, worried.“NOOOOOO!!!” Lily exclaims upon entering James and Lily’s house’s living room. (Delphi enters with use of a Time-Turner) “I’m the daughter you’ll eventually have, Delphini Riddle, I came from the timeline where Lily and James are dead. I was conceived in Malfoy Manor in May 1990 as the result of a liaison between you and Lord Voldemort. On the 2nd of May, 1998, during the Battle of Hogwarts that will now never happen, you and him were murdered. You — were murdered by Molly Weasley, and Dad in the timeline I’m from was killed by Harry.” Delphini explains. Lily says, urgently. “Follow me with Harry, Lily!” Molly says. “Lily? You’re alive?” Molly says, confused. Pandora Lovegood, Xenophilius Lovegood and Luna Lovegood (Luna is currently aged 7) enter, Luna had a bottle of water. “Lily? You wanna, y’know, hang out?” Snape asks. “Sev! I really wanna hangout! I don’t s’pose you were hoping to go home to see something?” Lily replies, enthusiastically. “Lily? I thought the Dark Lord killed you…” Molly says, confused. “It’s the other way ‘round, Molly, I bit him so hard he fled, but he got James.” Lily replies. “Mum? It’s my letter! It arrived. Dad told me.” Bill Weasley says. “Bill! Thanks for letting me know!” Molly replies. Back at the Burrow, Bill reads his letter. “Mum, Dad, can you take me to Diagon Alley to get my stuff?” Bill asks. “I‘ll have to, Bill, because your mum needs to have an ultrasound at St. Mungo’s.” Arthur replies. “Why?” Bill asks, to which Molly replies, “We think you might be getting a sibling!” On 1 September, Molly, baby Charlie, Bill and Arthur are at Platform 9 ¾. “Bye, Bill!” Molly and Arthur say as Bill gets on the Hogwarts Express. “Bye, Mum, Dad and Charlie!” Bill replies. Bill’s at Hogwarts now, and he’s just been sorted into Gryffindor. “Snape comes in. “Lily, I heard you and Harry lost James, so..? Wanna go on a date?” Snape says. “Since Petunia went to Hogwarts with me, she can babysit Harry. So, yes, Sev!!” Lily replies. “Lily! Hi!!” Petunia says. “Can you look after Harry while Sev and I go out for dinner please?” Lily asks. “Of course, Lily!!” Petunia replies. Meanwhile, at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop, Severus and Lily share a cup of tea and a cake. “So, Lily, what should we do now?” Severus asks. “Well, I really should get back to Harry, it’s going to be his bedtime soon. Bye, Sev!” Lily says. “Bye, Lily!” Severus says. Lily arrives back at Number Four, Privet Drive, to pick Harry up soon after. “Lily, how was your date with Severus?” Petunia says. “Amazeballs! The atmosphere was brilliant, but the cake and tea we shared were amazeballs.” Lily replies. “See you soon, sis!” Petunia and Lily say together. The next day, Lily and Severus head to the Lovegoods’ house. “Lily! Severus! Welcome!” Pandora says. “Pandora? My advice to you? Don’t experiment with the spell that killed you in Delphi Riddle’s timeline.” Lily says. “OK, Lily!!” Pandora says. “Mum, Dad, can you take me to Diagon Alley to get my stuff?” Charlie asks. “I’ll have to, Charlie, because your mum has to have an ultrasound at St. Mungo’s.” Arthur says. “Why?” Charlie asks. “We think you’ll be getting a little brother or sister!” Molly says. On 1 September that year, Bill, Charlie, Molly, Arthur and baby Percy are on Platform 9 ¾ to depart to Hogwarts for Bill’s second year and Charlie’s first year. “Bye, Mum, Dad and Percy!” they say together. They’ve just arrived at Hogwarts and Charlie has gotten sorted into Gryffindor. After both Bill and Charlie have graduated, at number four, Privet Drive, Dudley sees a yellow envelope with his name addressed in green ink. “Vernon. VERNON! Our boy has a letter, the same as the ones Lily and I received in 1971 - both of us, I know a Hogwarts letter when I see one.” Petunia says. Lily comes and gives Petunia a few Galleons for Dudley’s Hogwarts stuff. “This is from my Gringotts account, you can use it for Dud’s Hogwarts stuff.” Lily says. Dudley proceeds to come in. “Aunty Lily! How’s Harry? I’m well. I’m excited to go to Hogwarts!” Dudley says, enthusiastically. “I’m okay, Dudley, how are you?” Harry says. “Can you imagine it, Vernon? A Dursley attending Hogwarts?” Petunia says. “My boy, my son, a wizard.. Magical.. He’ll be great, you know..” Vernon says. The next day, Vernon, Petunia, Dudley, Severus, Lily and Harry go to Diagon Alley to get Harry and Dudley’s stuff. “Wands first?” Petunia asks. “Sure.” Harry and Dudley say together. Harry gets Alder, 16”, Veela hair core, supple and Dudley gets Alder, 16”, Veela hair core, supple. “Hmm. Two identical wands… How confusing. This has never happened in my whole wand making career.” Ollivander says. “Stupid Mudblood, your aunt is a filthy Mudblood like you!” Draco Malfoy says. (later at Hogwarts, after Charms class) “MALFOY! DON’T INSULT MY COUSIN OR YOU WILL DIE IN A DUEL ON THE ASTRONOMY TOWER!” Harry yells. “So?” Draco says. “AND YOU’LL BE THROWN OFF THE ASTRONOMY TOWER BY MY CURSE, I”LL BE POLYJUICED INTO MONTAGUE, SO MONTAGUE WILL GO TO AZKABAN! AND SLYTHERIN WON’T BE ABLE TO PLAY QUIDDITCH!” Harry says. At midnight that day, Harry, disguised as Montague, fires Avada Kedavra at Malfoy and then de-Polyjuices and gets Montague in front of him to make it look like he did it and then goes back to his dormitory. That same day, millions of Daily Prophets feature Montague holding Harry’s wand and shooting Avada Kedavra at Draco with “SLYTHERIN KILLED BY QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN” with a moving black-and-white picture with a ray of Avada Kedavra’s light (black/white) and seemingly having Harry, the Seeker for the opposing House team, behind him as Draco falls off the Astronomy Tower’s great height and falling with a big great PLOP on the ground below. “Who did that to Draco?!” exclaims Snape, examining Draco’s lifeless body. “It was Montague, I saw him do it, Professor Snape, Malfoy tried to Imperius me and then tried to put the Cruciatus Curse on me, I dodged them both, Sir, Astoria and Daphne Greengrass would be good replacements,” says Harry. “Azkaban will be receiving my House’s former Chaser and current Quidditch Captain, so Slytherin won’t be able to play, they’ll be TWO players short, and yes, we will replace Malfoy and Montague with Greengrass and Greengrass, Harry, thank you for suggesting.” Snape says. A Ministry official comes to collect Montague and says, “The Ministry tracked you down and you are officially a prisoner in Azkaban, Prisoner ᛈᛉᛟᚫ537390.” and takes him to Azkaban, and Montague was placed in solitary confinement at the mercy of the Azkaban guards, the Dementors, just like Sirius Black was, but for LIFE instead of 12 years like Sirius had done. “Miss… Daphne Greengrass? Could you please get your sister, Astoria? I would like to place you in your House Quidditch team. You can both have a Firebolt Supreme.” Snape said. “Sure, Professor.” Daphne says. “Astoria. Professor Snape wants to place us in the House team with Firebolt Supremes!” Daphne says. “Wow, Daphne! But why does Professor Snape want us on the team?” Astoria asks. “Probably because Draco was withdrawn and transferred to Durmstrang and Montague was slain by … You-Know-Who … Astoria.” Daphne says. “Lily, will you marry me?” Severus asks. “Oh, yes, Sev, yes!” Lily replied. “I will find a beautiful dress to wear for our wedding, dear,” Lily adds, she kisses him on the cheek soon after.. She goes to the wedding dress shop and finds a beautiful, white, layered and frilled dress adorned with white and red roses. “Excuse me, sir, how much is this beautiful dress?” Lily asks. “90 Galleons.” replies the cashier. “Here’s 100 Galleons, 10 for you to get yourself something nice.” Lily says. “Would you like the matching veil and heels, dear? Oh, and, thanks for the Galleons, I will get something nice! ” He asks. “Sure. How much are they?” Lily says. “10 Sickles.” The cashier says. Later, Lily styles her hair into a braided top bun, for wedding-type hairstyling practise, puts a fake flower in the right-hand side, puts the dress and veil in her cupboard and the shoes on the shoe-rack. Snape goes to the wedding suit shop and finds a brilliant midnight blue tuxedo and black dress shoes. “Sir, I would like this wedding suit. How much is it?” Severus asks. “99 Galleons, 99 Sickles, and 99 Knuts.” Says the cashier. “105.3 Galleons, sir, here you go.” Severus says. He goes back to Lily, puts his wedding clothes in the bedside dresser and the shoes in the shoe-rack next to Lily’s lovely white heels. 24 months (2 years) later, in 1997, Lily and Severus have their wedding at Hogwarts, in the great hall, with Dumbledore and Flitwick as the groomsmen, Harry as a ring bearer, Luna as the other ring bearer and Dudley and Ron as the junior groomsmen, Petunia and Pandora as the bridesmaids and Luna and Ginny as the junior bridesmaids. The reception was at the entrance to Hogwarts. The great hall looked like the 1994-95 Triwizard Tournament Yule Ball hall did. At the end of the wedding service, they go to Snape’s childhood home. Later that day, Spinner’s End gets destroyed by the Malfoys.”LILY, HARRY, WE NEED TO GET OUT!” Snape says. They end up running for 1,000 days. They were guided by the light of a candle. Severus gets killed. “NOOOOOO! NOT OUR HOMEEEEEEEE!!” Lily says, and bursts into tears (Pandora was behind her, all the Ottery St. Catchpole residents fled with them, including the Weasleys because the Burrow fell down) and started praying for protection. A vast mountain range comes up in front of Draco, Narcissa and Lucius, making them get yeeted backwards and a magical house forms before Lily and Harry’s eyes. The candle becomes a magical flame that can never go out. 8 years later, Lily was holding the miracle candle for Harry to pledge to use his gift for the villagers and helping them and his family. Harry touches the door. Harry gets his own fantastic gift, being able to heal without a charm or potion but via cooking, which Lily had taught him when he was 8. “Harry, Ginny will get her gift next year, because she’s 1 year younger than you. I wonder what it’ll be.” Lily says. The next year, Ginny puts on a flowery headband with a gold dress for her gift ceremony. “Ginny, do you promise to use your gift for the greater good of the community and to strengthen our home?” Lily asks. “Yes, I do.” Ginny says. She places her wand hand on the candle and then touches the door. She gets empathetic weather manipulation. “Oh, goodness, how do I know what my gift is? Whoa.. a cloud. I think the weather is changing with my emotions…” She says. James Sirius was now 11. The mountain range was situated right next to King’s Cross. 7 years later, it’s time for James Sirius to get his gift. “James, do you swear to use your gift to honour this community and strengthen our home?” Lily asks. “Of course I do, Grandmother, I was a Prefect and Head Boy. I will honour this community and strengthen our home.” James places his wand hand on the candle and then his doorknob. James gets the power to see the future. The same happens with Albus and Lily. Albus gets Chlorokinesis and Lily gets Superhuman hearing. Ginny and Harry gave Lily and Albus their wand and books. They’re perfect matches, like they were for Harry and Ginny.
70 Votes in Poll