Hey fellow wizards and witches! I played this Harry Potter wand quiz and find this quiz seriously accurate!
And, I got Alder Wood which is pretty rare!
48 Votes in Poll
Hey fellow wizards and witches! I played this Harry Potter wand quiz and find this quiz seriously accurate!
And, I got Alder Wood which is pretty rare!
55 Votes in Poll
I’ve been on this wiki for about a month now, and I just now realized that I should add an introduction and a bit about me, so here it is!
Name: Sophia
House: RavenClaw
Patronus: Eagle
Wand: Alder wood with a unicorn core 11 ¾" and unyielding flexibility
Hey! I'm Seth, and here are some things about me
Pronouns: He/him
House: Slytherin
Wand: Hazel Wood, Phoenix Core, 11 3/4 inches, unyielding flexibility
Patronus: Ocicat
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Blood Type: Pure-Blood
Broom: Firebolt
Favorite Class: Charms (maybe)
Also I don't look that awkward irl just saying 😭😭
what was hagrid's wand made of? on the english oak wood page, under "users" it lists hagrid, but i can't find anything on his page about his wand and if it was made of english oak. was there something else he used that was made of english oak?
edit: nevermind, i'm dumb. just found the page for his wand, lol. somebody can lock this.
Whats your wand ?
Simple enough
Mine is Black walnut wood, phoenix feather core, 12 ¼" and hard flexibility
Heyy! Have you guys bought a Harry Potter wand in real life? If so, whose wand was it?
I got Fleur Delacour’s. It’s beautiful, in my opinion. Mine was ordered a couple days ago, but it will arrive before my birthday.
Elder Wood and Phoenix Feather, if they were to find themselves in a wand, how loyal would it be? We know that this wand will easily grasp powerful magic, since both the wood and core excel at it, but what are your theories about this combination. My particular theory is that it would take longer than other wands with that core to gain the loyalty of, and during that time period, it would switch to people that beat the chosen master, but after it’s allied itself, this wand will be a force to be reckoned with.
So I want to gift a wand to my brother he wand is Black walnut wood with a phoenix feather core, 11" and hard flexibility does any harry potter charter own a wand like this because I want to gift him a wand that chose him?
So I went back to ollivanders and I got chosen to get a wand! 15” Holly and Phoenix Feathers!!
Guys! I got my interactive non character custom wand and they chose based off my birthday and I got an Elder Wood!
Hey guys! I just had a great idea! Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a wand made from cinnamon wood?! I would love that!
75 Votes in Poll
My wand is Black Walnut Wood with a phoenix feather core, 10 3/4" and hard flexibility. What is yours? Answer now or Crucio!
My wand is alder wood, unicorn hair core, 13 3/4 inches and slightly springy