Brazil, America, Japan, England all have their wizarding schools. So why not another one. Welcome to Uluru Phrontistery For Magical Learning. Lemme break it down
Uluru is a great wizarding school to go to. They specialize in charms, transfiguration, and the Dark Arts (for defence of course). They have a house system along with Hogwarts and Illvermorny not to mention their beatuiful sights. This school unlike others is a school well suited to camoflage (even from witches and wizards) in its enviroment. The school isn't bulit near Uluru it is literally bulit into Uluru. Heres the Info
Location : Deserts of Australlia
Houses : Platryinia, Cassorian, Skirmndo, Agaminda
Headmaster/mistress : Adeline Platryina. (Find more about her on the Harry otter FANNON fandom)
House Info
Platryina -
Traits : Shy, keep to themselves, brave when have to, very few friends
Animal - Platypus
Colors : Purple and Green
Cassorian -
Traits - Extrovert, outgoing, brave, knows what right and wrong, " Expellearmis fisrt and ask questions later kind of person"
Animal : Cassowary
Colors : Blue and Red
Skirmindo -
Traits : Sneaky, cunning , bright, natural leader, plan devisor
Animal : Dingo
Colors : Yellow and Purple
Agaminda -
Traits : Smart, Curious, brave for knowledge, prefers to think things through logically
Animal : Wyvern (SoD wyvern not a 2 legged dragon)
Colors : White, Orange ,Blue
The perfect schools for Aussies alike. So here are some fun facts.
The 4 Founders of this school were all Siblings their last names were changed because they were married later in life. Execpt Skirmindo ( he was aro/ace just because hehe)
It was Skirmindo's idea for a maigcal school in 1220 despite not having any magical abilites (Yes he was a squib. His sisters and brother were half-bloods muggle-born dad, pureblood witch.)
Skirmindo thought it would be great to hide a school in Uluru becuase it was there for millons of years.
This is the safest Wizarding School in the world.
Its current headmaster/mistress is a witch that decended from Merindah Platytrina.
So, if you were in Hagrids case and got expelled from Hogwarts, cmon down to Uluru Phonistery For Magical Learning.