so, in order to get myself back into the "groove" of writing potter stuff, I've decided to put together an "extended ending" of sorts for Deathly Hallows, so here's that:
Harry Potter stood at Platform 9¾, his wife, Ginerva standing on his right side. On his left was his best friend and brother in law, Ronald Weasley. In front of Harry and Ginny was their daughter Lily. On Ronald's left stood his wife, Hermione Granger and in front of them stood their son, Hugo Granger-Weasley. They all watched as the familiar scarlet steam engine sped out of view. Once the train was completely out of sight Harry Potter turned away and began to walk back to the barrier, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Hugo, and Lily following behind. The family walked back to the barrier to platforms 9 and 10. "Ok, I've got to go," said Harry, "Mustn't be late," he waved goodbye to his friends and children, gave he wife a kiss on the cheek, and disapparated on the spot. Harry apparated onto the familiar streets of Hogsmeade. He checked his watch, he was perfectly on time. "If i hurry i reckon I'll see the sorting," Harry said to himself and he began walking up the street towards the nearby Hogwarts castle. He'd reached it sooner than he expected to. He walked through the front gates, stopping to look at Hagrid's hut. He smiled, then walked over to the castle's front doors and went inside. He walked through the hallway and into the great hall, he saw the headmistress and other staff setting up and talking and went to help. "Blimey Harry, there you are, was beginning to worry," said Neville jokingly. "Hi Neville," Harry spoke, greeting Neville happily. "See your sons off ok Harry,?" Neville asked, "Yes they're fine," Harry said. "And does Albus know or are you gonna have it be a surprise?," Neville smugly questioned. Harry chuckled, "No he doesn't, James is the only one of the kids that knows, and i just hope he doesn't ruin the surprise. He's a lot like Fred and George, James is,." Harry finished, "Yeah," said Neville, "Definitely,." "I'm going to wear my dads old cloak during the sorting and the feast. I wanna keep it secret until his first Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson,." Harry added, "Good call," said Neville. "I bet it'll be an unforgettable experience. Seeing the look on his face when he sees that his own father is teaching him,." Neville said and Harry nodded, "One in a million," Harry finished. The next few hours went by without much happening, the students were sorted. Albus though (Harry noticed) looked very anxious when he was sorted into Slytherin. But (to Harry's pleased suprise) he saw Scorpius comforting him when Albus sat down at the table (by giving him positive advice and compliments and encouraging him to eat when the feast started, etc.). Harry figured he'd be ok until lessons. But Harry told himself that he'd talk to his son after class after Al's first DADA lesson on the fourth (since the 2nd was a Saturday). the 2nd and 3rd went by with nothing much happening, Albus' first DADA lesson was on the fourth. The lesson went well, the class was engaged, and Albus was (to Harry's delight) positively astonished. And he certainly looked less anxious then he did two days ago (though Harry thought he still looked a tad on edge). Then after the lesson, Albus hung behind to talk to Harry. "Wow dad, you were brilliant," Albus said, sounding impressed. "Thanks," said Harry, "But forget about that, I wanna talk to you.," Harry finished, "Me,?" said Albus looking more nervous, "Why me,?" "Because i saw you at the feast. I was under my dad's old cloak, watching you, you looked nervous, are you ok,?" Harry said fatherly, Albus simply looked solemnly at the floor before looking back up at his father. "Uh...I don't know, i guess I just feel like I have big expectations to live up to. Like people see me and think, 'Oh his dad's one of the greatest wizards in history' and it feels like I can't live up to that,." Albus finished, Harry smiled softly at him. "Al'," Harry said, "You don't need to be me, be your own person. There will always be people who compare us, but don't let them distract you from being you. I don't care who you are, slytherin or not, as long as you're you. I see you already have a very good friend in Scorpius (at the mention Harry saw Albus go slightly scarlet in the face, as other Weasley family members sometimes did). Let him be your anchor to help you remember that you're not me, you're you,." Harry finished and Albus looked like he felt better, "Thanks dad," Albus said gratefully, "Anytime son,." Harry said as he hugged his son and then watched him exit the room to go to his next class.