Hello! A few days ago I posted about teaching Hogwarts Subjects. All of the subjects except for Charms, Astronomy, and Herbology are now taken. We are now taking students as well! Term starts on July 1st. If anyone is interested, please message me!
Oh that’s bad. You should edit that right away!!
@Dumblsnape I recently had a sex ed class in my past school year. I was just using myself as an example.
If this platform is for 13 years and above, you should’ve already gotten sex education. 13 year olds should know about menstruation because most of them already had their first cycle.
Menstruation is not a sexual topic. I am - years old, menstruation is normal and something that all females get unless you have a problem. It is nowhere close to being sexual.
(Moderator edit: Removing age)
@CHT64 you can delete this post if you would like. i thought about it more and since i don’t know what i’m doing, it would be best if i don’t do it.
I’m not sure how. I apologize for wasting your time haha. Good day!
@PotterHead2010G You will be learning in Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and History of Magic.
In my last post, they said it was allowed.
Hello! A few days ago I posted about teaching Hogwarts Subjects. All of the subjects except for Charms, Astronomy, and Herbology are now taken. We are now taking students as well! Term starts on July 1st. If anyone is interested, please message me!
Thanks haha.
That’s okay!
Thank you.
This isn’t what they said was advertising.
Hello, is anybody interested in teaching Hogwarts subjects? All of the core subjects are available at the moment, except for DADA. If you are interested, please message me for more details!
Hello, is anybody interested in teaching Hogwarts subjects? All of the core subjects are available except for DADA at the moment. If you are interested, my instagram is spideyss.edits, please dm me there for more details!
Well then how am I supposed to advertise for it?
In my google classroom you are supposed to make a character. You don’t use your real name.
Hello! I have a question. Instead of sharing my google classroom code, could I ask if people wanted to join and then privately share the link?
Hey guys, I am trying to put together a Hogwarts on Google Classroom! Before I can advertise for students, I need to find people that are willing to become professors for each subject. The subjects that I have available are Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, and Herbology. Defense Against the Dark Arts is already taken. If you are interested, the class code is -, and the link is below.
[Mod edit: Removing advertisement]
Oh lol