prologue (but it kinda turned into a chapter):
i'll just disappear and reappear on and off so updates might be random but i'll try to be as consistent as possible, please i have a packed schedule, two other books, a webtoon to start, and 1230980923759 wips to work on so please be patient
if you'd like to be pinged for the next updates please tell me in the comments, if there's anything you like or don't like let me know
the plot is as it was: two worlds collide. it has been years since the first transfer students had come to hogwarts, and ever since there has been peace between the nation of teyvat and the world of wizards.
the tsaritsa of snezhnaya has always been hell-bent on gaining only one thing: power. so she concocts a plan to take over the wizarding world.
so the first snezhnayan fatui student arrives.
The prologue was set several years after the main events of this roleplay. At the end of each chapter, I'll probably add a little scenario of Chongyun and Xingqiu's life at Hogwarts. This roleplay will be set several years before, when the older characters (daddy/mommy characters is what i mean) are first accepted into Hogwarts.
Also I'm too lazy to make up names for the professors so we're gonna say that this all happened sometime after the marauders era, so young enough for the professors in the hp era, but not young enough for the main hp plot
I also twisted up a bunch of logic from the original prologue, such as that Zhongli was out of school and that Kaeya was younger than him, because I didn't think that I would throw Genshin lore out the window so:
Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Jean and Lisa are all the same age (referring to the 9 3/4 scene in the prologue)
Venti is the same age as Zhongli
Ayato is also the same age as Zhongli (referring to the author's note just before we mentioned Xiao)
Xiao is the same age as Hu Tao
Also for people like me who studied Genshin lore just assume that none of the main game plot happened, so no archon war, no traveling twins being seperated, NO IMMORTAL BEINGS IN GENERAL (so the characters like Venti and Zhongli were never Barbatos or Rex Lapis in this story), because it'll make it really hard for me to wrap this plot around that plot, and I'll have to guess on ages, and also make up some random logic to fit the plot
So basically throw all genshin logic out the window because we need young zhongli for this
Because of course we need zhongli x childe
also let me throw some ocs into this
omg young zhongli sounds so cute
please i upgraded my writing since i posted the prologue
Zhongli wasn't sure what to think.
He'd gotten a letter from an owl. That alone was odd because he didn't see many owls. Between the owl and the letter, the letter was probably more perplexing.
There's magic outside of Visions?
That had been his first thought.
Now, after a very peculiar shopping trip on his own, he was on a train.
Zhongli had never been on a train. He'd heard of them from Fontaine merchants, but he'd never personally been on one. Liyue didn't have those.
But this was a different world. Somehow, he'd gone from the continent of Teyvat to the continent of Europe, and he was in London, riding a train.
He stared out the window, comforted by the sight of scenery whizzing past in the window. He was so lost in the view he didn't realize he was hungry until the rapping of knuckles against the table woke him up.
"Hungry, I bet," said a voice.
"Should we give something to him? He looks like he's depressed."
"I am not depressed," Zhongli retorted.
"Good, we can't have a depressed eleven-year-old," said the first voice. Zhongli whipped his head around to see--
"Ei," Zhongli greeted. "Venti. Good to see you."
Ei shrugged. "You look starved. How long have you been going without food?"
"You're eleven, for crying out loud," Venti complained. "You're starving, alone, and acting like you're forty."
"Am not!"
Ei shrugged. "Have some food. Not the dango milk. That's mine."
Zhongli stared at the plate they'd brought. He assumed that they didn't really know Liyue cuisines, because most of this food looked Mondstadtish or Inazuman, the Inazuman food brought by Ei, probably. He wondered who cooked it. It couldn't possibly have been Ei. Zhongli was used to chop suey from Wanmin Restaurant or tea from the teamasters' places, but he accepted the food so he didn't seem rude.
"What do you think this Hogwarts place will be like?" said Zhongli, because he purely, genuinely wanted to know.
"Probably closest to your homeplace," Ei said to Venti. "Since Mondstadt looks a lot like this country."
Zhongli glanced out the window again. "Might that be the place?" he suggested, pointing at a large castle.
"It looks like really, really old Mondstadt," Venti noted.
One of the second-years--Beidou, Zhongli recognized--was helping haul luggage down. She saw him and grinned, holding out his own stuff.
"T-thanks, Beidou," Zhongli managed. Beidou quite intimidated him. She was a good person, but she was tall and loud and everything he wasn't really. Except tall. Zhongli was tall, too.
The first-years were led all the way to a harbor-like place with boats. Zhongli was reminded largely of a very small Liyue.
They were directed into the boats--"four students per ship" was what they said--so Ei sat in the front, Venti in the middle, and Zhongli in the back. Someone else--Yae Miko, they said their name was--sat with them.
"Miko!" Ei said, apparently pleased.
Time passed. Zhongli couldn't tell whether it was long or short.
Zhongli was completely out of it as they were led someplace. He and the other first-years were led into a great hall, which turned out to be exactly what it was called. The Great Hall. It was a majestic view, almost as majestic as the Jade Chamber that Beidou's friend Ningguang wanted to build someday.
"I think I'm seasick," Venti gagged. Ei elbowed him.
"We were only on the boat for about five minutes," Ei snapped. Zhongli decided to trust her words, because Ei was naturally good at telling time.
"Shhh," Zhongli whispered. "Look, they're doing some kind of opening ceremony."
Some of the professors went up to say something--Zhongli was dazed, so he didn't listen to much of it--and then a tall, wiry woman placed a hat on a stool and started calling names after it sang an odd song, all of which were first years, so Zhongli decided he'd better listen now.
He didn't know much of the names, but he heard "Alberich, Kaeya" at the very beginning. They put the hat on his head and Zhongli wasn't sure what to expect until--
Zhongli didn't know where the voice came from. Was it the lady? But it couldn't be her voice. Was it the headmaster? Or--
It was the hat!
They'd enchanted the hat!
"Hey, it's in alphabetical order," Ei whispered. "You'll be last."
They called her name, and she trotted up to the stool. She fell out of the chair, rattled by the hat's voice as it roared "HUFFLEPUFF!" after a seemingly long moment of deliberation.
"You alright?" Zhongli whispered as she passed him on the way to the Hufflepuff table. Pride broken, she ignored him.
Several names later, a boy named Tartaglia was called. A Vision user, Zhongli realized, becoming conscious of his own Geo Vision on his back. Why was he even surprised? Ei was a Vision user. Kaeya was. A boy named Ayato Kamisato and several other people, like two boys named Hakio Kanuki and Hikoshi Shuugato and a girl named Himiko Minosaki were.
Ayato was in Ravenclaw. Hakio was sent to Gryffindor as well as his friends Himiko and Hikoshi.
This boy, though--
"SLYTHERIN!" the Hat shouted before Zhongli's train of thoughts could go on.
Zhongli wondered who that boy was. Not an Inazuman name, nor was it very Mondstadtish, and he'd never seen him in Liyue.
Could he be a Fatui boy?
Zhongli shook his head. No, I don't think that's possible.
The shape of the Vision, looked uncannily similar to those of the Fatui agents he'd fought once.
Before he could get too deep in his thoughts, Venti was sorted into Gryffindor, Yae Miko was in Hufflepuff, and there was only one girl before his turn. Her name was Yoimiya. She was sent to Gryffindor.
He was still dazed.
Some kids pushed him up, and he blushed. He walked subconsciously up to the stool. The hat whispered in his thoughts, making him shiver.
You give off Hufflepuff vibes, it murmured. But would Slytherin do? You have great potential, you see, and--
"God, I don't care either way," Zhongli said aloud, and a few people laughed. The woman frowned ever so slightly, and--
Zhongli shrugged. Fine by me, he thought. At least he was together with the levelheaded Ei and her friend yae Miko.
"Have some food," one of the older kids offered. Poyo Shuugato. Hikoshi Shuugato's older sister. "It's good, you'll see."
Zhongli looked down at his food, expecting it to be some depressing ham and some other kind of Mondstadtish food he'd seen from Venti.
"Chop suey," Zhongli recognized. "And--"
"Tea?" Ei said. "What are you, seventy?"
Zhongli thought back to the Liyue teamasters. They'd always liked him. They gave him free tea and stories.
"Well, that was a rather embarrassing first impression, don't you think?" Yae Miko mused. Zhongli realized she was talking about him.
Only when they were dismissed did Zhongli feel relieved.
ok i have a start
i used zhongli's dazed status in order to skip most of the ceremony because i forgot how most of it went
Dang it, Xingqiu thought. There were not very many people he knew in that House--some Vision users, like Kamisato Ayato and Albedo from Mondstadt with his assistant Sucrose--but no one he recognized immediately. Scanning the table again, he saw Yanfei. He didn't know her well, but she was at least from Liyue, which was a start.
Sucrose looked at him, tilting her head. Albedo studied him.
"Hydro," Albedo said. "Looks fit to be a sword user. We have two Ayatos now!"
"But does he understand politics?" said Ayato, who didn't sound like he particularly cared.
Xingqiu glanced at the Hufflepuff table, where Hu Tao and Zhongli sat together with a purple-haired girl he recognized as Ei, Zhongli's friend, and a pink-haired girl he figured was Yae Miko, Ei's friend. At the Slytherin table was his best friend, Chongyun, and Kaeya Alberich.
He didn't particularly know anyone in the Gryffindor table, which was just as well.