Liam hurriedly cast a vote for Evelyn.
Liam shivered. Oh my god. That could’ve been me.
Liam sighed. It’s not like anyone will care anyway. He quickly voted for the person he was supposed to vote for. “It’s fine.”
Liam tugged on a few strands of his hair. “Why me?”
(Liam can)
“People die if they step off, and I think we can vote,” Liam listed.
Thalia glanced at the list, not noticing her name. So tired.
Liam anxiously chewed on his lower lip. “Is this some kind of test?”
“What?” Liam asked, aghast.
Yeah sure
Ray not sure if you saw this but I put Thalia as prettiest for 4
No Thalia is prettiest for fourth
Yeah sure
I’ve got Thalia if you think anyone of your OCs would work with her
Name: Thalia Wright
Year: 4
Pronouns: She/her
S/S/S: Bi/Sure/TBD
Slot: List student (prettiest)
Personality*: Ambitious, overworks herself, easy to piss off, pretty friendly when you first meet her or if she’s less stressed
Theme song*: idk
Password: Gorgeous
Reserve list student?
Kai drummed his fingers repeatedly on the desk.
Surprisingly good drawing, Kai thought.
Kai glanced over at Axel’s drawing.
Kai yawned.