Aunt Petunia
Name: Cat(full name is Zoey Bifrost Asgard)
Age/Year: 11/1st
Gender/Pronouns: Female?she, her
Sexuality/Shippable/Ship: Straight/no
House: Hufflepuff
Patronus: Ocicat
Animagus: None
Fav spell: Expecto Patronum/Expelliarmus
Survive/Die: Survive
Kill others?: Yes(accidentally)
Personality (no, N/A is not an option): Kind, loyal, mischievous, quick-thinking
Backstory: Zoey's dad is a half-elf muggle(who had no magical powers) and her mom is a half-blood English witch. She grew up in Norway but moved to England when she was 10
Other: Got ears in an experiment gone wrong, has a pet caracal named Milton
OMG COOL(poor Draco though D':)
Name: Catfull name is Zoey Bifrost Asgard)
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Likes: Cats, pet caracal named Milton, video games, chicken nuggets
Dislikes: Milton's high pitched noises, pineapples on pizzas, bugs, ghosts
Personality: Loyal, kind, friendly
Half-cat or lycanthrope: Half-cat
Shippable/Ship: No
Cool :)
(please ignore what Cat is doing. It's just cooking gone wrong so she has to eat frozen nuggets)
*puts sticks in order to make a fire*
POV: Wait a second...
I haven't got a pan!
Cat: Ah finally I found some good sticks. That should make a fire
*takes match out*
Say "POTTAH!" everytime you see HP
Hehe Hermione's fist >:)
Name: Cat(full name is Zoey Bifrost Asgard)
Gender: Female
House: Hufflepuff
Year/Age: 1st/11
Patronus: Ocicat
Pet: Caracal(name is Milton)
Wand: Ash wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and unyielding flexibility
Sexuality/Shippable/Ship: Straight/No
Likes: Cats, loyalty, kindness, Milton
Dislikes: All bugs, ghosts, Milton's high-pitched noises, pineapples on pizzas
Personality: Loyal, kind, quick thinking
Name: Cat(full name is Zoey Bifrost Asgard)
Age: 11(can my oc not dance with a partner in the ball? I think she's underage)
School: Hogwarts
Year: 1st
Gender/Pronouns: Female/she, her
Sexuality/Shippable/Ship: Straight/no
Personality: Friendly, loyal
Other: Got cat ears in an experiment gone wrong, Norwegian-English
(Cat is alr in her robes ok? Just telling u)
Sorry, it took a long time to think of a happy memory
All of the ideas are cool but I decided Cho crying over Hinny is my fav
(anyone on?)