My sister told me something about the Deathly Hallows
I forgot what is it and said "What are you talking about?"
She said "The wand, the stone and the cloak?"
Thought for a second then remembered the actual franchise
Then I realized
We are right here, spending our time on ships and pride
I love pride, who doesn't love it?
We should celebrate it
BUT listen up, be honest, you treat pride better than Thanksgiving, New Year, Christmas or your local festivals combined???
There's only 3.5% of Gay and lesbians
But there's a lot more to do in the world!!
You can go travel
Do homework
Help someone by donating money or charity
Work at a job
Play a sport
Play a toy
Watch Harry Potter
Or any other entertainment
Even a Tik Tok
The World Isn't About "Pride"
To find real pride, "Pride Month" isn't enough
You can do so many other things and so many things that are not pride are waiting for you
Let's put pride as slavery
Black= enslaved people during the 1860s
They both
Cannot change
Proud of themselves
But did Abraham Lincoln legally make a month called "Slave Month" and everyone freak out and forgets about everything?
He abolishes slavery, he does it, not spamming "BLACK BLACK BLACK" everywhere
Though blacks are still discriminated against, they aren't slaves, so their lives got better
Plus other places in the world don't hold blacks as slaves anyone
Maybe Lincoln did spam the word "BLACK", but there's a process coming out!
I have a Chinese friend that has an old comic that is like:
A "Boomer" guy starts to protest with other "Millenials"
His friend asks him why he did this
The guy answered, "I am a member of the "Long Hair Club" and they need me to have long hair! (Normal now but strange before) I am doing this because I want to be in the limelight (get attention)!"
Then the guy continued to protest ridiculous things like "Horray for vegetables! They need love, they need rights!"
"Horray for vegetables!
This is worth a protest
(Vegetables) They need love, they need rights!
I am doing this because I want to be in the limelight (get attention)!
This is not worth a protest
Just spread pride, but not too much, because everything
And this is too much
I'm getting impatient
Please don't define yourself as pride WITHOUT THINKING OF IT
You be like "Oh I did think“ or "Oh I didn't say that"
Oh I did think
You did think about following the trend
Oh I didn't say that
Not talking about you
You are now literally trying to spread happiness, in a library, or in a exam hall
Do the right thing (You did) in the right time (You also did) in the right place (You didn't)