Are you a weasley cuz you just weasled your way into my heart and stole it away
(what are they fighting?)
"the one hour i leave my wand in my dorm*
*pulls her to the ground with him as he ducked down* (what is he ducking from?)
"would you like a drink m'lady"
*after a bit james finishes the dance with a kiss*
*walks her over to the dance floor and be gins dancing with her with surprising skill*
(lily you there?)
Form (copy && paste)::
Name:: ruka hatake
Age//year> (if a wizard):: 15 5th
Gender && pronouns:: male/he/him
Demigod?:: yes
Godly parent (for demigods):: ares
Powers*:: can make anybody for or with me
Weapon*:: wand and diamond sword
U from camp hb or hogwarts??:: both
Pet*:: dragon from underworld
Appearance:: red haired,muscular,scars here and there,and one sharingan eye in his left eye
Other:: he can be a charmer
Password::oracle of delphi
In the movies they made more funny moments and cute moments but that is not how the harry potter story is supposed to be it supposed to be
*when people start joining the champions in the dancing* "lily,my i have this dance?"
*when we are seated*
"lets find a table for now cause the champions dance first"
*james is wearing a red and gold tuxedo from spain*
"wow,you're beautiful lily"
"What time should i meet you?"
*he kisses back*
"lily,who else would i want to go with?" james said while smiling warmly
*surprised by the sudden yelling but waits for her to gather courage*
Oi mate calm down i think books are better but you are going to far about this