At least mudbloods can DO magic
How many times do you have to break the decree for the restriction of underage wizardry before you get thrown in askaban
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Ok I guess I see what you're saying
Not to the same extent however
At least mudbloods can DO magic
In all honesty though, Harry's actions do reflect characteristics of Slytherin. Trying to take on horcrux hunting by himself? That's ambition. Telling Snape his father was a great man and not a swine? That's pride. Infiltrating the ministry and gringotts to his own personal gain? That's cunning. All I'm saying is that choice shouldn't matter if all the signs point to a different house. And all slytherins aren't bad people.
Lol yes he's just special like that
Yes i agree with that much but that's a non-issue if your invisible
Do people at the ministry strike you as particularly intelligent? Or Dumbledore for that matter?
I suppose but if there's an open door or something there's really nothing in your way
I think it was more what it was associated with rather than it itself but even still if harry didn't hang onto it virtually anyone could infiltrate the ministry or Hogwarts undetected
I think he only kept it because it belonged to his father and no one had the guts to tell him to get rid of it
Yeah I agree but the loss of the stone annoyed me too ngl
Again I get your point but I feel like destroying it was sort of a waste. I feel like after he who must not be named died there was an era of peace and security while harry and his mates were aurors. This would make it more feasible for it to be protected and kept out of the wrong hands than if death eaters were still infiltrating the ministry. I dunno I just don't like the fact that the other artifacts still existed but it's not a complete set.
@Forty third as myself the only thing I was trying to do with the LOTR reference was compare it to the fact that both characters saved the world and then removed themselves from society in similar ways. I wasn't trying to change Harry's actions at all.
Snape. One sectumsempra and Merlin's outta there
Nazgul. They are so much more powerful and determined than death eaters.
I understand that but it should've been put in like a museum or something it seems wrong to just destroy an artifact like that