Name: Kamela Lynda Irvington.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 14/fourth.
Species: Human.
Personality: Kamela is a brave girl who never hesitates to stand up for what she believes in. She can be reckless sometimes.
Backstory:*. Kamela was born the sixth child of witch Mikayla Nina Irvington and wizard Pablo Luis Irvington. They had her and her younger brother late in life. Her older siblings are 30 year old sister Tiana Ola, her 33 year old brother, Nolan Mike, he 35 year old sister Tanaka Jala Faslom, her 37 year old sister Tuna Joy Yang and her 39 year old brother Eunice Tillak and her younger brother is 13 year old Laurence Omar. She has several nieces and nephews.
Powers/abilities: Super speed.
House: Gryffindor.
Extra: Is an albino.
Name: Laurence Omar.
Gender/pronouns: Male/him/his.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 13/third.
Species: Human.
Personality: Laurence is a thoughtful who always stands up for what he believes in and is willing to take risks, but now without thinking it through.
Backstory: Laurence was born rhe seventh child of Mikayla Nina Irvington and Pablo Luis Irvington. He is only ten months younger then his youngest sister, Kamela.
Powers/abilities: Fire control.
House: Gryffindor.
Name: Shayla Kamu Huntington.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 12/second year.
Species: Half-veela.
Personality: Shayla is a cunning girl who's very good at reading people. She is usually sweet.
Backstory: Shayla's mother is a veela and her father is a human. Shayla has two older brothers, 17 year old Quincent Noah and 19 year old Thomas Ronald.
Powers/abilities: Veela allure.
House. Slytherin.
Name: Isla Luisa Urchin..
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 13/third year.
Species: Half-merperson.
Personality:* She is a brave and kind girl who loves jokes and pranks, though she would never hurt anybody. She is a tomboy and loves being outside.
Backstory:* Isla was raised alone by her mother, a witch named Tiffany Elana Urchin and never knew her father. She is a only child.
Powers/abilities:* Can breathe underwater and is an extremely skilled swimmer. Can speak the merpeople language fluently and is a legilimens.
House: Hufflepuff.
Quidditch position (if also captain of the team, put that here):* Keeper.
Extra:* Has a pet cat named Muffin.
Malinda quietly worked on her homework in the library. Thanks to Madam Pince's shushing even the most friendly kids mostly left the 11 year old alone when she was in the library. The first year wanted friends, but she knew better then to ever trust anyone. After all if her own father didn't want her how could she trust anyone? She couldn't. Well expect Marshall and Yuki, but they were her younger siblings so they didn't count. Well technically half-siblings, not that that mattered. If anyone did try to interact with her she would snap at them. Quietly at first since she was in the library but louder if she had to in order to get them to leave her alone.
Akilineh was in the owlery hanging out with her pet owl Opal, who was perched on her shoulder though she saw Opal as more a friend then a pet, as the short and chubby 11 year old had always been able to speak to animals.
Rini was studying in the Ravenclaw common room. Though the extremely tall 11 year old was reserved she still wanted somebody to hang out with but she wasn't sure how to make friends. Especially since her half-giant stature intimidated many of the other students.
Sona quietly studied in the library, the fifth year prefect trying to keep her mind off of Noah. She loved learning about magic at Hogwarts but she missed her twin brother so much... Being muggleborn sucked sometimes. Fine, the only reason it sucked was because it meant Noah and her were apart most of the time but stilll!
Yolanda read in the courtyard. (All open)
Name: Sona May Billington.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: almost 16/fifth year.
Species: Human witch.
Personality. Sona is a quiet and intelligent girl who is usually buried in a book. If she isn't reading or studying she's probably fulfilling her duties as a prefect.
Backstory: Sona and her twin brother Noah were born to muggles Jonas Lukas Billington and Viola Jula Billington, who were very young when they were born. The twins were inseparable from birth. They never kept secrets from each other and were always together. The day Sona left for Hogwarts was devastating for the twins as they didn't want to be separated most of the year as Noah was not a wizard. Even though she is now in her fifth year Sona still fiercely misses Noah when at Hogwarts, their bond still as strong as it has always been. Her mother is currently pregnant with her third child.
Powers/abilities: Can control the weather and can do wandless magic.
House: Ravenclaw.
Prefect? (only for fifth years and above): Yep.
Extra: Has a pet owl named Lusa.
Name: Malinda Ginger Hudson.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year. 11/first year.
Species. Half-demon.
Personality. Malinda is a fierce girl who seems antisocial and sometimes cruel, but she actually has severe trust issues and snaps at anyone who tried to interact with her because she doesn't trust them. She wants friends, but she doesn't trust that they won't betray her so she snaps at people to keep them away. She is extremely brave and doesn't shy away from danger.
Backstory. Malinda doesn't remember her demon mother. Her human father, a wizard named Julian Malcolm Hudson neglected her from birth, as he never wanted a child, especially a half-demon one, though nothing visually separates Malinda from normal humans. Malinda always knew that she was half-demon. She was rarely acknowledged expect when her "father" was mad and saw her or she did something he didn't like, when he would yell at her. He married a witch named Paula Tiffany Lee, though she changed her last name to Hudson when she got married when Malinda was four. Her stepmother is just as neglectful as her father. Her stepmother and father have given Malinda two half-siblings, a five year old boy named Marshall Patrick and a three year old girl named Yuki Maya. Her father and stepmother are just as neglectful to them as too her, though they don't get yelled at nearly as often as she does. Because of that she has had to raise them the best she can. She was excited when she was finally old enough for Hogwarts, though she was worried about Marshall and Yuki since they were still so young, as she would finally get to escape from her parents.
Powers/abilities. Enchanced strength, speed and agility, has enchanced sight and hearing, and is an earth elemental.
House. Gryffindor.
Extra. None.
Name: Rini Augustine Johnson.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 11/1st.
Species: Half-giant.
Personality:* Rini is sweet, intelligent, quiet, and reserved.
Backstory:* Rini was born the sixth child of witch Julienna Joy Johnson. Her father is a giant who she doesn't remember. Her half-siblings are her 22 year old brother Martin Calvin, her 19 year old sister Kimberly Nina, her 17 year old brother Timothy Paul, her 15 year old sister Rayna Juana, her 13 year old brother Jim Peter, and her 3 year old sister Jewel Shiva. Her mother is a single mom.
Powers/abilities:* Enchanced strength, enchanced stamina, and spell resistance.
House: Ravenclaw.
Quidditch position (if also captain of the team, put that here):*
Prefect? (only for fifth years and above):*
Head Boy/Girl? (only for seventh years):*
Name: Yolanda Niagara Harris.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 11/1st.
Species: Half-vampire.
Personality:* Yolanda is a sweet girl who mostly keeps to herself and is quite cunning.
Backstory:*. Yolanda's mother is a vampire named Julia Grace Garrison and her father is a human wizard named John Lukas Harris. Yolanda is a only child.
Powers/abilities:* Enhanced strength, enchanced agility and enchanted senses.
House: Slytherin.
Quidditch position (if also captain of the team, put that here):*
Prefect? (only for fifth years and above):*
Head Boy/Girl? (only for seventh years):*
Name: Akilina Parvaneh Orsini.
Gender/pronouns: Female/she/her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Shippable?: Yes.
Age/year: 11/1st year.
Species: Human.
Appearance:* (Current)
Personality:* Outgoing, friendly and sweet girl who is very energetic.
Backstory:* Akilina was born the first child of wizard Rudolf Aniello Orsini and muggle Yuri Jane Orsini. She has 4 younger siblings, her nine year old brother Ruslan Arash, her 7 year old sister Inessa Niloufar, her five year old brother Penteley Zartosht, and her 3 year old sister Syuzanna Parastoo.
Powers/abilities:* Metamorphmagus and can talk to animals, both magical and nonmagical.
House: Hufflepuff.
Quidditch position (if also captain of the team, put that here):*
Prefect? (only for fifth years and above):*
Head Boy/Girl? (only for seventh years):*
Extra:* Has a pet owl named Opal.