41 Votes in Poll
Don’t show Ron, Lee! You know that any kind of spiders—including colorful rubber toy ones—are his worst nightmare!
I call him “My Little Tommy” 😂
JKJK that’s not what I’d actually call him!! “Tom” if he’s my lover or family, “My Lord” if I’m a DE or Snatcher, and “Oldy Moldy” if I’m an enemy like Harry and DA.
@CHT64 , @DragonspireStudios the above message is a duplicate of the first one, please remove it.
Lily should’ve taken Wormtail’s place—as a matter of fact, Peter Pettigrew should have been sorted into Slytherin House in the first place due to his murderous thoughts and actions!!
Where’re y’all gon’ shop—Costco?? 😂😂😂
She has 100% Ravenclaw traits, and very little Hufflepuff and Slytherin traits!!
Answers too similar and confusing? This poll quiz too difficult for you? HINT: refer to the Unforgivable Curses article page.
41 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
@CHT64 & @DragonspireStudios Uploaded poll in the wrong section (meant to post it in the “Canon Q & A” category). Please LOCK this poll; I want to recreate it in the correct category.
Thank you,
10 Votes in Poll
@MrSiriusBlack I even made you Content Moderator and Discussions Moderator a few days ago on MY created wiki as well, knowing that I can trust you with your performance! Unless you don't want to have those rights on that wiki of course, then I can remove them per your request.
Not only "Hot", but he was THE cutest actor of the series without a doubt!!
Not Draco, but I like the real actor Tom Felton, he was so cute as a kid and teen, and even still as an adult
15 Votes in Poll
Plus flying unsupported can also be used as a form of Apparition via a portal like the Dark Mark
I think Unsupported Flight is SO MUCH faster than even the Firebolt, like 3x slower than the speed of Apparition (which takes only 1 second to get from one location to another)!
@Pinkinglassess interesting quiz. I’m actually creating a Hogwarts House quiz over at Quotev (still not finished to publish yet) in the case that HPW users have not taken the quiz or cannot retake the quiz on Pottermore and would like to take my to-be-posted quiz to see different results.
Also, if you’d like, you can take my “Would Bellatrix Lestrange Approve of You?” quiz! 🙂
Don’t say Harry’s life would’ve been a little bit better should he have been sent to live with the Malfoys instead of the Dursleys; it’d be by far worse, because no doubt Lord Voldemort would have killed him—if not twice (the second time for good)—as Malfoy Manor is the Death Eater headquarters!