It was a while back, yeah.
And thanks, Marc.
Oof, Marc, c'mon, "woke?" You have a point but 😬
Okay, Grindlewald
Its called friendship
Peeves played by anyone other than Rik Mayall... Can't see it
I believe it's split between houses.
So, for example, Hufflepuff and Slytherin would have History of Magic, and Gryffindor and Ravenclaw would have Transfiguration.
I'd say Fracto Strata, from its etymology, is a LEGO-specific spell given its effect is to essentially break apart LEGO bricks.
I promise you, absolutely, 100% Ron is not going to be white. Hollywood has been blackwashing gingers for 14 years now.
Anyway, yeah, they're probably gonna go for diversity over talent or believability.
And when it comes to believability, I'll just dig out what I said a million years ago about diversity at Hogwarts in another thread:
The numbers make sense, given the diversity of Britain in the 90s + how few wizards there are in Britain following the first Wizarding War.
I mentioned the 90s specifically because that's when the books are set, and the 90s also happened to feature a noteworthy increase in diversity in the UK.
Even today, only around 13% of people in the UK aren't white. Most of the non-white British people are Asian.
There are around 1000 students at Hogwarts.
13% of 1000 students would suggest around 130 non-white students at any time.
We only particularly follow 28-ish students, and very few of those are described in detail.
13% of 28 is around 3.
Aaaand... we have Angelina Johnson, the Patil twins, Cho Chang, Dean Thomas, Blaise Zabini... We can assume Anthony Goldstein is Jewish... So... In just the group of students who make multiple, named appearances we actually have a higher amount of non-white students than the statistics would suggest.
But I don't care.
Blowing up the what?
Does Harry Potter like trains?
Humans in general do get smarter over generations.
Anyway, I think the reason is that you're taught it by a DADA teacher. Wingardium Leviosa doesn't work on people, but Levioso does and can be used as a distraction in a duel.
As for why it's it's only taught to you as an afterthought, teaching methods and priorities change over time. Perhaps Wingardium Leviosa wasn't considered a key spell excellent for learning wand control until Miranda Goshawk made the point in The Standard Book of Spells around a century after the game is set.
And the eyesocket. Lobotomy by candy.
I'm fairly sure the witch responsible appeared on a chocolate frog card.
In the 80s/90s, I think, there was a real candy that was so sour it could burn a hole in the tongue. It had to be recalled. I wonder if Rowling was parodying that.
Anyway, I think anything you can jab in someone's eye could be a weapon lmao.
The thing is, wizards can heal from all kinds of messed up injuries. Pretty much anything other than magical diseases or ailments, or curse-damage, can be healed.
Oh yey, congrats!
Sounds icky
Lmao no
Looking at this, though, Expelliarmus is just Bombarda flipped
Anyway, since I last posted these, I got myself a MegaUpload account and uploaded everything there - my edits, and the official wand movements they're based on.
The gestures all have relevant filenames, and I've included the PSD files if anyone wants to continue my work trying to standardise them all. Have at it! Feel free to download and keep any you like. Have fun.
.... Damn, I really should have labelled these. I severely lost interest after JKR started openly attending anti-trans rallies.
Going through my files it looks like I never did Expelliarmus somehow.