Harry Potter-wikin
Harry Potter-wikin

Soundtracket till Harry Potter och hemligheternas kammare kom ut 12 november 2002. Musiken är komponerad av John Williams, men bearbetades sedan av William Ross.


  1. Prologue: Book II and The Escape from the Dursleys
  2. Fawkes the Phoenix
  3. The Chamber of Secrets
  4. Gilderoy Lockhart
  5. The Flying Car
  6. Knockturn Alley
  7. Introducing Colin
  8. The Dueling Club
  9. Dobby the House Elf
  10. The Spiders
  11. Moaning Mirtle
  12. Meeting Aragog
  13. Fawkes is Reborn
  14. Meeting Tom Riddle
  15. Cornish Pixies
  16. Polyjuice Potion
  17. Cakes for Crabbe and Goyle
  18. Dueling the Basilisk
  19. Reunion of Friends
  20. Harry's Wonderous World
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