- "Adversaries resembling Gilderoy Lockhart are on the attack! Bring this dangerous situation under control and get a glimpse into The Unforgivable's reasons for unleashing Adversaries."
- — Description[src]
This event of the Calamity focused on Adversaries manifested in the form of Gilderoy Lockhart.[1]
Event Start[]
- "Harry, SOS Task Force members are reporting signs of another outbreak of Adversary activity, particularly of Adversaries resembling Gilderoy Lockhart."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "I assumed as much when the characteristic, Legilimency attack-esque anxiety and brain fog began to sink in. The Unforgivable have certainly have been keeping us busy lately, haven't they?"
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "Yes, in fact, I've noticed that the scope of the recent Adversary surges have been larger and more refined, too. Makes you wonder if they're building up to something, doesn't it?"
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "Whatever - or, perhaps, whoever - it is, I can feel a growing sense of dread building up inside, the likes of which I haven't felt since Adversaries first appeared."
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "I'll inform our agents to practise their offensive and defensive magic and to keep their guards up, even once this surge of Adversaries subsides. If this threat is what I think it is, our fight is only beginning..."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
Event End[]
- "Do you remember when we intercepted that coded letter from Lethifold to Barghest? The one that mentioned their desire to ‘bring them back’ and ‘see their noble mission through’?"
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "Of course. We theorised they wanted to "revive" Voldemort and his Death Eaters as Adversaries in order to bring back pure-blooded supremacy. Why do you ask?"
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "I had a dream about it. Turns out the letter was never intended for Barghest. In fact, there is no Barghest. The Unforgivable fabricated the whole thing. They were counting on us intercepting and decoding the letter. They even predicted we'd link Barghest to Grim."
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "I got the sense that painting Grim as the mastermind of The Unforgivable was a secondary goal. If I had to guess, I'd say the stuff about ‘bringing them back’ was also meant to mislead us. But if reviving the Death Eaters isn't The Unforgivable's goal, what is?"
- — Constance Pickering[src]
- "I feel it again, Constance. The Calamity is being pulled towards the Darkness. Another memory of a former foe, tainted by fear and hate, must be getting channelled into our world as an Adversary."
- — Harry Potter[src]
- Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (First appearance)