Burning Day was the name given to an event of the Calamity.[1]
Part I (18-25 October, 2021)[]
Harry prioritises rescuing Penelope while Hermione searches for information that could expose the identity of The Unforgivable's leader. Return Foundables themed around Ron's fifth year at Hogwarts.[1]
Brilliant Great Hall O.W.L. Exams[]
- "I've interviewed every Ministry employee in the building. None of them recalled seeing anything unusual the day someone broke into Gareth Greengrass' office and stole the portrait Penelope Fawley had been sealed in."
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "What are we going to do? Grim Fawley may be the only one who can end the Calamity and curb The Unforgivable's power. But he'll never risk cooperating with us while The Unforgivable are holding Penelope hostage."
- — Constance Pickering[src]
- "We'll just have to step up our quest to find Penelope and her abductor. Any moment I'm not spending using the Calamity to restore Ron's memories of our fifth year, I'll use to look for clues or leads I may have overlooked."
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "A tracking spell didn't reveal anything useful, but perhaps there's another spell that can shed some light on what happened the day Penelope went missing for the second time."
- — Constance Pickering[src]
- "While you two focus on finding Penelope, I'm going to conduct an investigation of my own. I believe there's more we can glean from Gareth's journals."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
Images | Name | Description | Remarks |
Brilliant Fred Weasley Return To: Entrance Hall, Hogwarts Castle |
Despite being a gifted wizard, Fred Weasley never showed much interest in academics. He instead used his magical talent to invent enchanted devices and joke products with his twin brother, George. Believing himself to have outgrown full-time education, Fred dropped out of Hogwarts during his seventh year to open a Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes store in Diagon Alley with George. He would also go on to join the Order of the Phoenix and died protecting his former schoolmates during the Battle of Hogwarts. |
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Brilliant George Weasley Return To: Entrance Hall, Hogwarts Castle |
Though perhaps the quieter Weasley twin, George was no less of a prankster during his school years. He never took his schooling very seriously either. Rather than complete his seventh year, George departed Hogwarts with his brother Fred in favour of expanding their Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes business, much to their mother's chagrin. He also joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought valiantly during the Second Wizarding War. |
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Broken Educational Decree Return To: Entrance Hall, Hogwarts Castle |
Dolores Umbridge spearheaded the creation of educational decrees like this one during the 1995 to 1996 Hogwarts school year. They were supposedly issued to address what the Ministry considered to be slipping educational standards. In actuality, they were a means of stripping Albus Dumbledore of his authority as Headmaster and controlling what students were allowed to do and be taught. |
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O.W.L. Exam Sheet Return To: Great Hall, Hogwarts Castle |
Ordinary Wizarding Level exams, or O.W.L.s as they are often called, are designed to measure fifth year Hogwarts students' proficiency in a variety of magical subjects. A student's grade on these exams - which can range from ‘O’ for Outstanding to ‘T’ for Troll - determines whether they're allowed to move on in that subject. Most O.W.L.s consist of both a practical and written exam, such as this one. Because of their importance, many precautions are taken to prevent cheating, including the use of anti-cheating spells and anti-cheating quills. |
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Dragon Firework Return To: Entrance Hall, Hogwarts Castle |
Fred and George Weasley created this brilliant dragon firework - among many others - for their Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-bangs line of enchanted fireworks. Tired of then-Headmistress Dolores Umbridge's authoritarian leadership, the twins set their entire stock off inside the castle during their seventh year. This unleashed chaos that continued for hours. It's said that Fred and George received many orders for their fireworks after their display. |
- "Ron told me you were up all night reading through mountains of documents and files. You've found a lead on The Unforgivable, haven't you?"
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "Possibly. So far all I have is circumstantial evidence, but I may have an idea on how to prove or disprove my theory."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "That's brilliant, Hermione! Constance and I haven't had much luck tracking Penelope down, why don't we give you a hand?"
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "Thanks for the offer, Harry, but I think it's best that you and Constance stay the course, at least for now.
This discovery could have serious, wide-ranging implications. I don't want to point any fingers until I'm absolutely certain my fears are well-founded." - — Hermione Granger[src]
Part II (1-5 November, 2021)[]
Brilliant Forbidden Forest II[]
- "How goes your investigation, Hermione? Are you ready to share yet?"
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "Unfortunately my theory didn't pan out. I'm afraid we've hit another dead end."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "So what now? The witches and wizards Gareth Greengrass outed as members of The Unforgivable are still in hiding, there's no trace of who abducted Penelope for the second time, and now even Hermione is stumped."
- — Constance Pickering[src]
- "I'm going to use the Calamity to reach out to Grim again. He can't stop the Calamity without putting Penelope at risk, but it might be possible to help each other get what we want while staying under The Unforgivable's radar."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "You could sell joke products to Filch, Hermione. If anyone can convince Grim that working with us is in his and Penelope's best interests, it's you."
- — Harry Potter[src]
Images | Name | Description | Remarks |
Brilliant Grawp Return To: Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts Grounds |
Grawp is the sixteen feet tall half-brother of Rubeus Hagrid and a full-blooded giant. Like his half-giant brother, Grawp was abandoned by his giantess mother, Fridwulfa, for his relatively short stature. Though initially aggressive, Hermione Granger notes that he has a gentle and compassionate side, which grew over time. |
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Brilliant Firenze Return To: Divination Tower, Hogwarts Castle |
Firenze is a centaur from the Forbidden Forest. Unlike his kin, who are notorious for their isolationist attitudes, Firenze has always been more amicable to associating with humans. He rescued Harry Potter from an attack during the Gryffindor's first year and even went on to become Hogwarts' Divination professor. This latter act was seen as a betrayal by his herd, who banished him from the colony over it. He was, however, welcomed back after his honourable decision to fight during the Battle of Hogwarts. |
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Brilliant Ron's Prefect Badge Return To: Gryffindor common room, Hogwarts Castle |
Hogwarts prefects are selected in their fifth year by their Head of House and remain prefects until they leave the school. Two prefects, one male and one female, are chosen from each House. They are tasked with helping to enforce school rules and with mentoring younger students. Ron Weasley, much to his mother's delight, was named Gryffindor prefect in 1995, along with Hermione Granger. Though he was known to bend the rules, he still proudly wore this prefect badge. |
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Brilliant Grawp's Bicycle Bell Return To: Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts Grounds |
Grawp was known to collect discarded items and trinkets. Among these was a broken bicycle handle with a small bell mounted to it. The giant gave it to Hermione Granger as a token of affection. |
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Brilliant Dolores Umbridge's Torn Cape Return To: Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts Grounds |
During her brief tenure as Hogwarts Headmistress, Dolores Umbridge became convinced that Harry Potter and his friends, under the direction of Albus Dumbledore, were plotting against the Ministry. So when Hermione Granger told Umbridge they would show her a secret weapon they'd hidden in the Forbidden Forest, a lie the young witch thought up to save Harry from the Cruciatus Curse, Umbridge eagerly followed. Once there, Umbridge attacked a centaur and was attacked back in kind. The herd took her prisoner and dragged her further into the forest, leaving only this torn cape behind. She was later rescued by Dumbledore. |
Mysterious Note[]
Name | Remarks |
1st piece |
5nd piece |
Final piece |
- "I'm not sure why you asked me to go in your stead to the meeting with Grim, but it was good you did. It was an ambush. I managed to fend the attackers off, but only because I was on high alert. Grim must have set us up."
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "He couldn't have, because Grim didn't write that letter. He never agreed to meet either; in fact, I was never in touch with him at all. I fabricated those letters and the meeting to expose Constance. I'm sorry about lying about my investigation, but with your frankly lacklustre Occlumency skills..."
- — Hermione Granger[src]
- "Hold on a moment. You think Constance is involved with The Unforgivable? But that's not possible.. She wouldn't... Where is this coming from?"
- — Harry Potter[src]
- "My suspicions started in earnest when I discovered that Constance's grandfather, Matthias Pickering, went missing around the time The Unforgivable's leader was secretly replaced. But it wasn't until Constance changed the location of the meeting place in my letter that I was certain.
I knew The Unforgivable wouldn't miss an opportunity to get their hands on Grim, so I went to the "real" meeting place disguised as him. Sure enough, Constance, using Polyjuice to assume my appearance, showed up to capture me. I managed to detain her, but there's no telling what she's capable of..." - — Hermione Granger[src]
- Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (First appearance)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Brilliant Event: Burning Day