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Christmas Calamity was an event of the Calamity, which centred around the holiday of Christmas.[1]

Yule Ball Dance Floor I[]

"Christmas is upon us, and the Calamity seems to be responding with memories from Christmases past. I've seen reports of Foundables from the Yule Ball we had at Hogwarts, Ron. For once, it seems, the Calamity isn't serving us something life or death."
Harry Potter[src]
"Says you, mate. Remember my dress robes? This is a disaster!"
Ron Weasley[src]
"Don’t worry, Ron. Everything the Calamity draws out into the world is a priority. Even those truly horrid robes your mum made you wear."
Harry Potter[src]
"I know this can't be official, but could you please prioritize everything related to the Yule Ball? That dance was not my finest hour."
Ron Weasley[src]
Images Name Description Remarks
Brilliant Hermione and Viktor WU
Brilliant Hermione and Viktor As the Triwizard Champion from Durmstrang, Viktor Krum performed the opening dance of the Yule Ball with his date, Hermione Granger. The two spent an exhilarating evening together, dancing and forging a friendship that would endure for years to come.
"Oooh, Hermione looks so beautiful. Who's that she's with, Ron?"
Constance Pickering[src]
"Him? I ub, don't remember his name. Just some random Durmstrang student. No one world-famous or anything."
Ron Weasley[src]
Brilliant Hagrid and Madame Maxime WU
Brilliant Hagrid and Madame Maxime Rubeus Hagrid met Olympe Maxime when she accompanied her students to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. He quickly became smitten with the statuesque headmistress, and they shared a charming moment together as they danced at the Yule Ball.
"Hagrid and Madame Maxime... it took me years to unsee that, and now it's back in my head. Forever."
Ron Weasley[src]
Ice Sculpture of Castle WU
Brilliant Ice Sculpture of Castle This glittering, carved ice castle was a centerpiece at the Yule Ball, lending a festive flair to Hogwarts' Great Hall.
"I didn’t pay this sculpture much mind at the time... but it’s rather pretty, isn’t it?"
Ron Weasley[src]
Punch Bowl WU
Brilliant Punch bowl Filled to the brim with delectable punch, this bowl sat among the other delicacies served at the Yule Ball event at Hogwarts.
"You know, that punch was just about the only thing I enjoyed at the Yule Ball. The House Elves outdid themselves."
Ron Weasley[src]
Grumpy Ron WU
Brilliant Grumpy Ron Embarrassed by his old-fashioned dress robes and displeased with Hermione's choice of date, Ron spent the Yule Ball in a temper, glowering and refusing to participate in the festivities - much to the dismay of his date, Padma Patil.
"Ron... what are those?"
Constance Pickering
"They're dress robes, Constance."
Ron Weasley
"Dress robes... for wearing? In public? That can’t be right."
Constance Pickering[src]
Brilliant Yule Ball Programme WU
Hogwarts Yule Ball Programme This ornate paper programme lists the evening's  entertainment for the Yule Ball event at Hogwarts.
"Looking back now, if my Yule Ball programme had been honest, it would have read, “8:00 - dinner. 9:00 - sulk in a comer like a git. 11:00 - get in a row with your future wife.”"
Ron Weasley[src]
"I thought the Calamity dredging up Yule Ball memories would be a disaster, but it hasn't been nearly as bad as I'd feared.

Now that it's over I think this will be a happy Christmas, after al.
Ron Weasley[src]

Yule Ball Dance Floor II[]

"I have so many fond memories of Christmas. The puddings, the baubles, the trees, the fairy lights... I remember at Hogwarts, I heard so much about the Yule Ball. It sounded like the most magical night ever.

I'll be honest with you, I wouldn't be sad if we didn’t return all these Foundables from this Christmas-themed surge. They're so festive!
Constance Pickering[src]
"No. No, no no. These Foundables need to be returned just as urgently as, any of the other things taken by the Calamity. You know that, Constance."
Harry Potter[src]
"You're right, Harry. We should stay focused."
Constance Pickering[src]
Images Name Description Remarks
Brilliant Fred and Angelina WU
Brilliant Fred and Angelina When his younger brother Ron complained about the difficulty of obtaining a date to the Yule Ball, Fred responded by casually asking Angelina Johnson to attend the dance with him. She quickly accepted his offer, proving Fred's point about not letting nerves stand in your way.
"After all the stories I've heard of Fred and George Weasleys antics, I'm surprised that they behaved themselves at the Yule Ball. Seems almost like a missed opportunity for mischief!"
Constance Pickering[src]
Brilliant Harry and Parvati WU
Brilliant Harry and Parvati As one of the Champions competing in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry performed the first dance of the Yule Ball  with his date, Parvati Patil.
"Looking pretty debonair, Harry!"
Constance Pickering[src]
"If I never have to wear dress robes again, it will be too soon."
Harry Potter[src]
Brilliant Christmas Cracker WU
Brilliant Christmas Cracker When pulled, this Wizard Cracker breaks open to reveal hidden treasures - anything from floral bonnet to live mice.
"I always thought those crackers looked like loads of fun when my mum and sister pulled them together! That pop always made me squeal with delight."
Constance Pickering[src]
Brilliant Chilled Pumpkin Juice WU
Brilliant Chilled Pumpkin juice Somewhat fancier than its is usual presentation, this ornate glass bottle of Pumpkin juice was served at the Yule Ball event at Hogwarts.
"Until the Ministry sent her a notice about permits and licensing, my mum used to make and sell batches of "special" Pumpkin juice for grown-ups only. It was delicious!"
Constance Pickering[src]
Brilliant Haughty Draco Malfoy WU
Brilliant Haughty Draco Malfoy Well-dressed in handsome dress robes, Draco Malfoy attended the Yule Ball with Pansy Parkinson, a fellow Slytherin student.
"Oooh, the Yule Ball! I remember looking at photographs of it when I was at Hogwarts and wishing they'd reinstate the Triwizard Tournament just so we could have one of our own."
Constance Pickering[src]
Brilliant Snowy Christmas Tree WU
Brilliant Snowy Christmas Tree Towering and dusted with snow, this Christmas tree was one of several decorating the Great Hall during the Yule Ball event at Hogwarts.
"We were never able to have a tree at my house Mom said she was "allergic" to decorating... but I loved looking in our neighbours' windows and seeing their trees, all bright and shiny."
Constance Pickering[src]
Brilliant Hufflepuff Silver Gargoyle WU
Brilliant Hufflepuff Silver Gargoyle Turned shining silver for the occasion, this gargoyle was part of the décor during the Yule Ball event at Hogwarts.
"I remember when I was ten years old and my grandmother came over for Christmas. She was a Hufflepuff and she had a badger brooch that I pilfered to play with. I spent the rest of Christmas locked in the attic. Ha!"
Constance Pickering[src]
"Uh, that sounds horrible, Constance."
Harry Potter[src]
"What? We kept all our books in the attic. There was no place I'd rather be."
Constance Pickering[src]
"Well, it looks like the Calamity has returned to normal. And just in time for the holiday to start!"
Constance Pickering[src]
"Constance... what are your plans for the holiday?"
Harry Potter[src]
"I heard that my family will be having Christmas at my sister's new house this year, but they haven't sent me any details... or her address..."
Constance Pickering[src]
"Ah... well, if that doesn't work out, would you like to have Christmas dinner with us?"
Harry Potter[src]
"Christmas with the Potters? That would be lovely! Thanks, Harry!"
Constance Pickering[src]


Notes and references[]
